mathilde1981 Active 8 years, 4 months ago

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  • mathilde1981

    @laura118b Yes I noticed this just now. I was also playing the Samurai class.


    Ahh, oke that makes sense! Thank you.


    Uhh, my wheel does not have that amount on it. The best I could do was not even half of that.
    Edit: I mean that in order to get these amount of points I would have to play the high level like 10 times with the most points on the wheel. I my wheel different?


    it’s quiet easy, playing the levels. But I just had a very frustrated experience.
    I was nr 2 on my board with 790 points. I played a level and when I looked again, my nr 3 had jumped from 705 tot 2012 points and my nr 1 from 1205 to 2500?!? In just one minute or so it took for me to do the 3 wave level.


    Don’t know if it’s bug or just Rovio being nice…but my golden pig machine just went haywire.
    I had the a watch video icon and after the first video and free roll it just kept on going, giving me a total of 10 video’s to watch and getting free roll’s after every video. When my rainbowbar was filled up the fun was over.


    @laura118b They fixed mine too. I got a second mail yesterday saying the same thing and now its working again.


    @jduffield Yes I learnd that the hard way….
    Rovio say’s my problem will be fixed with the next update which is scheduled for this week. I really hope so, I’m at level 37 with some decent set items and a good amount of LC and snoutlings. Would be sad to start all over again.
    Edit: not to mention that my daughter did the same *stupid* thing and is now asking me hourly if the new updat is available (sigh)


    As off yesterday I can not get the game to load anymore. The glitch mentioned by jduffield happened to me by accident and I found my bomb suddenly had the seadog class on (witch I do not own btw) I closed the game and from that moment on when I start the game it’s stuck at synchronizing version during start-up. I tried installing it again and then it loads ok, but when I try to log in with my rovio account it say’s “this account needs to retrieve an update version” or something and it keeps getting stuck on synchronizing version in the top right corner. I can not leave the log in area and when I force quit the game and restart, it’s again stuck during start-up on synchronizing version.
    So I just can not get in the game. Anyone have a suggestion or should I log a ticket whit Rovio?

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