Upcoming Event- Halloween (Witch/Elite Witch)

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  • Bubbley

    @shapokomanbeast I hope you managed to get some sleep! I haven’t asked for compensation. They did reimburse me a few seasons ago when my game kept freezing. I didn’t ask then either but I told them how many LC I spent. They also gave me an additional 500 “for my trouble”.

    I do feel badly treated but logic tells me it’s not personal. Their cheat detection mechanism is flawed. I am sure I am not the only honest player in this situation. I just happen to know about it. What I don’t understand and what makes me cross is why they can’t fix it.

    It’s not just about me either as long as they are using the same method to catch cheats they will continue to mislabel honest people. It’s just wrong yet they can’t do anything about it. I find that hard to believe.

    Sorry to rant.

    I hope your Arena week is going well. Thank you for your concern. It helps a great deal.



    At least you didn’t steal your name from a C grade wrestler like a certain Manbeast ?


    Glad to see they’re giving you something at least. I have no idea if you need mastery but this event thing is a big g deal if you do need mastery. Don’t let them off the hook for that.


    @bubbley They gave you 500 LCs? Wow, that’s generous of them.

    Haha, I guess we all have our own “origins”.



    Managed to get another hour of sleep so at least that’s something, thanks.

    @datguygamer could probably give you a more thorough explanation as to why they aren’t successful catching cheats but I too find it unbelievable that they can’t screen for individual cheater profiles that have been 100% proven and ensure the game never allows that profile even if someone else were to try it.

    When I asked them about it they said to go after individual cheats would consume all their time, which is true but I don’t know why they couldn’t hire a temp to just track all arena boards in a week. If I can take 300 screenshots in my spare time of arena boards I don’t see why this isn’t possible except for the fact that Rovio is already downsizing and heaven forbid they spend money on helping honest players.

    They told me in response to my rude reply that it basically “is what it is”. I didn’t mind considering how rude I was to them and they did give me 400LC’s but quite frankly that is an unacceptable attitude.

    Ranting aside this week has been an awesome week in my league and not just because I’m in first. I am in a league with @jacek-jedrzejowski and from all indications there are no cheaters but
    just heavy grinders. This is the epitome of what the arena can be at it’s best. I don’t mind the heavy grinders because the competition motivates me and makes achieving victory a sense of accomplishment. Of course I may change my tune on the last day if cheaters surface but right now I’m in ABE utopia…if only for a week ?


    @shapokomanbeast I see. Still, never thought they would offer LCs for free that equates to the third highest package in the shop.



    I’m never sure if the money spent previously is a factor(although it shouldn’t be because time is money and to me Rovio has wasted players time in some degree or another in both events and arena and these players should be compensated for their time if the rewards for that time aren’t fulfilled). In this case my last purchase was very recent because I’m going to need LC’s for newer set items and I had thought new banners for arena(although seeing them in action I’m not sure about that).

    I told them I wanted a refund if they couldn’t prevent a character from using a swear word for a whole arena week without consequences in a children’s game. I told them if I had to I would go to Rovio in person for a refund. Instead of that they gave me 400 LC’s which is 100 LC’s shy of what I had purchased.

    In the past when I first complained they would give me 60 LC’s, then for about a year they never gave me anything and I never asked or pushed for it. Ever since that mastery reward wheel debacle I referred to earlier, I decided that I would ask for a refund if they let negligence be an answer for my troubles in the game. That and mentioning fraud are my goto’s when I feel that Rovio has slighted other players and I with their greed and nonchalance and have cost us time and energy.

    Again I’m not sure if it works for everyone(even though it should) or just because I’ve spent money on the game.


    @shapokomanbeast Now that you mention it, I also have invested money in Epic and they have repaid me back.


    Since I have said nothing about my board situation so far, here goes:

    All players on my board are playing. But only the top 6 or 7 people on my board are actively competing. So far I’m able to hold onto #2.

    I already collected all Ghosts and Pumpkins. I also got one each of Bones, Ectoplasm, and Candy, from watching ads.


    @shapokomanbeast that’s too funny! I also have thought of the Newfie thing associated with @datguygamer . I imagine all his vast knowledge aloud in that accent, which always makes me smile. Can you envision the tech support there? Littered with “baey”‘s etc :)


    @pointless Haha, so from today onward, I am officially “that data guy from Newfoundland”. XD


    So I was snooping around and I was correct. The new set items for the arena are not in the obtainable list in the game! They are there but we cannot get them at the moment from our own GAPM but they can be obtained from a friend roll.

    Hahaha, my 100 Lucky Coins were wasted for nothing. -_-

    They finally fixed the count/max count thing. Not something major but I just noticed that. Also a quirky thing they did during one of the patch updates, the game now calls Experience Potions as Flasks of Smart Feathers.


    @datguygamer you may think so. I struggled to play because my game froze if either bomb or chuck raged. I will add not by me because I knew I should not make that move. Of course the opponent was unaware. I spent all the LC I had accumulated. Rovio did give me the coins but they forbade me to use bomb or chuck until they managed to fix the problem. Believe me it hampered my play.


    @suzyq I am really sorry I have not posted earlier that I am worried you are not able to play. The wheel rewards are not something of concern but I would very much like you to win EWitch. What can I say; I know nothing about computer speak etc. I will say that I had major problems some time ago and @angryde helped me. So I do know that you can uninstall and reinstall numerous times without losing anything providing you have a Rovio account.

