• Rank: Pig Leader with 11110 points
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RagnahogYou're Ranked 21 out of 166

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 292,800: Ranked 21 out of 166 w/ 3 scores entered
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Thor's Hammer #8697,36075-6,74097,293+67n/a
Golden Egg #8743,23019-4,66039,289+3,941n/a
Golden Egg #88152,21021-9,180140,260+11,950n/a

Hammier ThingsYou're Ranked 24 out of 162

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 540,670: Ranked 24 out of 162 w/ 3 scores entered
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Spooky Shed #83232,27061-22,530228,084+4,186n/a
Golden Egg #84271,89019-18,240244,238+27,652n/a
Golden Egg #8536,510118 Top Score!36,472+38n/a

Piggywood Studios Part 2You're Ranked 65 out of 164

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 928,310: Ranked 65 out of 164 w/ 3 scores entered
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Superstar #80510,42074-54,260502,930+7,490n/a
Golden Egg #8147,09056-21,31046,810+280n/a
Golden Egg #82370,80088-58,130366,799+4,001n/a

Piggywood Studios Part 1You're Ranked 11 out of 175

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 404,870: Ranked 11 out of 175 w/ 3 scores entered
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Pig Oscar #77134,3103-11,800111,924+22,386n/a
Golden Egg #7827,20057-12,09021,065+6,135n/a
Golden Egg #79243,36028-11,190226,001+17,359n/a

Summer CampYou're Ranked 52 out of 157

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 588,130: Ranked 52 out of 157 w/ 3 scores entered
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Camp Neversleep #74366,27093-24,340369,289-3,019n/a
Golden Egg #7594,97032-12,35089,462+5,508n/a
Golden Egg #76126,89022-6,730120,218+6,672n/a

Marie HamtoinetteYou're Ranked 13 out of 177

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 263,050: Ranked 13 out of 177 w/ 2 scores entered
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Big Fountain #72197,88019-2,110190,577+7,303n/a
Golden Egg #7365,17018-8,69053,949+11,221n/a

Fairy HogmotherYou're Ranked 4 out of 169

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 220,730: Ranked 4 out of 169 w/ 3 scores entered
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Big Mushroom #69129,4405-6,230116,083+13,357n/a
Golden Egg #7054,94043-1,37054,140+800n/a
Golden Egg #7136,3508-4029,892+6,458n/a

Ski or SquealYou're Ranked 77 out of 216

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 639,450: Ranked 77 out of 216 w/ 3 scores entered
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Big Cable Car #66123,10097-41,300133,267-10,167n/a
Golden Egg #67197,07073-24,740187,293+9,777n/a
Golden Egg #68319,28037-8,180305,586+13,694n/a

Invasion of the Egg SnatchersYou're Ranked 98 out of 200

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 792,600: Ranked 98 out of 200 w/ 3 scores entered
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Big Gas Pump #63235,59085-12,040232,868+2,722n/a
Golden Egg #64364,47086-58,290356,370+8,100n/a
Golden Egg #65192,540145-51,580205,199-12,659n/a

Tropigal ParadiseYou're Ranked 84 out of 232

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 648,140: Ranked 84 out of 232 w/ 3 scores entered
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Big Tiki #59280,370137-8,410280,175+195n/a
Golden Egg #60205,50082-14,190198,299+7,201n/a
Golden Egg #61162,27075-8,200156,428+5,842n/a

On Finn IceYou're Ranked 31 out of 300

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 176,240: Ranked 31 out of 300 w/ 3 scores entered
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Masonry Stove #5562,59041-3,19061,882+708n/a
Golden Egg #5633,56057-1,65032,841+719n/a
Golden Egg #5780,09052-1,05072,765+7,325n/a

Ham DunkYou're Ranked 13 out of 310

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 867,130: Ranked 13 out of 310 w/ 5 scores entered
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Big Basketball #52157,000114-25,080150,514+6,486n/a
Golden Egg #53219,350103-17,230213,212+6,138n/a
Golden Egg #5466,650100-5,25066,053+597n/a
Golden Egg #58127,560130-30,540129,883-2,323n/a
Golden Egg #62296,57013-27,590225,391+71,179n/a

South HAMericaYou're Ranked 156 out of 377

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 504,280: Ranked 156 out of 377 w/ 3 scores entered
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Aztec Calendar #49188,730193-32,050181,796+6,934n/a
Golden Egg #50194,640143-47,650190,476+4,164n/a
Golden Egg #51120,910132-15,560118,100+2,810n/a

Arctic EggspeditionYou're Ranked 73 out of 543

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 699,600: Ranked 73 out of 543 w/ 4 scores entered
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Big Stove #45276,940101-11,090270,841+6,099n/a
Golden Egg #46175,86029-10,930159,144+16,716n/a
Golden Egg #47130,480316-6,930131,314-834n/a
Golden Egg #48116,320122-27,650107,799+8,521n/a

