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  • zhianjo

    i noticed when you restart your iPhone everything is back to normal and the theme icon is back again. And i did paid the first ten gems and now the countdown of the time is also normal again.


    I’m averaging 7 Fans per run so far.

    I need 110 of them just to hit the 40 token milestone in the Challenge.

    At this rate, collecting enough Fans to hit 550 tokens in today’s Challenge might actually require more gems than I’m willing to spend.


    I have found the same thing. I have averaged 7 fans after playing 7 times.

    Drover’s Dog

    The 550 tokens for today’s challenge seems to unattainable at the rate of fans per run. After having to spend firstly lot of gems to reduce the wait from 136 years is a distinct disadvantage.


    @diamond72 6000 tokens for yet Another Optimus bird?! Are you kidding me!! Ugh seriously what happened to the days where you could put there birds on a mission and get the new character huh?
    Well guess I won’t be getting sleep until i reach that goal which is pretty much impossible during this first challenge.


    Also how many fans is everyone getting? I got mainly 7 with only one run having 12 fans. Do you think rove wants us to be spending gems on this comp only cause this first place guy has 123 fans so I’m not sure if he/she has a lot of gems or whether they are bots.


    I started with 1 charge did the run and got 4 Fans. I started dead on time but my 4 Fans never got onto the board, the leader had 65 Fans WTF is going here,then it told me my full charge would be in 21 days and I thought WTH but reading others I was lucky with such a low number.
    Likewise I had to use 10 gems to bring the charge back into line. Then became very angry as I got 3,4,0,1 fans. I just can’t work out how and way Rovio keep on messing these comp’s up with node runs being so inconsistent on the number of items available to collect.
    All in all there is IMHO only 1 prize to go for and that’s EOP. as we got no idea what the 4 hats mean at that price, then coins ah well enough said.


    I can’t see many EOP being dished out. You’d need more than a couple of first places, I think, to hit the required average of 750 tokens a day for eight days.


    Played another bunch this morning.

    Overall I’m averaging right at 7 Fans per run.

    My lowest single tally has been 5, which I’ve hit several times.

    My single highest tally is 12, which I’ve only hit once.

    For those keeping track, you need 110 Fans to hit the 40 token level and 150 Fans to hit the 50 token level.

    At this rate, my guess is that even if you play every “free” run, you’d still need to use gems to recharge at least 3 or 4 times to get enough Fans to get to the 100 token level.


    I can confirm that you would need to spend gems and I quite a lot to hit the max token payout. With the recharges taking 52 minutes per energy bar and with a 7 fan average per run you’d need to spend gems and not just rely on the set recharge rate to max out. Now you might still win the challenge that day. But, I think they’ve set the fans available per run and the token payout too far apart.


    I saw post that said the 100 Token level in today’s challenge is at 350 Fans.

    There’s no way in he!! I’m spending enough gems to get to that, when I’m only averaging seven Fans each time I play a Challenge node.


    Does anyone know if the recharge rate is linear (i.e. the same recharge rate for each bar), or is it less for each successive one until full? For example, my first bar said 57 min until a new one was available would it be a full 57 minutes for the second bar? My impression from the previous challenges is that the subsequent bars take less time to recharge, but that is not based on measurement. It’s based on how many bars I expected to have after a couple of hours.



    It should be one bar every 60 minutes. The countdown timer only shows when you’re completely empty, not when you have one or more bars recharged.



    I know that the timer doesn’t show the recharge time after there is one recharged bar, but it seems like it might take less time for each successive bar to recharge until you have 4 bars. I haven’t timed it though. That is what I was asking about.


    I know that. And from what I’ve seen, it’s exactly 60 minutes for one bar or 240 minutes for all four bars. It’s like the coin farm where you get 100 coins (before squad multiplier) every sixty minutes or 400 coins every 240 minutes.


    So things ended quite differently than I’d expected today (Day 1).

    I’d expected to reach the 100 token level in the Challenge, but wind up somewhere around 3rd or 4th place in the Competition.

    Instead I only managed to hit the 70 token level, but managed to squeak into 1st!

    Let’s see how Day 2 goes.


    I began the day 2 challenge 3 hours ago (Hawaii time zone) and based on my runs and lower level scores, it looks like there are about 12 envelopes per run average. When I began the leader had 168 and at the 3 hour mark had 398. At an average of twelve thats 30 plus missions/runs in 3 hours. How much do you need to spend to do 10 runs per hour, something seems amiss here, anyone have any ideas? Makes me think why bother!!



    As @20qmindreader mentioned above, the Day 2 challenge has a forest node where it’s possible to hit 100+ targets (red envelopes today) in a single run.

    We saw the same thing in the previous special events.

    So it’s totally random. Which sucks, I agree.


    @optimuspig Thanks, I appreciate, but new info, I just go into the challenge and that leaders name is gone (less than six hours in), and there is a new name there with a little bit more in tokens. The original name not on the leader board, even though their previous token count would have them in second place. This is incredibly curious wouldn’t you say?


    Yep if you can keep hitting a forest run then you’ll win the comp unless they send out a soft update to cut it back.
    I played 4 runs after I woke up this morning and hit a forest run and got 75 as I missed a lot with the the wrong ABT, I just did a run after a normal charge and hit 102 and ended up with 86694 coins.


    1. I’ve found that not all forest nodes give you the huge mass (100+) of targets. I’ve run two that just gave a regular amount (i.e. in the teens to low 20s in targets), and there’s also a variation that gives you around 65.

    2. Without the “super-forest” nodes, the payout (in relative terms) is actually worse on Day 2 than it was on Day 1. I’ll explain:

    I’ve been keeping close track of today’s results so far, and I’ve found that if I strip out the results from the super-forests, that I’m averaging just under 20 targets per run. Even with the super-forests I’m only averaging 30 targets per run. Compare this to an average of 7 targets per run on Day 1. Seems like an improvement, doesn’t it? But here’s the catch (analysis appears below):

    If you look at the Challenge “ladder”, the token levels have been set at:

    Day 1: 10, 30, 70, 110, 150, 190, 230, 270, 310, 350

    Day 2: 50, 150, 350, 550, 750, (950, 1150, 1350, 1550, 1750 – I’m assuming these last five based on the pattern).

    As you can see, the Day 2 Challenge thresholds are set at exactly 5x the Day 1 thresholds. However as I noted above, on Day 2 I’ve been averaging 20 targets without the super-forest, and 30 targets with the super-forest. So in both cases, I’m well below 5x the Day 1 average of 7 targets per run.

    Conclusion: even if you hit the super-forests, in relative terms it’s going to be even more difficult on Day 2 than it was on Day 1 to earn tokens in the Challenge.

    As for the Competition, well it’s all luck of the draw if you hit the super-forest (and whether or not you want to spend a huge amount of gems to improve your chances of doing so by simply running more nodes and hoping one of them shows up).


    Since your post I’ve only just noticed the diff between the prizes are a lot higher. I’ve hit 3 big runs so far and am on 380 in 6th place 1st has nearly 600


    My first-place competitor has 924 points already!!! : ( *headdesk*


    The Beach nodes are the absolute worst today. Yielding between 10-12 targets. If you hit a lot of those, you’re toast.



    I wouldn’t be surprised to see a ton of leap-frogging of places today, and I’d bet there’s going to be a lot of people who get scooped in the last few minutes.

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