geodisco Active 8 years, 9 months ago

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  • geodisco

    Great… this week’s league I’m stuck with a very familiar cheater. A long time cheater, Kotchia
    I’ve reported to Rovio but they won’t do anything.
    I played hard this afternoon. He cheated yesterday and got 21,505 in minutes. I got up to 40,760 and have dinner, he was still at 21505. Go back in after dinner and Kotchia suddenly has 64,545
    Remarkable how someone can get 43,040 points in under an hour


    I went to Google Play store and submitted a problem with my last purchase and requested a refund.
    It was approved.
    If everyone who ever pays anything for playing finds a cheater and Rovio does not remove them they too should submit a refund request and hopefully help remove these people from the leagues.
    ATCHIN sitting at 107,399 now…


    I tried to send Rovio support request. No response.
    Same thing. They went from last place to suddenly 100124.
    Maybe I need to ask for a refund of money spent??


    Haven’t seen them in a while but here we go.



    Not sure how to post a screenshot.

    Was doing so well this week. Knew it was too good to be true. Just got bumped off #1 by “Bulgaria-Sux” who suddenly came from nowhere and has over 167,000 tournament points.


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