Angry Birds Seasons Summer Pignic Golden Egg #22 Walkthrough

Space, the final frontier! Golden Egg #22 is hidden behind the slingshot platform on level 1-3 of Summer Pignic. You’ll need to fling the white bird backwards and drop an egg bomb on the grass directly behind the platform. You have to hit it just right for the Golden Egg to pop up, so if you don’t do it the first time try again.

Note, this is a two part video. The first part shows how to find the Golden Egg and the second is a walkthrough on how to pass the actual Golden Egg level.

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Comments (72)

By Erik W

Still unable to replay the golden egg space level found on 1-3. It has disappeared from the screen with the big picnic basket. Motorola Droid 1.

Rank: Sling God with 37440 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 57,870

Weird, that is the first I’ve heard of this. Have you filed a bug report with Rovio by chance (email them at [email protected]).

By Wes

I’m having the same problem with the egg disapearing from 1-3 on the picnic basket screen. I emailed support so hopefully they get it sorted.

By zaki

i can’t find the golden egg either.

Rank: Deputized with 160 points
By gold5471 (@gold5471)

Weird. It always works for me.

Rank: Shooter with 810 points
By Azz (@azz)

Angry bird space theme sometime in future? I hope so, its really fun/cool.

Rank: Debriefed with 1400 points
By Sethulhu (@sethulhu)

i just realized something, the satellite dish on the far right has an SII on it, does this mean there is a Seasons version 2 coming up? or simply something to say seasons update 2?

just thinking

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 80,910

That’s a reference to the Samsung Galaxy SII device.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1520 points
By Little Brother Bird (@platypus1234)

Does that means that the egg is only available on Samsung Galaxy SII or does it come for iPad to?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 80,910

It’s available on all devices. It’s a reference to the GSII.

Rank: Debriefed with 1400 points
By Sethulhu (@sethulhu)

this has to be the dumbest golden egg ever, how in the hell is anyone going to think to do this and get it right?? it took me 10 tries to get it even after watching the vid… sheesh ..

By Philip Jon swift

it took me 7 tries after watching this vid
But how do people find that by them selves
But cool space theme but weird because it goes completely silent

Rank: Sling God with 37440 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 57,870

That one was found by luck. When you have as large of community as Angry Birds does even the most obscurely hidden Golden Eggs don’t stay hidden for very long. I think it’s great, as it ups the excitement for a bit as people rush to find it.

By the JACKal

If your last played level is the Galaxy SII themed, then the game’s homescreen will change and birds will fly in space :)

By Kim

I have kept trying to get the one on 1-3 and it isn’t working. I’m so confused.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 80,910

Check the Golden Egg page and verify that you don’t already have it. (The page is to the right of the 1-30 board, and this egg appears to the left of the Big Basket.)

If you don’t have it, the location is extremely precise. Try to drop the egg-bomb as close to the platform as possible. It’s mighty tricky.

By Grant

I gave up after ten tries, went for the level 14 egg, got that, then came back and got it on the third shot. I think if u zoom in, it’s about halfway between the platform and edge of screen (on my ipad.)

Btw, the golden egg hasn’t disappeared from my version of the seasons. (ipad-compatible version)

By seth

75620 by dropping the white’s bomb on the purple and green platform and simultaneously hitting the blue tower with the white bird. next one, black bomb on the left side of the spaceship. 10.000 for the yellow one.

By Johnny888

Flew White bird in low, dropped egg to left of grey tower, bird took out lower right leg of spaceship and lower left part of “SII” tower. Which damaged right arc and dropped onto pigs & spaceship. Flew Black bird in at a slightly higher angle, into edge of spaceship. BOOM!! All pigs & some structure damaged. 10,000 for Yellow bird. Total score 77770

By Browns2212

I just got 77780 using 3 birds

By Ewes

I got the egg a while ago but it never came up as a playable level. iPhone 4..

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 80,910

The egg did not appear on your Golden Egg page? Have you tried re-obtaining the egg?

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Nicnak23 (@)

So frustrating, but after zooming in like someone said, got it first try! Thanks!

how do you destroy the s2 thing on the golden egg?

Rank: Sling God with 37440 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 57,870

I don’t think you can destroy it.

By Kathy

My basket page says I have egg 22 but I haven’t got it on level 1_3.I got the one on 1_14.but egg 21 doesn’t show are they mixed up?.using android lg if that matters thanks for help

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 80,910

There is a numbering discrepancy. The Pause Menu lists the egg as “# +1”, while the Level Completed screen lists the egg as “#”. The latter is correct. Rovio is aware of the discrepancy.

