• Hi,

    I am Abigel, leader of the Frequent Flyers.

    Join my clan and enjoy stress and pressure free playing.

    We are a diverse group; FP is ranging from less than 100 to more than 600. I accept in the clan the very new players just reaching the star rank to join a clan.

    Our clan structure, where we have high and very low FP enhances the chance of…[Read more]

  • Join Frequent Flyers!

    All active players are welcomed, nobody was kicked from this clan because of low FP, just for inactivity.

    Low FP team mates will increase FP quickly, if they play. We participate in every clan event and clan battle.

    Preferred FP is greater than 100.

    An active player participates in at least 3 out of 5 clan events and does…[Read more]

  • Join Frequent Flyers, the stress free clan!

    Minimum 100 FP is desired, nobody is kicked because of low FP, only because of inactivity. We are fighting the clan battles in Emerald Rank.

    Look up information for the clan:

  • Invitation from “Frequent Flyers”: Join and “flight” with us!

    Looking for  active players with greater than 50 flock power (FP).

    Join my clan and enjoy the game!


  • Frequent Flyers has vacancy. Join  my clan! All active players with greater than 50FP are welcomed. The key word is active, no players are kicked, because of low FP. If you play, your FP will improve.

    Clan # 236720

    We have 45 members, won 5 clan battles in row.



  • Abigel posted an update 5 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Active AB 2 players,

    Frequent Flyers are looking for active players with greater than 100 FP.
    We are a recently established clan with 46 players. We were a “full” clan, however I had to kick four inactive players. It was a difficult decision, since they were among the players joined the freshly created clan.
    Clan info:
    Name: Frequent Fly…[Read more]

  • Hi Neo,

    “Which pill do you want to chose? Red or blue?”

    If you want to join my clan, please let me know!  Frequent Flyers (#236720) is a recently established clan. At this point we welcome active players with greater than 50FP. We have participated in 3 clan battles and won three times in the Azure Rank.

    The clan is “Open”, and has 50 members,…[Read more]

  • Hi,

    I am Abigel, leader of the just created “Frequent Flyer” clan. Join my clan! All players are welcome, regardless the Flock Power (FP).The good news is that FP is growing, if you play🙂.

    I hope that players from the wide range of the FP will decide to join this clan. The seasoned, high FP players will increase the clan power and can ass…[Read more]

  • Abigel became a registered member 5 years, 3 months ago