Arena Season 7

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  • RedYoshi45

    Just had one of the fastest matches EVER while I was grinding for arena points. X3
    Me (Elite Paladin w/Dragon, Wizard w/Reset, Capt’n) against Paladin w/Dragon, Thunderbird w/TL, and Spies w/Beep. Enemy begins and knocks out Chuck. I rage with Bomb and manage to knock out Paladin. Bomb and Chuck knock out all my remaining birds – and themselves due to my Vengeful emblem. Two turns pass with no actions, then my Chuck is the first to revive. Attacks the banner and resets Paladin’s almost full revival counter. My other birds revive too and all attack the banner. Enemy Chuck revives and uses Rage Chilli to KO all my birds but Red who is left with very low health. I use the Rage Chilli on him, he targets the banner and insta-destroys it with almost 10k damage. I win with 2 stars, in less than a minute. That battle was one of the more amusing I had. :D


    @Yoshi That sounds fun, but I wouldn’t call it fast. My fastest battles against equal power opponents consist of two turns, with no opponent action in between because all his birds are knocked out. My Spies with Ballista do over 10,000 damage when they do a critical hit, they’re buffed by Cap’n and the banner is debuffed by Thunderbird. Two or three hits like that, plus the other Birds’ damage, and the battle is over. Of course, it depends on luck, but with a banner with +crit chance, it does happen quite often.


    @grimmjow many of us were promised auto-promotion due to the fact that we were booted back to Wood League and our scores reset to zero. I was first in Silver at the time, so would have made it to Gold, and due to missing a week, got awarded another promotion to Platinum. This was thanks to Pekka from Rovio through a support ticket, but seems things didn’t go exactly as planned or promised for some other people.


    Something smells fishy about this. About 20 minutes prior, the highest was Unnamed Player, Safestar, and me. I don’t know where this guy came from or who he is, but I know darn well we have not received our daily objectives yet.


    @pointless KPC is easy with the right team. I have brought 8 of my birds to rank 13 using it. The pain comes from picking the team and trying to master the awkward ones which are left.

    Glad you made it to Platinum. Sorry for those who didn’t.


    @bubbley I usually have Red, Bomb, and Blues/Chuck on my team when I go KPC. I’ve found Samurai or Stone Guard with the Dragon set to be quite useful, but not against those with ironclad. Sea Dog with Scissors or Finisher helps with those, usually. For AoE, I like to use Wizard or Lightning Bird with the Lightning set, or Spies with Artillery or Beep set to clear rooms after the dust settles from chain attacks and explosions.


    Did you grind this much or did you get TWO sets of objectives in one day? My Silver league is only at 6, 7 thousand-ish.


    @smwforever45 Community college graduate taking a long break. I’ve played for quite a while, and I have lots of time on my hands. I never got my objectives reset and if I EVER did, I would try my damnedest to not fulfill them.

    My team for arena is elite Lightning Bird with the Mana Shell set, Elite Seadog with the Finisher set, and Spies with the Artillery set. My banner is the Valiant with Resurrection because Chuck always seems to get knocked out first.

    First, I use Gang Up on Blues. Then, I use my full rage chili on Chuck and hopefully get that gang up from Bomb. After the dust settles, Blues attack something, the AOE and maybe a chain hits something else and may knock it out, and then hope Bomb finishes it off with that OP finisher set if the enemy is below 50% HP. Then, if something survives and attacks the banner, I either use Blues and gang up to finish it off, or use Blues to heal the banner and use Bomb and Chuck to finish them. If resurrection is a problem, as long as I knocked out three birds and my banner stays healthy, I’ll get my three stars.

    It’s not as simple as it sounds. The majority of banners in my line-up are diamond maxed already, are Valiant set, no doubt, with Resurrection as the main emblem, followed by Time Warp, Vengeance and Rage Block. If not that, the banners are Blessed or Balanced. I have also seen the Reset set with Chuck more often to counter all these Resurrections and Time Warps. Yay.

    It’s not easy. Trust me. But, with a possibility of rolling a 150, 30, and 45 at the same time with three stars, it’s a pay-off. I seem to get the 150s often… don’t know why.


    Just got busted in the Arena…
    I got the “Knock out 3 birds while they attack your banner” objective. Problem was, most enemies had Resurrection, or very very high HP on their birds, or Mana equipped, or they won the coin toss, or they drained my banner’s HP too fast, or they kept healing themselves, or ALL of these… I didn’t get a SINGLE bird through… or if I did then I lost.
    I lost all my lives and didn’t complete 2 of the 3 objective. That is throwing me behind for sure… :'(

    Just WHAT is the perfect strategy for this objective? Is it really Elite Mage/Princess to buff the banner and make sure enemies attack the banner? It doesn’t seem to work…


    I have neither Thunderbird (I assume you mean him? There is no Elite Lightning Bird) nor Sea Dog, so I play with Elite Paladin/Wizard/Witch or Paladin/Wizard/Capt’n mostly. Isn’t as easy, but usually I get it through. It got a lot tougher facing stronger enemies though. My L52 set items are getting old, lol.


