Prepare for Plundering Pirate Pigs! Angry Birds Epic Updates With Surprising New Features!

Angry Birds Epic v110 Upcoming Event for the Pirate King

Hot off the heels of the Angry Birds Star Wars II Rebels update, a new Pig Days level and the Ham Dunk Angry Birds Seasons update, Rovio sneaked in another bombshell today by quietly launching a new update to Angry Birds Epic (v.1.1.0).   From the update description on iTunes:

EPIC UPDATES: No seriously, these are the most epic updates. Ever.
– EVENTS – look out for timed invasions on Piggy Island and become champion of your leaderboard!
– MASTERY – strengthen your birds’ classes by earning mastery points in events and battles!
– STAR REWARDS – claim birdtastic rewards for collecting stars on the world map!

Once updated, expect to see your game converted.   You now earn rewards for completing each level with three stars.  Your star count will now appear in your dashboard on Piggy McCool‘s storefront.

Additionally, the Mighty Eagle classes of Veteran, Elite and Master are now transformed to a number ranking system.  What used to be a Master class is now a level 7 class.  As you use the different headgear, you earn more on your statusbar for that particular headgear, allowing you to level them up.   You can still visit ME’s dojo, but now you are buying class powerups, allowing you to increase your mastery quicker.  The coin prices are much lower now, as well.

The big change, however is that Events have been added to the game!  The first event, “For the Pirate King” starts on October 10, 2014.   The exact mechanics we will know shortly, but the description in the game states:

Look for pigs appearing all over Piggy Island and defeat them to earn great rewards!

With all these game updates, plus any new information from the New York Comic Con, it seems it will be a very Angry Birds-filled weekend for fans of our furious feathered friends.  Plus, with Plunder Pirates and the Pirate King event, this is definitely the year of Pirates on Piggy Island!

What do you think, adventurers?  Are you excited for these changes?  Is it an EPIC win or an EPIC fail?  Squawk about it below in the comments.

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Category: Angry Birds Epic News & Updates, News

Comments (168)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

We will find out in 2 minutes :)

Rank: Shooter with 820 points
By abirds954 (@abirds954)

There’s a new item available for crafting that “increases stamina.”

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

Its something like an weekly tournament, with different levels across the island :) you need stamina te play them, you can buy stamina for gold or craft them with FE.

By saukoon

I’ve defeated the pigs, earned the 3 stars, spinned the wheel and that’s all?!

No other pigs are an across the island and the counter is now 68 hours, ie another three days to wait

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

Check the event page. It will show your ranking on the event leaderboard.
You need (5) Staminas to play. One Stamina regenerates every 5 minutes, or you can buy them.
When you beat the pirate pigs, you receive “event medals”.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

@saukoon @sal9 they are coming back after a few minutes everywhere

Rank: Fling King with 4975 points
By dr_ishmael (@dr_ishmael)

The “captain” pirate pig levels require 5 stamina, the “minion” pirate pig only requires 3.

By saukoon

Thanks for everyone’s insights, gotta wait some time for new pigs to appear

Rank: Hardened with 635 points
By badpiggy (@badpiggy)

The Class system effectively broke what worked fine, and is highly confusing and makes no sense whatsoever. Mighty Eagle’s Dojo now informs me that I can’t upgrade any of my classes unless I spend hundreds of gold coins and buy ALL of the bird classes first. The previous Class system was pricey, yes, but at least there was a substantial improvement in attack/defence and it made sense. The new class system is probably going to be more expensive – hundreds of coins for minuscule attack/defence improvements.

You know what they all say: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The new Class system doesn’t improve anything for the user, and is confusing, unclear, and frankly strange.

It’s logged me out of my Facebook, and I can’t log back in to my gaming FB rather than my personal one. I really don’t see the point of this update.

Bitterly disappointed.

By kentona

Yeah, I am extremely disappointed with the update. The class system before was something to strive for, and kept me playing in the post-game because the upgrades were significant and tangible. Now I can’t update anyone because I haven’t got the nearly-700 gold snoutlings to unlock the final four hats and there is no way I am spending $50 on a phone game.