Is it possible to destroy the s2 thing?

Rank: Sling God with 37440 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 57,870

I don’t think so, but I honestly haven’t tried.

Do you guys mind trying to destroy it? I feel that some thing might happen.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 80,910

8ball managed to destroy it, he says, and nothing significant happened. While we all enjoy the idea of Golden Eggs within Golden Egg levels, I doubt Rovio will actually do this. The point being, every egg is achievable on its own and no one egg is a prerequisite for any other. I think this will stay true.

By Joanie

Angry Birds Seasons Summer Pignic Golden Eggs

Weird, but the galaxy golden egg problem shows it as egg #23 not 22. And, the golden egg problem with the tracks and ice cream cones show it as egg #22. It’s reversed from yours. Have you seen this and know why? Thanks!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 80,910

This is a known discrepancy, but they aren’t reversed (we have no 23). The discrepancy is as follows. The correct numbering is on the level completion screen. The pause screen, however, labeled eggs one higher. I hope this clears it up.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By AngryAngryBig (@angryangrybig)

I´ve got 80910 points. That´s is a new record?? Where can I see the Angry Birds Seasons Golden Eggs Learborders ??

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 80,910

The Golden Eggs leaderboard for Seasons exists but is not publicly linked due to a numbering discrepancy that resulted in incorrect posting. Hopefully the numbering will be fixed in the next update (expected in the next few days) and we can push it live again.

By Alexchooo

This egg is not included in PC right?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 80,910

Yes it is

By Ryan

Just for ref, on my PC ver I zoomed out and was trying to get it at the very edge of the screen, or well past the base like it shows in the vid but it was actually triggered when I landed a bomb right at the very back edge of the base at the ground, so was no where near as far as the vid shows

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 80,910

The video is zoomed in and the egg is dropped immediately next to the platform, exactly as we say in the preceding paragraph.

You’ll need to fling the white bird backwards and drop an egg bomb on the grass directly behind the platform.

Not sure why you thought “well past the base” was shown in the video. It is clearly dropping the egg next to the platform.

Rank: Shooter with 875 points
By Shivkumar (@shivkumar)

Can anyone explain why it’s referring Samsung Galaxy II

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 71,770

Most likely a promotion. Thank Lamia and AMslimfordy for pointing it out.

Rank: Slinger with 1200 points
By Amphoth3ra (@amphoth3ra)

The reference itself induce to think that the golden egg is only available to Samsung phones/tablets… until I just get that golden egg on my iPad version of Seasons xD

by Amphoth3ra.

By Bob

I got the golden egg and passed the level 2 days ago. Nothing happened. Still there passed. I copied the video.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 80,910


Rank: Hardened with 565 points
By Austin (@austin18)

I think he means that he didn’t get anything after passing the level with a golden star. Which of course, there isn’t anything you get after passing the level. So, maybe his golden star on the golden egg didn’t show up on the level selection screen?

Rank: Fling King with 4870 points
By Harrystar6 (@harrystar6)Score: 75,440

Thank for the awesome walkthough

Rank: Hardened with 625 points
By eabluebird (@eabluebird)

I love the space version! They should make a whole episode

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)Score: 84,950

I was just replaying the space levels in preparation for ABSpace, and I’ve developed a 2-bird strategy for getting 80k plus on this one. It is as follows:

White bird: As in video, ie, lowish so that the bird itself flies up to take out the ‘UFO’ from which the pig is hanging from (by sunglasses actually!). You can however, get far more points than in the video. Anything above 28k should provide a strong enough base for 80k+ scores. It may take a few goes to get that though. Also note to wait for the pink and green blocks to fall before firing the next bird.

Black bird: Longish shot to the base of the far structure, with the bird passing through either of the bottom two blue blocks. Reasonably often, the SII aerial will fall down to the left, and should take out the piggies below. Note that actually it only does about 1 in every 2 or 3 goes unfortunately.

I have about 85k with this, so best of luck! :)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16160 points
By josephine (@josephine)Score: 81,030

Thanks Laurence, I just found out about these leaderbords(was busy improving other scores)and improved from 69K (too ashamed to post that) to 81K. That will do for now.
Thanks again, Josephine

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9295 points
By georgerxtx (@georgerxtx)Score: 82,220

Thanks Lawrence improved to 82220 using this.

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 87,120

Although it’s been over 1 1/2 yrs since @laurence has been here, I want to say thanks for your post. During this Challenge, with your help, I managed to improve my Android phone score of 81380 to 85320 on iPad after many, many, many tries.