Abra-Ca-BaconYou're Ranked 60 out of 542

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 176,760: Ranked 60 out of 542 w/ 2 scores entered
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Big Juggling Pins #43103,46062-4,040100,013+3,447n/a
Golden Egg #4473,300214-15072,732+568n/a

Winter WonderhamYou're Ranked 34 out of 753

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 609,040: Ranked 34 out of 753 w/ 3 scores entered
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Big Ornament #40222,37062-4,250217,872+4,498n/a
Golden Egg #41195,020230-3,010194,111+909n/a
New Years 2013 Egg #42191,65025-3,940182,808+8,842n/a

Haunted HogsYou're Ranked 376 out of 740

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 203,780: Ranked 376 out of 740 w/ 2 scores entered
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Big Bat #38106,840414-11,880105,697+1,143n/a
Golden Egg #3996,940301-4,47096,799+141n/a

Back to SchoolYou're Ranked 55 out of 758

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 234,370: Ranked 55 out of 758 w/ 2 scores entered
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Big Notepad #3693,29072-7,05085,913+7,377n/a
Golden Egg #37141,08054-9,970121,755+19,325n/a

PiglantisYou're Ranked 29 out of 831

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 301,210: Ranked 29 out of 831 w/ 2 scores entered
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Big Seashell #34143,64054-4,990127,332+16,308n/a
Golden Egg #35157,57030-6,790139,249+18,321n/a

Cherry BlossomYou're Ranked 94 out of 924

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 226,460: Ranked 94 out of 924 w/ 2 scores entered
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Big Fan #3295,630339-73095,278+352n/a
Golden Egg #33130,83094-5,810124,127+6,703n/a

Year of the DragonYou're Ranked 16 out of 930

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 348,720: Ranked 16 out of 930 w/ 2 scores entered
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Big Banner #30220,36012-10,920161,962+58,398n/a
Golden Egg #31128,360347-7,690127,286+1,074n/a

Wreck the HallsYou're Ranked 202 out of 940

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 344,810: Ranked 202 out of 940 w/ 3 scores entered
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Big Cookie #27107,810230-12,670108,083-273n/a
Golden Egg #28104,230307-7,960102,656+1,574n/a
New Years Egg #29132,770213-33,580120,112+12,658n/a

Ham'o'weenYou're Ranked 136 out of 930

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 177,970: Ranked 136 out of 930 w/ 2 scores entered
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Black Pumpkin #2587,36081-14,98079,229+8,131n/a
Golden Egg #2690,610247-29,78088,419+2,191n/a

Mooncake FestivalYou're Ranked 126 out of 900

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 300,800: Ranked 126 out of 900 w/ 2 scores entered
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Big Mooncake #23100,550233-22,17094,250+6,300n/a
Golden Mooncake #24200,25091-42,500179,400+20,850n/a

Summer PignicYou're Ranked 180 out of 984

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 233,790: Ranked 180 out of 984 w/ 3 scores entered
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Big Basket #2073,870138-23,43068,404+5,466n/a
Golden Egg #2177,350557-13,09078,707-1,357n/a
Golden Egg #2282,570145-9,94074,747+7,823n/a

Easter Eggs!You're Ranked 53 out of 1,036

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 1,369,700: Ranked 53 out of 1036 w/ 11 scores entered
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Big Egg #9108,73048-4,620102,165+6,565n/a
Golden Egg #10107,860101-13,13097,778+10,082n/a
Golden Egg #11143,09039-13,930124,835+18,255n/a
Golden Egg #12100,60097-24,42092,404+8,196n/a
Golden Egg #1370,730148-4,50068,605+2,125n/a
Golden Egg #14128,420203-18,760114,695+13,725n/a
Golden Egg #15349,6601 Top Score!346,375+3,285n/a
Golden Egg #1661,720309-14,19061,414+306n/a
Golden Egg #1761,440148-17,66052,811+8,629n/a
Golden Egg #18119,510144-2,200117,235+2,275n/a
Golden Egg #19117,94016-1,940106,958+10,982n/a

Go Green, Get LuckyYou're Ranked 525 out of 992

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 90,040: Ranked 525 out of 992 w/ 2 scores entered
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Golden Egg #723,120671-1,72022,904+216n/a
Pot O Gold #866,920560-1,72065,263+1,657n/a

Hogs & KissesYou're Ranked 166 out of 1,017

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 59,280: Ranked 166 out of 1017 w/ 2 scores entered
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Golden Egg #538,850263-99038,781+69n/a
Big Heart #620,430106-21019,373+1,057n/a

Seasons GreedingsYou're Ranked 155 out of 1,021

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 452,790: Ranked 155 out of 1021 w/ 2 scores entered
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Golden Egg #1308,590231-7,950298,460+10,130n/a
Big Present #2144,200159-66,610121,861+22,339n/a

Trick or TreatYou're Ranked 300 out of 1,021

Level Your Score Rank Diff High Avg +/- Avg
  • Total Score of 277,200: Ranked 300 out of 1021 w/ 2 scores entered
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Golden Egg #3101,150423-13,840101,866-716n/a
Big Pumpkin #4176,050286-7,860173,651+2,399n/a