Sonic Dash

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  • Whyvez

    I’ve been reading the different posts and here’s what I’ve been doing for the last week.

    First, I have no FB friend,for this game ;-). All my FE have come from lower set items or arena set items that I’ve sold. I have 249 FE because I rarely use them. I never re-roll. I think I will need to use some of them in the last part of this event. 6000 exp. points are worth it.

    Second, I always use Chuck as a Wizard w/lightning set and the Blues as Skulkers w/ballista set. I use Skulkers’ passive attack first than Sonic goes for the strongest guy and Chuck gets the Chili (I start with a full Chili, best use of my LC other than Class). In the 3 stamina fights, I often clean the board in one wave. Chuck and The Blues are at level 10.

    I have 20 Red Ropes and plenty of time to get 5 more. I only play the 3 stamina after I 3-stars the other stages. Not worth it to go and do the 7 stamina. You need to use potions and you can only get a maximum of 2 prizes if you don’t re-roll or use stamina to play again. With the 3 stamina stages, I can try 5 times without using my potions and I usually get at least one of the resources needed. I once got lucky and got 4. Yeah!

    For the rest of the event, looks like 5 more stages to go for the White Wool and the earlier you get them, the more time you will have Golden Cloud open. If I remember, in the Red event, you could only go back every 24 hours in the Cloud.

    Good luck everyone!


    @mvnla2 I guess it depends on your priorities. If all you want is to get to the Golden Clouds, you don’t need to be farming now. If you want to earn Illusionist for “free”, then 72h to earn the necessary … Wool?


    Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’ve been playing about as much as I can – as above, my score is closing in on 33,000… It takes quite a few 125+x+x spins to get there.


    @sutekh137 — You’re right. I didn’t look at it carefully enough.

    — Once you have a FB account for gaming, you can get FB friends through the Epic friends thread here. I have 5? pages worth of friends for Epic (~50). They are all ABN members.
    When you have FB friends, you can send them a request once a day for FE through the green or blue totems in the nest. You will only get 5 gifts per day, no matter how many are sent to you. You will get requests from your friends (and their gifts) in the green totem.
    When you play a level that requires a borrowed bird, you get to choose among all your friends. You can borrow a bird from a specific friend once every 12 hrs??? However, the game chooses which bird you get offered. I think the class, weapon, and off-hand item for the bird are determined by how your friend has their birds currently configured.


    @AMSlimfordy — I’m trying for the free class, and I have all the objects so far. I just didn’t want people to think all was lost if they didn’t get the objects before the next gate opened. I was wrong about when the GP cloud opened, as sutekh137 pointed out.


    There seems to be no rhyme or reason to getting the ropes (or other stuff). Yesterday I got zero for the first 8 battles, and I got 3 from the total 19 battles I did. Today I started with 3 from 5 battles. All doing the second 3 star battle. I couldn’t be bothered with the first 3 star battle because of the big fish.

    I was so frustrated with spins yesterday that I considered just doing the 7 stamina battle and re-spinning with FE. But I want to save all my FE, just because that last prize wheel can be a bit unreliable.

    Even if I don’t get all the ropes, I am in the fortunate position of having plenty of stamina drinks to achieve what ever I want.

    People were asking about leaderboard scores. The top player on my lb has a score of 46,000 (he started racking up his score early) and second is at 36,000.


    @dragonofheart73 Lucky you. I’m using iPhone 6 Plus with 16GB and IOS 8.4.1. Game is always frozen when I used Sonic’s Mirror on Chuck and finish all pigs with at least one bird still active


    @oobear — The best strategy I’ve found for avoiding crashes is never to use Sonic’s passive ability on Chuck (whom I always use), and to make sure there are no unused turns, especially for Sonic, at the end of a level. This doesn’t avoid all crashes, but reduces their number a lot. It obviously is not the best strategy if Sonic’s passive ability were not bugged, but it seems to work most of the time.


    @mvnla2 thanks for reply. I had to use similar strategy, mirror on Blues, use all other birds, then Blues clean up. If any bird is unused, the game is frozen. In that case, I have to press pause button then return to map.


    Did anyone just get a visual bug or update on the red rope collection? Originally it required 25 ropes, but now it says it only requires 20 and now the white cloths only require 25 down from 30.

    Seems a bit reassuring now that the farming won’t be as tedious, but still feels a little out of the blue.



    Yes. I just restarted the game and the ropes are down to 20 and the white balls of wool(?) are down to 25.



    Few minute ago I’ve notice that the number of object useful to obtain the new class of chuck are decreased a little: 25 -> 20 red rope and 30 -> 25 white wool…

    someone else had notice that? (I was lucky, because before this update I’d just obtained the 20th red rope :D

    (Admin note: Fertal’s message was actually posted before the similar, but held for moderation.)