It takes awhile to figure out how the birds react in this atmosphere & per Laurence, my score is a 2-birder. After the 1st shot I had just under 34k. In my experience, for the 2nd shot, it’s important to let the BB roll all the way to the right thru the bottom blue blocks before activating. This was the best way for the top stone structure with SII to fall left, pierce the glass above the 4 piggies & smash all of them.

I sure wish there were more comments, especially for these high scores.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18080 points
By steely59 (@steely59)Score: 87,040

Improved from 81 to 87k on this challenge using @laurence strategy with a slight tweak: when firing the black bird, aim as high as possible and then wait for the bomb to go off by itself. On a few lucky occasions, this blew debris to the far left in addition to taking out the bottom pigs. This gave me some extra points.

My guess is that the scores > 90k are 1-birders where the players got lucky.

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 87,120

Thanks @steely59 for posting that 2nd shot works best when higher & allowed to activate on its own. I’d posted the above just before bed & had yet to experiment with your way … it certainly is producing better results.

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)Score: 84,950

@justpast40 glad I could help :)

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 87,120

@laurence, it’s great to see you back after all this time. We never know if or when a member will be back, so I’ve always been one to give credit where credit is due. Good luck with your future flinging.

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)Score: 84,950

@justpast40 It has been a while, but glad to see the nest is stronger than ever. I’ll try and stick around for a bit this time!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 77,210

Looking back I wonder if this is the first hint of the “space” game, or maybe this created the idea for the latter game. Very different from “Space” in terms of the gravity, but kind of cool to look back and wonder if this was the birth of the next big game.

Rank: Fling King with 4540 points
By Hidayat1999 (@hidayat1999)Score: 71,200

Mustache Pig triggers the green-purple platform.
White Bird at a low arc, popping both pig.
Black Bird at the same trajectory so he hits the stone parts of the second spaceship.
Yellow Bird at a high arc, smash the bottom part of the tower and popping the last pig.

Rank: Sling God with 45665 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 90,210

1.bird direct to the front of the woodden spaceship.activate in the last mom. before hit.
2.bird with a high arc into the base glass on the right.when the structur falls to the left the black bird activate themselves!! and the 4pigs will be killed. :o)

Rank: Sling God with 46670 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 88,540

@comex666 following your strat got 88k, thanks

Rank: Boss Hog with 14685 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 91,300

Video for 1Bird score is only 83k but looks nice :)
of to bed Good Luck on the challenge

Rank: Sling God with 26440 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 83,570

Thank you for the awesome 1-birder video @xebic88! Maybe it’s possible to get more than 20k by quickly launching BB to get more debris points.
Happy flinging dreams my friend!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9590 points
By crivit (@crivit)Score: 90,110

nice one @xebic88 I scored 90k using 2 birds btw.

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By Jaydee (@jaydee)Score: 85,090

Hello @xebic88 . Just a word of appreciation for your strategy. It helped me to get over 80k. I came nowhere close until I saw your trajectory. I owe you one!

Rank: Sling God with 30225 points
By löwenzahn (@liontooth)Score: 90,030

Thanks a lot, great strategy.
Heres a funy fact:
If you get his first shot right, but one of the 4 pigs to the right is yet alive, don´t worry.
With a nice BB landing slightly left of the rock structure, you may obtain a lot of points…flying S2 symbol, parts of the rock structure, parts of the wooden flying saucer (in german: fliegende Untertasse).
Got the 90k by 30 points, makes me happy ^^

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 87,120

I’d actually tried @xebic88 last night after the Challenge started, but couldn’t get a decent score. When using xebic’s method are there any 90k 1-birders other than PC, like iPad or Android?

Rank: Boss Hog with 14685 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 91,300

Most welcome @sweetp @crivit @jaydee @liontooth :)
My best so far is with 2 Birds also .

Rank: Sling God with 25800 points
By MG516 (@mg516)Score: 85,440

Very imaginative shot @xebic88 It was fun to try and get a decent score with your approach. Thank you.

Rank: Shooter with 920 points
By butters (@butters)Score: 85,460

Nice job and thanks for posting your video @xebic88

Rank: Avian Overlord with 19760 points
By Sasho95 (@sasho95)Score: 83,760

Thanks @xebic88 ! Really good strategy :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 79,190

@xebic88 Thanks again for a great video!!
i just can’t get used to these no gravity levels:/but not bad i got above average. just now trying to fill in my bonus leaderboard.., better late than never lol/!
hope all is well with you and yours always nice to see these old posts with dear friends :D

Rank: Deputized with 160 points
By gold5471 (@gold5471)

I didn’t know about it at first, once I randomly aimed Matilda backwards and a golden egg popped up!

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