    @smwforever45 Sucks about those two objectives, mate. :-(
    Regarding that troublesome objective… “Knock out 3 birds while they are attacking your banner”… I always use Mage/Shock Shield + Rouge/Cupcake Trap to force all birds to attack the banner/sustain damage; and I use Witch to power-heal the banner for 7000 HP or attack the enemy’s banner. However, this strategy is quite reliant on Witch using the “Sweet” set… and a pretty tanky Blessed Set. :-( Sorry… I know you usually use the “Angry” set…


    @smwforever45 – My best luck with that objective is Mage/Elite Mage, Rogues, and Witch. Blessed Set Banner with Thorns

    I have golden chili, so I use it on the Mage first to soften up opponent birds, then buff banner with both Witch and Rogues. Second turn I buff the banner with Mage and Witch, Rogues as well if cupcake trap has been dispelled. I can usually complete the full objective within one battle before I turn my attack against the other side.


    @smwforever45 Woops, I’m sorry, I did mean Thunderbird! But my best advice for you for your objective is… thorns. Thorns, or retaliation. Both are good. The Mighty banner set gives a lot of power, but Valiant assures longevity.

    Now, what you want is, yes, Princess and Mage, but the key to the lock is the Marksmen.

    With Mage, you will need the Lightning Set or the Time Jump set. With Matilda as Princess, you will need the Sweet set, or pretty much anything that assists healing. With Blues as Marksmen, you will want the Beep set.

    Note: this may not work if the opponent decides to support too much, has a Rage Block, Soothing, or Resurrection emblem, has a Blessed set, has a Chuck with Mana Shell or any bird that can remove debuffs, has a Chuck with Phoenix or and/or Blues with Help Me… pretty much anything that spams Resurrection, spams heals, or spams support on their team will ruin this strategy

    However, if all of the birds can attack multiple times or has a time warp proc’d, you’re in for an easy time.

    Turn one: Use the rage chili on Chuck. If you don’t have the Golden Chili, just do AOE damage with Chuck. If your Time Jump set allows it, do more AoEa damage, provided it will not knock anyone out. Then, use Matilda to attack the bird with the most health and force then to attack your banner; if Chuck used a rage chili, the effects should already be there. Then, use the Blues to pick out the least healthy one.

    Turn two: everyone will either support or attack your banner. Now, apply the Shock Shield on the banner. If your Time Jump set allows it, make Chuck do more AoE damage, provided it will not knock anyone out. Keep using Matilda to heal the banner or attack someone to lower their health. Now, here is where the Blues come to play: ue their Ambush ability on your banner, so whenever they attack your banner, Blues will retaliate.

    In the following turbs, use Matilda to heal the banner or force everyone to attack your banner. Use Chuck for AOE until someone dispells your banner; in that case, apply the support skill, again. Use the Blues to pick off healthy birds and lower others with possible AoE from Beep Beep. With luck and a bit of patience, the opposing birds will succumb to the Shock Shield and the Blues’ Ambush.

    Keep in mind, Chuck’s Shock Shield and Matilda’s Royal Order lasts 3 turns, but the Blues’ Ambush lasts two, so pay attention to the buffs.

    This is only theoretical. I don’t know if this will work, but once you are ahle to play again, try it the next time you have that objective.

    Or, test it with Piggy McCool’s team. His team is weak as heck (I wish they’d buff him for practice), but it might help.

    The reason I did not use Rogue was because the Rogues would hit someone with their goo during Chuck’s ability and that would likely ruin the strategy. With Marksmen, you have a decent AOE chance, and, not to mention, that lovely debuff they give. If you wanna use Rogues with this set, do not use Chuck’s rage ability. Instead, use the Shock Shield on your banner, attack a bird with Matilda, and use the Blues’ cupcake trap on the banner.

    Now, if you reeeeally wanna use rogues, Another strategy involves using Bomb. Whatever class is fine, Use the sugar rush set, if applicable.

    First turn, use Bomb’s rage ability. Then, use Chuck for some more AoE, or give the banner the Shock Shield and use the Blues’ cupcake trap on the banner.

    This is a more…violent method. Gets the job done. However, with minimal to no longevity for the banner, unless you have the Blessed or the Bird Bond set, that banner is going to fall very quickly.


    @smwforever45 sorry that you have had such a rough time with you objectives tonight. I have just completed that objective myself and used mage,rogue and princess.