    There is still time for you. I am keeping everything crossed.


    @bubbley When you say your game freezes, is it because of the game or the device? Also, is this problem now fixed for you?


    @datguygamer it was a problem with the game. Rovio did manage to fix it but not until I had missed a whole season of play. Plus a further season not using vengeance or retaliate and a further season going through numerous hoops at their request. I feel I earned my compensation “for your trouble”.

    However I did not request or expect it and therefore I am grateful.


    @pointless; @datguygamer

    Yes in some places in Newfoundland it can truly be another language altogether but I love the people there. If I could get a job there I would move there in a heartbeat.

    Reminds of my all time favourite Newfie joke(well 2nd, other one’s too long): “Did you hear they caught 2 Newfie terrorists? They caught Bin Fighting and Bin Drinking but haven’t caught Bin Working yet”?

    I do apologize if I offended any on this site with that one, I find most Newfie’s like that joke(when it was relevant anyway). Any from the Middle East I apologize though


    @shapokomanbeast I haven’t heard that one before! ROTFL



    My #1 favourite joke is too long and I won’t post it here but look up “Newfoundland Declares War On U.S” joke and I guarantee if you haven’t heard it before it will not disappoint. Plus it’s not offensive in the least?


    @shapokomanbeast Lol, that is a funny joke indeed. I love it. XD


    @smwforever45 @bubbley @suzyq @shapokomanbeast @pointless @kennymcc @dallasreds @kennymcc

    So found some, uhh, “interesting” things in the code and well…But before you pick up your pitchforks and torches at Rovio, let me make it clear that these are currently in beta and may get scrapped entirely later. Game developers constantly write new codes and then discard it when they don’t get an approval from their superiors and thus same may happen here. So here goes: I have written down these in basic ADB format rather than the Java-C++ mixture they use.

    get_gamedata_playerdata_playerboard_if cheat
    return -1=player_profile <id>:”CHEATER”
    return id=1 for cheat_-game score=>13880_change_score
    for team-over=”power”

    What this essentially means is that since they reworked the mastery system, most opponents in arena are now tougher and so far I have seen all of them with complete sets (both birds and banner). So what they are doing is making the game tough to get high scores like 120K and etc etc that we were used to seeing. In this case, if someone gets a score of 80K or above in the current premise, he has a possibility of being labelled a cheater. Yeah…

    And this is where it gets more interesting:

    <for_coin> coin=_chance_system<4>
    _toss_tossflip=<4> for toss_tosslose=<1>
    toss(toss_win)<win_loss>=<1> return “null”
    stat_toss=1_return 0 return val=0

    What THIS means is that if someone has been labelled as a cheater, he/she has a 100% chance to lose their tosses for the rest of the week. Remember, this is still in an unused section of the game (under their anti-cheat system) and may get discarded so please don’t get angry and start another war here. I thought you people would be interested to know this, so I posted it. Sending mails to Rovio won’t help since it is not a thing yet and who knows, it may never be one.


    @datguygamer are you saying that in the current version, the one we are playing, that a score of 80k will label you as a cheat? Or is this for the unreleased version?

    You mention that playing the Arena will become harder. It certainly is not at the moment. Yes all CG opponents have set banners and equipment but they are still easy to beat. Real opponents will have the same with stronger banners but they cannot be stronger than it’s is possible for anyone to achieve. For several seasons I am nearly always matched with players more powerful than me but I still win. Currently a score of 85k is achievable with very little effort.

    As for losing tosses I already do. It’s still easy to achieve 85k. I rarely lose a banner.

    I am not playing next season. However I hope this gets scrapped for thousands of honest poeple will find themselves in my shoes.

    edit: since cheats don’t actually play, the punishment of losing the toss will only hurt the honest grinder. I begin to think that Rovio just have one brain stretched between far too many people.



    @bubbley All of this is in v1.5.3 and so far this system is completely a new and/or beta one including arena opponents. Strong is subjective in this case. Since you are playing against the AI, obviously you have more of a control on the battlefield than the computer.

    However, what I meant was that the opponents are tougher than they used to be in terms what stats they had and what they have now.



    No pitchforks here but I find that interesting?

    When I berated Rovio the last time I also told them they could solve problems easier in the arena by either wiping out the daily objectives completely or by reducing them down to double digits like 35,15,10. And then have your prizes on the reward wheel be like 18,9,5,3(for diamond league). In my mind this would eliminate big jumps in points(or make them more recognizable)and keep the competition close in the arena. Of course having no data guy knowledge whatsoever I’m not sure this would solve anything. Would it be a feasible solution?



    Lol on the one brain comment ?


    Please let us know if Rovio is able to give you LC’s in an in-app promo. That would be big time.?


    @datguygamer OK the CG opponents may be tougher than they used to be.”Real” players can only be as strong as any of us have the potential to achieve. We can therefore have a level playing ground.

    It means that players who currently gain about 85k each week will still do so without cheating. For example I generally complete my objectives in the evening. Over my morning coffee I may play 30 to 40 minutes. This brings my score to about 85k in Diamond League. Many many honest players easily achieve this.

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