kammy81 Active 8 years, 3 months ago

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  • kammy81

    @zackvoyager yes, i obviously meant 2 stars not 3. Thanks for kindly pointing out my error.


    So is this level glitched? I end with full health and only get 3 stars. I’m beating it fairly fast so I doubt that’s the issue. This level must be bugged and we will never get our 3 star achievement :-( unless you use mighty eagle and if that’s the case then Rovio should give us a free one or 30 gold coins.


    Ill give it a shot. :-)


    The first couple weeks I participated in PvP I was well matched but I had 0 banner gear as did those I competed against. I unknowingly entered a tournament very late and moved up to first place quickly (I had no idea how weekly events worked at the time). So after a few days of not participating in PvP I clicked on the leader board and won 1.4k and a 3 star banner roll. I was still like ok what just happened. So I entered that week late unknowingly and had pretty easy opponents. After taking first that week to I moved up to silver league and things went pretty well the first week. I managed to complete a couple days of the challenges and took second or third. Since then though I cannot complete a daily challenge I get all 3 strikes every day because even the opponents I choose to fight are way stronger than me. I try because every time o reset I still get stronger opponents. Mostly though it’s their gear that’s better not so much mastery. I have one epic set and its old and weaker than the blueprints I’m getting in the caves (which I never get good rolls on!). So their health and atk power is much higher than mine. This week I was demoted back to stone league which I was happy about bug the opponents are still extremely stronger than me! Mastery 8-9 and epic sets! I think I’ve had enough of PvP for awhile. What a joke.


    Yea I’m stuck at cave 7 boss now…


    Im level 26 and my Marksman mastery is only 3. I havent bought sea dog, skulkers and bard yet and dont think i will be anytime soon. Im already the underdog in every battle i start so marksmen is a no go. The past 2 days ive won 1 out of 4 battles. The healing banner objective is nearly unobtainable for lower levels and mastery.


    Yikes! And I thought the boss at cave 5 I was recently stuck on was bad! Good luck I’m sure I’ll be checking this thread when I get there..lol


    I agree with all of u especially a useless gear like guardian. I don’t want to waste coin buying mastery for that garbage, but they kind of force you. I recently moved up to stone league and for 3 days I’ve barely won 2 fights I’m disgustingly out matched. Today I had rainbow riot and spent a lot of gold on the arena rolls only to get a bunch of yellow rags and 1 useful item. What a joke. Also today I had one that required not healing the banner at all. How many different combos might heal the banner? No Palladian and thorny vine or rain bird to cleanse. That’s so dumb .


    Thanks @doc-maynak I’m only lvl 17 with mastery of most classes at 4-5. I’m just farming like crazy to make potions otherwise I doubt I’ll be able to beat him for awhile. I do have paladin at mastery of 5 though.


    Thanks everyone for your helpful comments and not pointing out how noob I obviously am. Best combo for killing WizPig in SRC?


    Thanks guys. I actually beat her shortly after I posted this. I can’t remember what I ended up using now though. I’m stuck at WizPig atm. I’m thinking I’ll need to grind and upgrade more to beat him. Any suggestions?


    @killerkea I’m not down with all the piggy lingo yet. When I started this game I was astonished when I realized I was grinding! This is an angry birds game and I find myself grinding for gear, money, resources. Totally unexpected! Lol… anyway my question is could you give me more clear direction as to where this spirit pig is you say is a good farm for snoutlings. Nesting barrows? Where’s that? Oh and what are SRC? LC? Etc… love this forum is actually helpful w/o the complaining and crying I usually see in game forums.


    Keri Masse on fb. Add plz. I play daily am level 16


    Thats what I was afraid of. Darn! Thank you

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