This game was fun while it lasted. Oh well.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

I’m not understanding this talk of needing all the hats to upgrade. I only have all five headgears for Red, still missing the other four…

…and I have been upgrading my mastery all day via snoutlings and LC. You can still do the “All classes for bird X” upgrades that cost 15 LC, even for birds where you only have four of the five hats.

Now, if folks are saying you don’t get the same bang-for-buck if you only have four hats instead of five, then yes, that is true. What I am doing now is only purchasing the hat-specific 100-snoutling upgrades and the 15 LC “All Red” upgrades. I did do one of the +1000 on ALL hats upgrades, but am sort of regretting that. I could probably do better spending those LC on loot spins during crazy Cloud Pig time at the end of the week…

(And yes, I verified that my hat upgrades are all proceeding as they should.)

Who said upgrades require all hats, and why are folks still repeating that is the case? The bigger tragedy (in my opinion) is the change to Western Cobalt Plateau, as getting snoutlings just got about twice as hard as it used to be.


Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

What does this mean for the “Master Class” achievement on Google Play? It still says “Upgrade a hero to master status at the Mighty Eagle dojo.” How does one do that now that we don’t really have a “master” head gear? I have been saving gold for a loooong time from cloud battles, so now what can that gold do for me?

Also, levels have changed? Western Cobalt Plateau is no longer a 10-11 snoutling affair with decent XP as well. Still yields the same reward (seeds), but have all the battles changed up? I guess I can go looking around while I wait for stamina to refresh…

The bottom line appears to be that they’ve changed things so that people come back to the game more often and are tempted to use more real cash to buy stuff. The stamina stuff is just like CCs on Angry Birds Go!.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Mastery Level 7 should work for the achievement.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

Should or will? *smile* All of my headgear is at 5 right now, so I guess I need lotsa snoutlings and need to hope for the class I want to come up in the dojo a lot.

Overall, I think this is just going to require a lot more dojo-checking, and that’s sort of annoying. Are all dojo upgrades snoutling-based instead of gold coin? Because that is actually sort of nice, assuming I can find a good snoutling-generating battle now that Western Cobalt Plateau is no longer the go-to battle for that…


Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

Answered one of my own questions… I see that gold coins still can buy upgrades to ALL a bird’s classes, if that comes up in the dojo.But man, spending 15 gold on that barely even started the progress bar toward level 6 mastery. Yikes. This is going to take forever. I wish I had bought the master Paladin with 300 gold before this update — I was only about 6 days away in terms of cloud battles. :\ Now it is going to take weeks of earning snoutlings and checking the dang dojo every three hours…


Rank: Avian Overlord with 16845 points
By burbman (@burbman)

I only saw one battle in the “Event” finished it quickly with three stars, and I do not see any other “attacks” to defend. Am I missing something? Are others seeing more than one battle? I see mention elsewhere of four bird battles, No Matilda, etc.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

They move around a lot, and it’s not always the Captain. But there should be one SOMEWHERE.

I’ve seen 4-bird, No Matilda, and 55-damage-every-2-turns so far.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

I also saw the biggest boss (costs 7 stamina) but was not able to fight due to being out of stamina.

That one was no Red, and pigs effects cannot be dispelled.

That battle just disappeared on me, though. So, they can move and also go away. That means you might want to be careful with stamina and save some for battles that cost more.

Is anyone seeing their mastery increase just with normal fighting? Does that just happen as sort of an XP thing?


Rank: Avian Overlord with 16845 points
By burbman (@burbman)

Yes, mastery increases slightly with regular battles, just would take a lot of battles to upgrade from level 7!

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


Any idea if the harder the battle the more mastery you get? Is it like experience, based on the stars given up by the pigs?


Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

There are new “red flag” battles all over the board, popping up somewhat randomly. They are marked with a little red flag with a lightning bolt on it.

Basically, as far as I can tell, you can keep fighting till you are out of stamina. Then you need to wait for stamina to replenish, just like the cupcakes in Go!.