    Just noticed this as well when I was coming back to get my last rope this morning. I’d like them to credit forward the extras I had… ;)


    Yeah, looks like someone was listening to all my whinging (as well as the observations of others…). *smile*

    Pretty good thing, too, as the game crashed 3 out of 4 times this morning as I was trying to get the last three ropes I needed. Not sure what was up with that.

    Regardless, I feel better about being able to enjoy the last 72 hours a bit more, though it still would have taken me the full 72 to get 25 ropes. Hopefully my spin luck is better for the wool.


    Green Whacker

    Sure glad I didn’t burn any gems or stamina to get the “vanished red rope items” otherwise there’ll be hell to pay.

    Although since I got 25/25 of red ropes, would be nice if they could move the extra 5 over to white wool. Ah well.


    Hey guys,

    Our fellow Rovians @roviohuzz and @roviobeni have already commented on this thread, but I thought I’ll join too.

    The Sonic Dash event has been suffering from a lot of issues, as you all have noticed. We really do our best to fix the problems. Obviously, the best thing would be that the event (and the game in general) would work as it is supposed to from the beginning, and that we wouldn’t have to fix anything while the event is live. This is a point of improvement for us, and I assure you that we’ll learn from this going forward.

    Feel free to tag also me in your comments and questions. Similarly as Huzz and Beni, I can forward them to the game team. You can also contact us at The Support Team is a bit swamped right now, but we surely reply to every request as soon as possible.


    For the record:

    Golden Clouds Dungeon costs 10 Stamina to play, and can only be played once per day.


    The Golden Clouds dungeon appears to give 10 LC and a lot of snoutlings (wealthy rogues, spin at the end, etc.)

    Watch out, the last Golden Pig hits hard, hard enough to kill Chuck if you are using him (as a lot of us do).

    And it requires using a friend’s bird, so dust off ol’ Piggy McCool if you don’t have any friends to borrow from. *smile*

    Other than the last Pig, though, it is fairly easy. I used Chuck (Wizard) and Bomb (Sea Dog) along with Piggy McCool. And I was lucky when the last Pig decided to hit Bomb. One in three chance he’ll go after Chuck, and he would kill Chuck in one blow…


    PS. Thanks for listening, Rovio, and decreasing the items needed for the new headgear!


    FWIW, I’ve been using Paladin (Dragon Set) + Sea Dog (Scissors set) for all Sonic levels, and haven’t had a crash as long as I don’t use Sea Dog’s Rage ability or use Sonic’s buff.

    With those two birds, there’s no need for the buff, and I prefer Chuck’s rage ability (after hitting the baddie with Sonic). All levels have been fairly easy.


    I just had another strange bug: I knocked out the remaining first wave opponent of a two wave battle with my last bird when the two additiona crabs appeared. All the other times I had this, the game would freeze. This time, the knocked out opponent reappeared with about the health he had at the beginning of my move, and performed his charged attack immediately, knocking out my blues. Oh well, I guess 2 stars is better than a freeze.

    Pam Jonery

    So I get the 25 red ropes yesterday only to find that this morning I needn’t have bothered! Glad I didn’t use any resources to get them. Meanwhile, I’m now absolutely 100% certain that the key to no crashes is what I’ve been doing because I have had zero game freezes while using my method, yet on the odd occasion when I accidentally knock out all the enemies before using all my birds, the game freezes on me. This can’t be coincidence. So I shall continue with my method and suffer no wasted battles!

    It’s the least they could do, given the debacle that this event has been! There haven’t even been any discounted drinks offered this time around which is very unusual.


    Oh, and the battle against Dr. Eggman froze on using Bomb’s chili ability again. 7 stamina drinks gone. Am I seriously supposed to knock out a 24k health opponent without using the chili?

    Pam Jonery

    @vigilante How come there have been no discounted stamina drinks offered this time around? Every event I’ve taken part in for the past 18 months has offered these at least once and often twice. This is by far the most difficult event considering the game freezes and loss of stamina, although the situation is now slightly improved considering the reduced goal for the white rope. Given how infrequently I get a hit though, it may still be tough to get to the 20 needed! Unlike some here, I don’t have oceans of friendship essence for unlimited spinning of the wheel.

    Green Whacker

    I used rage chili on Chuck (Wizard) when defeating Dr. Eggman and didn’t freeze on me so guess it depends on which bird is used?

    Pam Jonery

    @oobear The key part of what you said there is ‘with at least one bird still active’. I never ever experience the freeze when I’ve used all my birds, doesn’t matter what’s going on (ie mirror, sonic etc). Make sure you use all your birds (even if you don’t need them) before making the final strike against the enemy.

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