Will you continue playing the arena in the third season?

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  • Zack Voyager

    @angryde I’ve noticed on Larry’s thread (Cheaters) that you was quite lucky on last weeks ! But cheaters still are a common thing ! And what XP level are you ? I was meaning it is pretty a hardcore game for a level 20-35 player to stay in diamond…


    @zackvoyager I’m 45/10 (all classes), most 41-45 Epic sets, with mostly diamond and platinum banner sets + emblems. Hey, I totally agree that it’s not easy… and I’m sure it’s majorly frustrating for lower ranked players!! However, diamond is the top league out of six… so, you’d expect it to be populated by the strongest players, no!?


    I’m pretty sure I’m done with the arena. I can maintain, but can’t advance.

    I managed to get to gold at the very end of the last season. Then, realizing one needed to be 45/10 with all classes to compete, I focused on that and got there.

    I’ve been in platinum for weeks, but cannot grind enough to get above that. I have several set items that are old/underpowered and can’t seem to roll replacements. Bouncing out to find beatable opponents is boring me.

    It’s easy to stay in platinum achieving my dailies, but what’s the point?

    I have one more cave star to clear, which will probably happen tomorrow. After that, Epic gets back-burnered until they expand the map or freshen it some other way.

    You do you, crazy 15k/day grinders.


    In retrospect, I have not played this game to win, I have played it to have fun.

    In order to win, there are a few keys.

    1) Never waste your coins. Spend them only on permanent items that give great advantage. You will always be able to get snoutlings for free.

    2) Test your combos again and again. Learn what works before engaging powerful enemies.

    3) The key: BUY AS MANY FRIENDS AS YOU CAN. Ultimately, you will come to a point in the game where arena battles are won or lost on who has the best equipment. The best equipment comes from free rolls. Maximize the number of free rolls that you get by collecting as many friends as possible early. I have 3 friends, and will never make it to Diamond because I don’t have 45 level set items, and refuse to skip 30 battles in a row.

    I didn’t play to win. I played to have fun. No longer fun.


    I will officially never play the arena until Rovio has made it more worthwhile. It’s just no rewards for crazy work.


    @there4im Good points, mate. On point (1) I agree. I haven’t spent a cent of real world money… I don’t have any of the LC purchasable classes, only purchased the golden chilli three weeks ago (and I have played AB Epic since its launch!), and have paid for perhaps 15 20LC GPM + 5 5LC AGPM spins in TOTAL. As a result, I have 1250 LCs just sitting there… Lulz! On point (2) I agree. Poor tactics make this game so much harder… especially in arena. On point (3) I was under the impression that the number of free spins one receives has absolutely nothing to do with the number of friends one has..!? In any case, I’ve certainly had some lucky rolls on the GPM and AGPM. 95% of my epic items/sets, (arena) tops/banners/emblems have come from GPM/AGPM rolls. However, I’ve never had to skip 30 potential battles in a row in the arena… during weeks 1-5 in season 1 I was forced to skip perhaps 1 in 10 battles..!? Again, I think this has to do with the fact that I’ve always ground my classes/birds up to the (existing) level cap ASAP.


    @there4im @angryde Angryde is right about the numbers of friends having nothing to do with the free rolls. You get 1 free roll every day if you have Facebook connected, but you only get 1 free roll every 2 days if not Facebook connected.


    Thanks @angryde and @neomerlinmagic for confirming that. The frustrating need to continually reconnect with Facebook now means that I may have missed some rolls. I have noticed that on occasion, if I have a roll waiting for me from Piggy McCool, and I sign into FB first, I lose that roll.

    Ultimately, what I’ve learned is that I have BAD luck on rolling set items.

    What I wouldn’t give to be able to trade/sell some weapons or resources for high level set items. Anybody need 3,500 seashells? 4,500 wood or stone?


    I’ve got 6500 seastars that aint doin nuthin.


    Because of how Rovio has made the game, pretty much all that’s left in the game is to progress in Chronicle Cave, grind for mastery or XP, wait, play the arena, the perpetual events, collecting junk, not getting the set items you want, or nothing at all. So the game has become really boring…


    I have a total of nearly 60,000 in resources to make items and nearly 8,000 ingredients to make potions. The resources only have a little bit of value until you reach max level because that is the only time you are going to craft items. Once you hit max level all your items come from the GPM so resources become worthless.