Rank: Deputized with 200 points
By Progter (@progter)

Has anyone tried to see if you can still get an epic item each day by rolling on a friends machine w/ yours full?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Still works

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16845 points
By burbman (@burbman)

Yes, still works!!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16845 points
By burbman (@burbman)

Also, I am showing 786 stars. Is that all of them so far, or do I need to find any hidden levels?

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


I think that is all of them. I have 785 and the only thing I have not three-starred is Maelstrom (looks like I have a visible reason to do that now. *smile*

Nice work!


Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

785 stars here, maelstrom only 2 stars also

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

I also have 786 stars and as far as I know I have 3 starred every level so far.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

Looks like Western Cobalt Plateau has been “fixed” so that it no longer offers the extra snoutlings and experience. Other battles still have the same opponents, but not WCP.

The normal pigs on that level are no longer the same adversaries. I think Rovio realized that “mini-boss” battle was not properly resetting to “normal” after winning it, so now that level is no longer a cash cow.

I don’t know of any standard level that gives more than 5-6 snoutlings while that one used to give 10-11, not to mention useful seeds. :( Anyone else know of a good spot for grinding out snoutlings? Or of a spot with better experience? If they raise the max level again it is going to take roughly twice as long to churn out experience…


Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

Do you think there is a maximum of the classes’ rank? All of my classes are in level 7 now and I can still update them.

By saukoon

yes they can all be updated to level 8. However its takes around 20k for the next level and arms that the master points can only be earned via event fights and Eagle Dojo

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


20K, eh? That’s actually not that bad (4000 snoutlings) except that it would be hard to focus on a specific class with the new way the dojo is refreshed.

How do you know it is 20K for the next level?

Thanks for the info!


By ralph

Do you still need LC to purchase Paladin/Thunderbird/Bard/Sea Dog/Tricksters in the update? I’m sitting on 260 LC right now and was planning to buy Sea Dog once I hit 275.

Also, from some comments above it sounds like if I should buy Sea Dog for 275 LC, it’s probably best to make him an Elite Sea Dog via the old-style Dojo, then update to 1.1.0? (If Rovio doesn’t force the update on me before I can do any of this.)

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


Yes, they still cost LC, and prices look the same as far as I can tell.

I am in the same boat, sitting on a lot of LC. Will need to monitor the dojo and spend them on upgrades when LC-based ones come up. Or, I could wait for lucky time on cloud pig and just go for a ton of epic loot… Not sure what is the better idea.


By ralph

Thanks @sutekh137 — very helpful!

From @badpiggy commenting above, it sounds like the real bummer of the new-style Dojo is that you can’t access it until you’ve bought all 5 of those LC classes (and every other class)? I wonder if that means for new players, the best strategy for LC spending is to buy those 5 classes before spending LC anywhere else?

(Though as you say, filling the rainbow bar to use the epic gear every roll exploit is also a tempting use of LC.)

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


You don’t need all five to buy the 100-snoutling upgrades (500 points toward mastery). You only need all five to spend the 15 LC to upgrade ALL the birds classes at once. I see the LC upgrades with Red, for whom I have all five classes, and for the other birds I just see the smaller one-at-a-time upgrades.

So, you can still achieve mastery on a specific class by buying the upgrades 100 snoutlings at a time. Now, goodness knows how long you would have to wait to do that, as the dojo now appears to take longer to refresh. BUT, when you upgrade, a new upgrade appears instead of the slot staying “Sold Out”. So, you would need to buy through a lot of upgrades to get a single one all the way to master.

