Mastery Points

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    And one Dojo visit after the Event, and all now M61 :)
    Done (for the time being at least).

    Once again cue AIC


    @smwforever45 I have a couple birds right at mastery level 60 and they need 10,460 and 10,360 to get to master level 61.

    Also have one that just hit 59 and needs 10,055 to get to 60. So your guess at the 10,350 for that level seems about right.


    @smwforever45 Confirmed mastery from 60 to 61 is 10,495.


    M52 to M53 – 8,945 or thereabouts… if I’m out, I’d say it’s only by 5.


    I think these are pretty much spot on but definitely not be out by more than 5, as I crawled over the line on them…
    M52 to M53: 8945 (Skulkers)
    M52 to M53: 9120 (Lightening Bird)
    M54 to M55: 9295 (Pirate)
    M55 to M56: 9470 (Tricksters)


    Just to explain, in case you are wondering why I’m still posting on stuff you confirmed days ago…. I wrote those updates on Friday and Saturday but it seems to have awhile for them to have been approved, I assume, as they were my first posts.


    Yup, your first posts are always under moderation first, that is to avoid spammers and people that only created accounts to advertise. This’ll change once you post more.

    All the values you posted are accurate, thanks for confirming yet another time :P
    We should focus on collecting new data, instead of re-re-confirming known data, though. That’s for the future. ;)


    Update 1.5.4 no longer uses Caves that all match your level. Cave pig levels scale up as you go to higher Caves, so, for example, 4-5 is a decent place to farm again when just using two birds and auto-play.



    I just modified that. I actually changed this paragraph just a few days ago because I thought it wasn’t just a bug… agh. Oh well.
    Since it seems that the pig level/mastery correspondence has also been changed, that’s also going to require an update.


    I know the new update just came out but (I haven’t updated) so I don’t know if they adjusted the Mastery 61 issue but I have confirmed that (under the first patch) Mastery 59-60 is 10,280.



    There was no way to know if the auto-level nature of the Caves was intentional or not, so your change made total sense…



    My “61” collection :)



    Love it! And, heh, we equip the same “defaults”… My go-to trio is Wizard/Sea Dog/Spies!

    (I just got everything to 61 today…)



    @kennymcc @sutekh137

    Congrats to both of you :)


    I usually use Paladin/Wizard/Spies.


    Thanks, hope that u will hit all “61” soon too :)

    The Dark Knight

    i am still using the 1.5.3 version. I will change the game when i will be forced to change it. So yeah i am trying to get as much as possible more mastery points from the 11-4 cave.


    @kennymcc Nice! The only difference in equipped classes is that I have Treasure Hunters while you have Spies.



    I like Seadog because I have whatever set on Bomb that deals crazy damage when an opponent is below 50% health (the hook and compass, whatever that is). Very handy against the more boss-like pigs, as in certain Event stages (very handy against enemies like Tinker Titan, too). Paladin’s healing really cannot be beat, and I love Red, but I hardly take any damage at all in Event battles — so Bomb/Seadog gets the nod. In the Arena, yeah, Seadog struggles, but I don’t play the Arena.


    Thanks, though a lot of my advancement was from waaaaaay back when I exploited the time-zone bug when the Golden Pig was the weekly progression of daily challenges. I amassed many, many LC that way. I had to grind a lot, too, but those LC helped me get to level 15, then getting to 61 on the new scale was not that hard (especially with the event offering mastery and the Dojo getting turned back on).

    If they raise max. mastery again (which it is said they will likely eventually go to level 80), I will not be advancing any more. I’m done grinding, so that will probably mean the end of me playing Epic! Going from mastery 61 to 80 would require something like 250,000 medals per class, and I’m just not doing that. I’m of the opinion they should stop trying to make Epic be something for everyone from newbies to veterans and simply make Epic 2. Anything else they do feels like a money grab at this point, and Epic’s foundation appears to be a house of cards made out of buggy code. Time to start fresh.



    @sutekh137 So that makes two of us we know of regarding LC.



    Who is the other? I can’t remember the name of the person who revealed the exploit…




    Heh, well, you are “dat guy”. *smile*

    I looked back at old threads and it was Immortal Larry (@larry) who I heard about the exploit from. Had a nice little discussion about exploits, etc. I don’t play the Arena so I have never felt bad about maximizing my teams potential with ostensibly ill-gotten gains. Mainly, I did it for the Caves. Now there do not appear to be any new Caves coming out…

    The strength of my team does not even appear to affect my performance in Events, as I can barely stay in the two-star range these days (I think everyone has more FE and stamina than me, and I am long since broke in terms of LC…)


    The Dark Knight

    @smwforever45 do you know how much mastery gives now the 11-4 cave at 1.5.4? Also that cave it looks like very easy now!




    Well I didn’t come up with the exploit but by “me” I meant other than you, I am also one other guy who exploited the Golden Pig battles back in v1.0.8.

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