Beastre Active 8 years, 7 months ago

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  • Beastre

    @bob-douglas, I’d love to see what you said, but if it’s anything like my profanity-laced farewell statement to Rovio that I just posted, it’ll never be seen!


    @gradientturtle7, your silence is deafening


    yea, that’s what I’m thinking, too. any response, @gradientturtle7? Are my months and months of progress lost due to another screwed-up update from your company? (rank 375, over 11,000,000 coins, over 1,500 gems all transformers lv 12-14, not to mention months and months of daily attention to this game, god only knows how many commercials I’ve sat thru over and over and over….)


    @gradientturtle7 so I deleted and reinstalled just like I do everytime you guys release a screwed-up update. Now all of my progress is gone. Is this going to be fixed or is my months and months of progress lost? (ios9.0.2)


    @optimuspig, i have to admit, I was not fond of the whole crafting addition to the game initially, either. However, now that I’m used to it, I have to say the overall gameplay has balanced out very much for the better. I can run high-yield recipes and acquire bunches of gems to speed up the upgrade process and if I’m low in a particular material, this community has provided a nice list of recipes that can fill in the gaps. The nodes are runnable again, with a nice mix of easy and hard runs (although the actual easy, med, hard descriptions are still whack) and the variety of Energonicons make various strategies playable as well as icons like Goldbrick which make raking in the gold possible. The ABTDP facebook page members are showing runs yielding coins in the 6 digits! Anyway, @optimuspig, welcome to it buddy! The recipes and info on this thread still seems to be accurate, they should help you get what you need.


    3 SuperRarium in the lab have a 1 in 5 chance of yielding 50 gems.

    1 DeceptiGear + 2 Badness Processors have a 1 in 5 chance of yielding 35 gems.

    There are many other high yielding recipes that make all of the materials or gems or even pigs and coins readily available. Due to the retry system in the lab, you might have to spend some gems to make some, but if you stay with it a bit, you’ll end up way ahead in whatever you need.

    , you really should consider upgrading and coming along. I have also found the playability of the game to be much better balanced and with dozens of Energonicons to choose from, there are a lot of new ways to approach the runs.


    I had about 30 or so Energonicons crafted when Rovio shuffled things up. I just finished crafting my 48th Energonicons and of the last 18 or so, all of the recipes matched the original chart. (I should mention that when multiple recipes were available for the same Energonicon, I used the ones that did NOT use SuperRarium)


    Does anybody know if the recent change by Rovio in the Energonicons altered the recipes also?


    There is no incentive to play the actual game anymore. You earn more gold and gems and materials by waiting out missions than you do by playing the game. Also, most of the playable nodes are taken up by transformers away on a mission or upgrading. When you skywarp them away, they are replaced by other busy transformers that can’t run missions either. I just check in every four hours to harvest coins or restart missions when I’m notified that one is done. Not even sure why I’m still messing with it-just a habit now. Way to go, Rovio! Each update makes the game a little less fun or even less playable! Not sure what your motives are here. I certainly don’t spend money on this game and now I don’t even watch the ads since there is no reason to actually play it.


    Well, maybe not. The materials give you a chance for the items on the professor’s screens. 5 gems to retry if you don’t like it.


    The reinstall seems to work like last time. It takes a few minutes to reload your data, but as long as you’re connected to FB, you should be alright. (IOS Version)


    iPhone 5s; iOS 8.4; rank 282; not broken


    Yea, it’s the inconsistency that has me so frustrated. I feel like there is something simple and basic I’m overlooking to maintain a balance of challenge vs. playability. Some of these instant death runs mysteriously turn easy after a while and others times what should be an easy run ends up ending suddenly. No matter how messed up and stacked against me it gets, once every day or two everything falls in place and I make a little progress. My cynical self tells me that’s just the ‘crack’ they’re giving me to keep me coming back for more, but whatever it is, it’s working: I’m still plugging away, trying to level up these TFs one more time….


    Well, I dunno guys. For two days, all 6 of my runs have been instant death TFs. None of them are options for special missions and every time I skywarp one, it comes right back. Most are level 9 or 10, even when get one to level 11, after one or two runs, whatever the difficulty level says, from med to very hard, the result is instant death. Nothing left to do but a Jenga run or upgrade one tranformer every day and half or so. Will this improve once I get past level 11 or is this it?


    Thanks for the tips. Good point about using the unwinnable TFs on special missions. This forum and you specifically seem to have the best handle on this game that I’ve come across. If not for the explanations I have found here, I would have given up in frustration a while back! I hope Rovio is still checking out these threads, their participation in here is encouraging, too. Thanks again.


    Super Rarium won’t spawn so I can’t upgrade most TFs. Right now for me, 5 out of 6 runs are instant death and the 6th one is a TF that is upgrading which I already killed twice today with Skywarps. All I can do is farm coins every 4 hours and waste 25 gems a day Skywarping my upgrading or instant death TFs only to have them reappear. Oh yea, there is the boring Jenga run that might yield 2,000 coins if I’m lucky. I run special missions overnight, but since I waste gems trying to get rid of unplayable runs, I’ll never collect enough gems to open extra special mission TF slots to guarantee some Super Rarium. It’s a Catch-22. I really enjoyed this game and want to give it a chance to improve, but this isn’t even playable anymore.


    Now I have the same TF on two separate runs and I can’t play either one because it is upgrading. 3 of the other 4 are instant shotgun pig (I guess?) deaths. The other one is rated easy and will earn about 200-300 coins. Since I have to get materials that won’t spawn to upgrade now, what’s the point of even playing? One or two runs every couple of hours for a few hundred coins? Come on Rovio, these are not new problems! Fix it already!

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