That being said, it sounds like you need around 20,000 upgrade points to achieve the next mastery level, so that means 40 upgrades (of 500 each). That means 4000 snoutlings. Back when Western Cobalt Plateau was open for business, I could get 4000 snoutlings a day (just let it keep auto playing while I am at work). But now that will take twice as long because WPC no longer yields the 10-11 snoutlings. *frown*


Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@ralph @sutekh137 — I have an offer to upgrade all 5, even though I don’t have all 5. I can’t buy it, since I only have 14 LC. Will see what happens tomorrow.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Mighty (@)

I have seen a level with a big pig costing 7 energy using 3 birds and no use of red with something pigs in bubbles

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Mighty (@)

I have seen 3 types of level so far:
1.Pirate pig level costing 3 energy
2.Pirate Captain costing 3 energy 4 birds with fire damage of 55 every 2 turns
3.Brute pig costing 7 energy no use of red and pigs in bubbles

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


I believe the Captain costs 5 stamina to fight. Yep, just confirmed.

Basically, it is an economy of scale sort of thing. The more stamina a battle costs, the more you stand to gain.

1. Pirate Pig only costs 3 stamina and yields a potential 200 event medals.
2. Captain costs 5 stamina and yields a potential 350 event medals.
3. Brute costs 7 stamina but yields a potential ??? event medals.

Can’t remember the yield on Brute, but the difference between Pirate and Captain shows something interesting. Captain costs 67% more in stamina but yields the potential for 75% more medals (depending on spin). I think Brute yields the potential of 500 medals? That would mean for 133% percent more stamina you can get 150% more medals if you save your stamina and do all Brute battles.

I’m the only guy on my leaderboard, so I guess I win anyway, right?


By Lorenzo

I’ve tried the levels that cost 3 and 5 drinks; my strategy was very simple (lv 22):

– Pirate Pig: Lightning Chuck, Captain Bomb, Spies Blues.
Pump the Blues with Bomb, and attacking twice you should one-shot every enemy.

– Pirate Captain: as above, add Druid Matilda (it doesn’t really matter what you add, to be honest)
Do as above, using Matilda to to heal from the fireballs. Only the captain should survive the first turn, and you can easily finish him in your second turn.

I am now out of drinks, so I haven’t been able to try the brute level yet, though I suspect it’ll be pretty much the same.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

I went overkill on Captain and Brute, burning veggie slices and potions as much as I could. But I don’t think I really would have needed them. Though the pigs are the same level as whatever you are, they don’t seem that bad. No worse than a Chronicle Cave, anyway, and I would say the Pirate and Captain are quite a bit easier (I am at level 33).


Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

Yeah, just tried Captain again, and without using a single potion, I easily three-starred it. Four birds is very nice: Paladin, Princess, Lightning, and Spies. That’s a lot of damage, focused and spread out, and when the Rage Chili gets full, the mage’s five-attack really does a lot (including the Paladin getting two extra heals in as he strikes…like some others, I am sold on paladin being pretty dang good overall.)


Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

I’m confused. (Not to mention game just crashed when I tried to get out of a battle.) I have beaten several pirates scattered about the island. The info box at the top left implies that I need to defeat 3 different kinds of pirates. I have defeated all 3 with 3* at least once, and at least 2 of them more than 2 times. There is nothing in the info box that indicates I have defeated any of them, and the reward wheel won’t spin. Do I need to pay for it? Can’t see how to do that; clicking on the bonus box doesn’t do anything.
In addition, I am still getting pirates around the island, but when I try to battle them, first it demands that I spend one stamina drink, which is then permanently gone, and then it says that I don’t have enough resources and need to buy more for a bunch of LC, which I do not have. I guess there is a timer on the lack of resources, because while I was writing this, the timer expired, and I can now battle a pirate.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


Yes, the stamina builds up over time, like the cupcakes in Angry Birds Go!.

I have beaten all the various pigs several times, and my picture is maxed out on the bottom bar. But nothing spins. I imagine we simply have to wait until the “event” is over in 4.5 days. Then the leaderboard winner gets the reward.

Not sure if the reward is higher if you have more friends, but my reward is 600 snoutlings. I have no friends, so I will automatically win, I guess.

Like I said in a previous post, this is just a way to keep people coming back to win the event and to gain mastery points from event-based fighting.

I’m more miffed at losing Western Cobalt Plateau as a snoutling and XP grinder…


By Chris

What do the event medals add up for? Where are they tabulated?