    Gave me the wrong trophy again. Finished week twelve in 8th in Platinum. Got Diamond trophy. LOL. Think I’m out for Season 3.


    So finished in first place in my final week in diamond league, rewards are not one ounce different to the first season… I suppose I thought/hoped for something to differentiate that I had endured this flawed, buggy game a second time; or that Rovio would have heard the moans about inadequate reward from the first season. P!ss-poor effort!!
    I know I have stated I would stop playing this game previously, however I did kick-on when the last update added more caves/ levels; however there’s simply nothing left to chase. I won’t bother with other Rovio games based on this experience either.

    Cheers, Snarky

    Mighty Red

    Quite a dramatic ending to this season for me. 2 days before the end of the season I was in 13th place in Platinum league trailing by about 18K points from 3rd place. I played a lot in those last 2 days and managed to catch up to the Top 3. When the last hour started, I was in 4th place, and in that hour I managed to accumulate enough points to jump into first place. The season ended – got the promotion to Diamond league, got a 2nd Diamond trophy.


    Finished first in diamond league season two. Same reward as last season finishing
    8th in diamond league… Very lame! Same events, nothing new to do, I think this game is nearing a dead end. Maybe I’ll wait until week 5 and start playing to add a little challenge. Then again, what’s the point?


    I got nothing. Finished in gold for second time, and all I have is my season 1 gold trophy. Figured since I did the same, there was no reward. Not that it matters, but jeeze, what the hell? There is literally no point to the arena anymore.


    Just a suggestion if Rovio reads these forums. How about for first through third in any given league you win your choice of: first place banner, second topper and third emblem. In example, first place platinum wins choice of platinum banner, second place gold wins choice of gold topper. Does that make sense? Any other ideas?

    finished diamond in the last two seasons and not worth it, same useless rewards so there is no point on wasting time on it


    It is really upsetting and stupid to make everyone start over in the Wood league because everything you get from the GAPM will be worthless until you make it back to a high ranking league again. They should make the GAPM dispense items from the highest league you attained in order for it to have some value.


    I finished on #1 in Diamond. Got a second diamond trophy. The description text for the tropy is not even localized yet – goes to show how much effort Rovio put into the arena rewards. I still didn’t get the “finish a league on #1” achievement. I’m not playing arena until they at least fix that achievement. For me as a completionist, it’s bad enough that I can’t get the master achievement anymore.


    Meh, I also have my second Diamond trophy award.
    It even looks exactly the same, also exactly the same frame.

    I was hoping for something more, slighly different, or with a 2x in it


    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. There won’t be a third time.


    “Will you continue playing the arena in the third season?”

    I will compete a few times per day ; perhaps to only complete Daily Objectives. However, I’m no longer going to grind xxx Points in an attempt to progress to the next league. It’s pointless since Rovio is going to kick people back ; especially when they’ve tried for weeks to reach a higher ranked league.

    So , the answer to the main question, Yes and No.


    @I finished season 1 in platinum and like others I got a diamond trophy. I finished in 1st in Diamond yesterday and got another you guessed it Diamond trophy. Starting over in wood again is pretty lame IMO. They could at least give better end of league rewards and make something different than last time. What a disappointment. Rovio, in case you are listening, I think you have many players/CUSTOMERS that are quitting because of lack interest in a game that once was good and fun but has been put on the back burner so you can make other projects?


    All — I had decided that I would not play the 3rd season, because I expected to get to diamond. Only problem is that I didn’t check the number of weeks left, and was blindsided when I realized it was the last week. I had forgotten how many weeks I spent at the beginning losing to ghosts and cheaters. I only got to platinum.
    So I started the 3rd season. Things seem a little more balanced this time around. There are very few if any cheaters, and maybe no ghosts??? So far the opponents in wood league seem a lot easier on average. Most of them are unnamed and appear to have been created by Rovio. Their ranking seems to be way off — much higher than their banner or birds would warrant; so they are relatively easy to beat. The ranking of the named players seems a lot more realistic.
    We’ll see how it goes.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Will you continue playing the arena in the third season?

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