    Like others said; use Mage rogues and witch for that objective. Having angry set works in your favour since a damaged witch can heal 10-15k in one turn. Buff with witch all the time, first round as well and just have the enemy commit suicide…


    @flufflemonster I think you misunderstand my problem. I am currently grinding KPC for mastery using autoplay. There are two waves which can set your team buffing like crazy so it’s important to pick a team that is able to emerge from this cycle. I have no problem winning this battle but I do not wish to play it.

    Thanks for trying to help.


    Wow, overwhelming reaction!

    The third bird was my weakness? I used Elite Paladin because I thought “the third bird won’t matter much”… Guess not? I didn’t consider Rogues or Marksmen at all.


    I do have the Blessed set (unenchanted and 61/52) and I do have Witch but not Sweet sadly… Also, I did try Witch but she fell before I could do anything to keep my banner up… Got me my third strike.


    Check, got ’em all, including the Golden Chilli. That’s something to try next time it comes up, thank you :)


    My only complete sets so far are Dragon (52/52), Reset (52/52) and Mana Shell (56/52). Working on the others but it’s going slow :(
    I do have the Golden Chilli though.

    That’s the trouble, I encountered no team that couldn’t dispel, remove their own harmful effects, or spam resurrection.

    Test it on McCool? His birds are barely above 1000 HP each, they’ll be KO’d before I know it XD My Elite Mage already nearly hits this hard.


    It’s alright… I’ll recover, might just need more grinding or (hopefully) a less competitive league, although it doesn’t seem like the latter would ever happen to me…


    The AoE damage dealt by most enemies worries me here, and the fact they could heavily put me in disadvantage if they win the coin toss. I need to heal more than just the banner and recovering from a KO’d bird is hard since all have their important role in your strategy. Without Witch, the banner will be down VERY soon. Without Rogues, the enemies can attack whoever they want. Without Mage, the enemies will only take very limited damage when attacking the banner. Also I definitely need a Mana-and Resurrection-free team (the latter because enemies lose all their debuffs once they resurrect, the same happens with Reborn and Save Me) and these have become somewhat of a rare sight even in the 1000-1200 power ratings.


    I would argue that Valiant can be an important part of the setup, especially if you are (rightly) relying on Witch to help with the inevitable damage the Banner will take. Facing Mana is not a game breaker, as Cupcake and Shock Shield will still do their part.


    It isn’t a game breaker when you talk about Shock Shield, but it is when you talk about Cupcake Trap or Royal Order. Both inflict the debuff “focus on the banner” on the enemies which the Mana set CAN dodge with a 60% chance. Focussing the attacks on the banner is important because even if there’s an AoE attack and a Wizard or the Spies are KO’d due to this – it won’t count as a direct attack on the banner. That was another problem with my battles today while I was going for the objective. I had to set everything up and keep it up and make sure no bird was left out and it was somewhat of a challenge.


    If you have Cupcake and Shock Shield on your Banner, and only your Banner, you will get results regardless if you are facing a Mana Team. As I said, Valiant does help, but invariably you will get an attack on your Banner. Predicting enemy Rage tendencies is also of benefit.



    Pekka ? How do you contact a specific person ?
    For my ticket, it’s Matias who answered.
    We need all the same fixe for arena.


    @smwforever45 Just had some good news Pekka came to the rescue, again. He has just written to tell me that he has adjusted my board again. He apologized for what happened and this time I am gold/platinum. Like last time on my new board I started off as the only player but then like last time it has changed to a full one. I was #1 on my old board and fortunately on my new board I am still #1. I think I will be a big surprise to the new board and they will wonder where I came from.

    I’m going to grind another 2000 points in case someone tries to catch up with me and just to make sure I stay in the top 3. Now the event is over I can give this board my undivided attention.

    I am hoping you will have good news as well today :)


    @grimmjow you can’t contact a specific person through Rovio Support (although once someone replies to your ticket, obviously you have their info). Just seems to be luck that Pekka seems to be the one willing and/or able to help out with this whole reset issue.


    No reply on my side yet :( Gives me hope that he replied to you, though.


    Now, it’s nice to have some competition after basically doing my objectives and sitting at first or second…

    But this is fricken ridiculous! How are we supposed to have a fair chance when Samael and Romulox are likely resetting their objectives? Again, at this point, no one has received their objectives and won’t within a few hours.

    Zso and I have been grinding like crazy trying to catch up to these arsepies; we should not have to be working this hard.

    Could someone help us out, here? About an hour ago, we both were around the 20k-22k range… we need a break! Yes, I’ve been using my FEs to get re-rolls for at least the 150, but I am sick of it.

    By the way, I have discovered the usefulness of the finisher set; I’m constantly winning and my battle lengths are cut by a third because Bomb almost always decomates that banner after its health reaches 50%.


    @flufflemonster I agree it is beyond ridiculous, if you haven’t already done so you should send that screen shot to Rovio. It’s not fair to lose you place to cheaters.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Arena Season 7

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