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


They add up on the Event page (tap the red banner in upper left of screen). Your total is shown at the bottom of that page or on the full leaderboard displayed by clicking the 1-2-3 podium in the lower right corner of that page.

I see more people on the leaderboard now! Is this everyone in the world playing? I thought it would just be Facebook friends…!


By Deb

Where did all my snoutlings (about 2000) and weapons/shields go. I had all of the special sets and now only have one or two. Also, I was at max level 33, now I am at 18. Is this how the update was supposed to work by setting us way back. I had also finished all of the chronically caves before the update and now it says I have only complete 4.

What’s up?

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


Are you sure you have logged in with the same Rovio account login?

I have not lost anything through the last 3-4 updates, including this latest one, and it left me logged in (correctly) and I had all my stuff…


Rank: Well Traveled with 1530 points
By Red (@james1562)

Are you logged in with a Rovio Account?

If it still stays the same try to contact Rovio.

By Mareczq

Sow the new system of hats – this is much better ;) Know you can make 10 level with only playin, you do not even spend 1 Gold Coins… ofcourse it will make moths of play, still its possibility ;) In the new event matches i got ~ 50 new poits for hats level – sow this is not sow bad ;P And new playr i think will have sow much battles to level this up, it will be easier then earning 2500 coints for each class ;) I like the change ;)

By Mareczq

And i forgot the event mathes are extrymly easie… 33 level with epic item , 5 level hats and i kills 1-2 nd with first chill ;) The 7 stamina battle i need 2 turns… its sow easie…

Rank: Out of this World with 2975 points
By drobbinsjr (@drobbinsjr)

Not getting something. I crafted 75 Stamina’s but when I click on the crossed fight icon I get a message in the upper right corner with ticking clock stating “Low on funds” Buy snoutings, Lucky coins, Friendship essence or Stamina’s. Do I have to wait 15 minutes to spend my Stamina?

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

You need to click on the Stamina “potion” at the bottom of the screen which will replenish the stamina counter at the top right.

Seems weird, I know, but there are advantages to not deploying the stamina immediately, such as if you know you aren’t going to be able to get them used up and you will hit the 15/15 max by the time you get back, etc.


Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

Old Elites are class 5 mastery, takes probably 10,000 to get to next rank, which is probably 6. So then does it take another 15,000 to get to class 7 (equivalent to old Master)?
Old Masters are class 7; takes probably 20,000 mastery to get to next rank, which is probably 8.
Not clear how many LC it would take if you chose to spend them, but I guess we can figure out.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


If you could always get the right slot filled in the dojo, you could do 20K with 4000 snoutlings: 20000/500 = 40 x 100 = 4000.

But good luck with that since the dojo only refreshes every 12 hours now…


Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@sutekh137 — If you buy something in the Dojo, it is replaced immediately by something new. Of course that is a good way to spend snoutlings on mastery points not high on your priority list.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

Dojo is offering 1000 mastery for all classes for 75 LC. I’ve also seen offers for +500 I think only for all classes of a specific bird. It seems to be 100 snoutlings for +500 for one bird. So, if I’m correct about it being 25,000 to get from class 5 to class 7, you could upgrade all your birds for 1875 LC, or 75 LC per bird (assuming you have all of them and they are all at level 5), which is a lot less than it used to be. I think it was 300 LC per bird. Of course, the only way you’re going to get 1875 LC in this lifetime is by buying them.
Does anyone know the cost of mastery points for a single bird?

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@cosmo2503 — Not sure if I can really see what class your birds are, but if I go to your camp, it seems to be saying that they are level 3 or 4!!! And I know for a fact that most, if not all were masters. Do you see level 7? At least your start level is still 41.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)

@mvnla2 that is strange. I have 13 level 7 birds, 11 level 5 and one level 1 bird.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

I hope that the admins will update the post soon and explain how the Events work exactly. Especially I have the following questions:

1. Who are the people on my personal leaderboard? I don’t know any of them. They are not my facebook friends. Sometimes I am the only one on the leaderboard, sometimes there are some strangers as well. It keeps changing.

2. You need Stamina (drinks) in order to get Event Medals and you need Event Medals in order to receive Mastery and you need Mastery in order to rank up your classes. Sounds complicated, but is that correct?

3. Both the blue Experience Stars (bird level) and the Mastery (class level) will increase the attack power of your birds. Right?

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

1. I believe the leaderboard for the pirate event is worldwide
2. Yes, stamina is for playing pirate events, and with those levels you get event medals. Also you earn mastery (but mastery can be obtained from normal levels as well)
3. yes

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)


I don’t know, the leaderboard looks somewhat wonky to me. If you look at it right now, am I at the top of it (used the same name as my handle here)? I was WAY down the list earlier today, something like 1300 medals off the top spot, so I assume there are folks out there fighting the 7-stamina battles all the time (highest potential payback), buying stamina potions, and never letting the stamina gauge hit 15/15. I should be WAY behind those folks because I have not used mt stamina wisely, have not purchased anything in the game, and played a bunch of 3- and 5-stamina battles early on before I figured out the payoff was better in the 7-stamina event battle.

In other words, I don’t buy the leaderboard is everyone because there is no way I should be leading the board. *smile*


Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

@josm: I don’t think the leaderboard is worldwide, because I am on rank 2 now with only 5000 medals.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

@chriss @sutekh137 yeah, the list is a bit weird. At least there are more friends on the list then only fb friends.. Sometimes im the only one in the list and sometimes with all strangers :P

Rank: Sling God with 35850 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

I agree with @chriss we need some king of explanation in order to master this. For me, I find it a bit complicated.. and I don’t get yet the goal of it. I know Different pigs level appear on screen and we plau them but then what..

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

I’m pretty sure this idea of “Events” is just a new layer to add some spice that Chronicle Caves and Daily Dungeons couldn’t really manage once a player completed the game.

Events offer three things:

— A way to increase your bird’s mastery.
— A different sort of play structure (with slowly accumulated stamina) that mimics something like Go! instead of the more standard Epic play.
— A friendly little competition over 4.5 days just to generate some impetus to play (though obviously big LC-spenders and folks who already have high mastery have an advantage in this realm).

This all works in with the new mastery system which, when you think about it, is NICER for folks without a lot of LC. Because now at least it is possible to get to mastery level 7 (and beyond!) without the need for LC. Not to mention, there is mastery level 6 in between 5 and 7 that gives you a 10% boost. Before, it was all the way to Master class with nothing in between Elite and Master. In other words, the tiers are more granular now so that you can get gains at the halfway points of what used to be the Normal, Veteran, Elite, and Master classes. That’s not all bad.

The new dojo refresh structure both gives and takes. It “gives” in that slots refresh as soon as you buy something — before you had to wait. It “takes” in that it now takes a much longer time for a full refresh, so trying to gun after a specific class mastery 100 snoutlings at a time seems practically impossible.

Like I keep saying, the loss of Wetsern Cobalt Plateau as a money and XP generator is a far bigger change than anything else as I see it. Because Events are just play-time gravy (you don’t _have_ to even play them!) and mastery now offers more granularity and the ability (theoretically) to reach what was previously Master status using only snoutlings.


Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

63 hours is only 2.5 days not 4.5 days.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

Duh, sorry about that, not sure what I was thinking!


Rank: Well Traveled with 1530 points
By Red (@james1562)

The new ranking system gave me an idea. (Don’t know how)

My idea is that you can upgrade your head gears, it is not the same thing as powering them up or mastering them to veteran, elite, and master.

What Upgrading Does

1. Your head gear gets a new look.

2. You can learn a new ability or attack.

3. Your attack’s special ability (like the Paladins 40% heal) will become stronger. 40% > 50%. If a head gear doesn’t have a special ability your passive ability will become stronger. Samurai’s Shield 40% > 45%, 50% > 55%.

How to upgrade

1. You’ll need forge ingredients. But stronger than the original ingredient.
Ex: Wood > Stronger Wood (give it another name).

2. The number of forge ingredients you’ll need depends on how high the level is on a head gear.

3. The forge ingredient (ex: stronger wood, stronger than the original wood) can only be dropped in dungeons. In can also be forged. Ex: Stronger wood requires (30)wood , (20)bamboos, and (15)square wood.

Thank you for reading.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

I have so much wood I would love this idea. *smile*

What I would really like is an automated forge and cauldron. Having to roll each combination one at a time is ridiculous. And I don’t see what purpose it serves Rovio, as there are no ads displayed when forging and making potions.

I am not saying the automator would take several raw materials and make a finished product — all I want is the ability to convert, say, 25 crystal waters into whatever 5 rounds of magic water creation would give me without having to roll 5 times. Making Veggie Cakes takes _forever_ when doing it from a lot of seeds and crystal waters, and it’s just mindless tapping that does no one (including Rovio) any good.


Rank: Out of this World with 2585 points
By Ben (@angrybirdsrules)

You know hat I thought would be cool? If Hal, Terence, Bubbles, and Stella were in the game. But I kind of like it how it is though. :)

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By partshade (@)

Best ABE update ever! Although the Stamina thing is kinda annoying.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6350 points
By Au (@arushss)

i hope the admin posts an article which explains the new class system of the birds.. Its highly confusing for me. Brute event which says no usage of Red bird is damn hard for me considering that red bird and matilda both belong to elite classes and rest at veteran. I have earned 683 stars and am midway of cave 5 but still don’t know what does LC mean. I have read many comments where many ppl have used that term. could any one of u plz explain?

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

@arushss: LC means Lucky Coins (these are the golden coins)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6350 points
By Au (@arushss)

thanks a ton!!

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

Does anyone know the meaning of this icon?


I played those levels, and did not notice anything special.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

What the…? I have never seen anything like that!


Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@Sal9 — Considering it’s you, did you draw that? Haven’t seen anything.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

@sal9 @sutekh137 @mvnla2 haha thats just a facebook friend from you with an weird avatar ;)

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

@josm lol it is

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

One fun thing, just to confirm it works:

If you find a Brute battle (or whatever the 7-stamina battle is, assuming they keep this structure in future events), you can “camp” on it as long as you want and wait till you have 7 stamina built up.

That way, if you are not getting the Brute on refreshes (or just can’t find one on the dang map), you can nab it when you find it and have it “locked in” for as long as you like (mine stayed overnight, so through several map refreshes…). Obviously you can’t do anything else during that time, but like I said: works nice for when you are going to bed and want to burn a Brute first thing in the morning!


By Hans

Do the mastery coins only count toward the mastery level of the birds in the particular battle, or to all classes of all birds available?

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By partshade (@)

Only the birds in the battle.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

And, more specifically, only the hat being worn by the birds in the battle, no? Or is it all of the hats for the bird?

I seem to have higher mastery on the birds/hats I use a lot, though I have not documented all the advances I have purchased from the Mighty Eagle dojo…


Rank: Well Traveled with 1530 points
By Red (@james1562)

@sutekh137 I think it’s only the head gear being worn by the bird. My Capt’n (bomb bird) is level 3 and the other head gears are level 2.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By partshade (@)

Yes it is just the headgear. Forgot to mention that.

By ralph

Even more specifically, birds only get mastery if they’re alive when the enemies are defeated.

So for instance, in a wave battle, if all birds survive, they’ll all get the same mastery. But if one dies early, that bird only gets mastery for the waves survived while the others will get more.

Rank: Debriefed with 1290 points
By Cassie (@bobtankk)

Another intersting detail about this update: Piggy McCool’s buff Restock now has an outwardly visible representation, a small picture of a vial with arrows that appears by the bird’s helmet when Restock is applied. Unfortunately, it is glitched; the icon doesn’t go away when Restock wears off, but stays visible throughout the battle.

Rank: Champion with 3455 points
By Sutekh137 (@sutekh137)

That sounds handy! Never did like not being able to tell when it applied!

Hilarious glitch, though…essentially just hat decoration. *smile*


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