Tower of Misfortune

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    Feathers, pig …….

    No video, 60 gems to continue …….


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  • Buster

    Strange. I didn’t hit a pig until about floor 20 and zipped all the way to the top, using only about 200 gems (net, counting rewards). But I did not receive the jackpot egg, which I thought you got automatically for reaching floor 60. Has this changed?

    With only a 25% chance at the jackpot, I don’t think it’s worth the gems. In fact, my last pig cost 800 gems to continue and I would have just pocketed my winnings at the 400 level.


    For eight days in a row now I’ve gotten the pig on Floor 2. Hardly feels like a random chance game to me.  8 times in a row, always on the second floor?


    Change that to 9 days in a row now.  Am I having fun yet?


    After I’ve had 2-3 days of good runs, I will always have at least 10 days of 2-3 pigs before the 5th floor, and almost always a pig on floor 2.

    This is why I got zero hats during the last adventure. I had two great runs the two days before it started, and then got nothing during the entire hat adventure. I did make it past floor 10 once during the adventure, but missed the hats on 5 and 10.

    The truth is, the Tower of Misfortune is rigged to suck gems almost every day except for the rare ones where it gives lots of gems, and very few pigs.

    In my opinion, there are three choices when it comes to the Tower of Misfortune.
    1. Buy gems with real $$$ and run it as often as you want.
    2. If you get the video option, take whatever it gives you, watch the video, and call it a day. Now, if it has given you gems, save the video until you hit a pig that would cost more gems than you’ve earned.
    3. If you don’t get the video option, then just hope you make it far enough to earn some gems to cover a few continues.

    beaky blinder

    Is it just me? Three days in a row pigs on 234,234 and 678 using express lift. Any tips on progressing up the tower?


    Hi and happy new year all

    Have a question: if you use your video ads into tof and esc>>>then want try to entry again into tof… already have the video ?

    Tks 4 reply


    Someone could tell me if when use video ad and esc you haven’t another video ads of try to repeat towers (spending 60 gems to entry)?

    Tks and good new year


    If you use the video ad in tof, then pay 60 gems to play again, you will not get the video ad the second time around.

    Twisted Lemon

    The continue price should start at 20 gems, then go to 50, then 100. I think the next price is 200 gems but I’ve never gotten that far and only ever at most spend gems on the first 2 continues as 20 and 50 gems respectively isn’t that much and definitely not as bad when you earn gems which will cover the costs.

    There’s only been a few times that I’ve paid gems for a 3rd continue and that’s when the ToF “allowed” me to get really far with minimal pigs and given me good prizes and lots of gems, though this rarely happens. I won’t ever be willing to spend 200 gems on a continue as knowing the ToF’s nature I’d just get a pig on the next 1-2 floors which isn’t worth 200 gems.

    Here’s some advice/tips:

    1. If you have the ad video available (some don’t have it for whatever reason) then you should always use it to leave on, as you only get the one video. It’s a get out of jail free so save it right for the end of your run. Some players don’t have the video as an option and at that point I would ignore the ToF altogether.

    2. The first continue is cheap and there’s no real loss to paying for it; 20 gems is a negligible amount that you can get right back from doing a few of you Daily Quests, so don’t be afraid to pay it since it’s inexpensive and pretty much a free continue.

    3. When you get a pig, look at what prizes you have and determine if they’re worth spending gems over. For example, only apples and feathers are not worth spending gems over to continue; a pig as early as floor 2, 3 or 4 and you only have 20 feathers and 2-3 apples, keep your gems, use the video and leave. If it were a few random spells, I’d be willing to spend the gems to continue as for me a couple spells is definitely worth a mere 20 gems.

    4. If you get a pig on floor 2 or 3, use the video and leave. A pig this early is never worth spending gems on and it’s usually a bad sign that you’re going to get another pig on the next 1-2 floors so you’re better off leaving with whatever you have. The only times I ever would pay for the 1st continue that early is if I had spells and/or gems as then the cost is covered. Speaking of gems:

    5. If you’ve earned gems from one or more floors, use them to pay for the 1st continue. It should cover the cost so it’s essentially a free continue, saving you the video. If you’re lucky enough to get more gems as you continue up the floors then you can likely cover the 2nd continue. Once you hit the 3rd pig and the continue costs 100 gems, it’s best to use the video and leave, unless you’ve earned even more gems, in which case pay the 3rd time and use the video on the next pig.

    6. If you get up to floor 5 with no pigs, you should definitely spend the 20 gems for the 1st continue, as really the prizes only start becoming acceptable past floor 5. Even if you get a pig on floor 6, spend the gems and keep going, then depending on what you get, continue again with gems or use the video and leave.

    7. If you’re 1-2 floors away from a safe floor after using the video, this is a trap. The ToF wants you to think “eh, I may aswell go on up to the safe floor since it’s so close”. Don’t bother, you’ll most probably get a pig and lose everything. Better to be safe than sorry.


    I was surprised to read this thread. I have never once been offered a video to continue with the Tower game. I get video’s all the time during the Arena or Gladiator game (can’t remember what it’s called) and I get video’s all the time to open an extra “free” chest.

    I wonder why that is. I’m guessing it’s because I always opt to spend at least the first 20 gems during the Tower game once I hit the first pig.


    @brandaloo, several players have reported the same experience. It’s a mystery and to my knowledge there has never been an official explanation from Rovio.

    I will occasionally lose the video option on TOF but it always comes back the next round. I’ve noticed that seems to occur when I’ve lost my internet connection temporarily or am in airplane mode (so my device wouldn’t be able to access a video anyway), but that explanation seems unlikely if you’ve been playing for a long time.

    I’m curious though. Do you ever buy gems with real $$$? Some players have reported that they got the video until they paid real money for gems and then the video option went away.


    Was 1 year and half that I haven’t buy anything from ab2….but video ads dont come back,so really seems there isn’t an equal treatment for all


    Yep, I bought gems with real money almost immediately after first downloading the game. My girlfriend has never used real money and she said she gets the video option all of the time.

    It definitely seems linked to that which is pretty unfair.


    I always have the video option.  But you can’t always rely on it. During a hat event I paid 20 + 50 + 100 gems because I really wanted to get to the hat on level 40.  At the next green pig I wanted to get out by the video option, but it was no longer there!  Haha! Tricky Rovio!

    Twisted Lemon

    Same here, the video has thankfully always been available for me. If I get past floor 5 with no pigs then I know my run is going to be acceptable so I’ll definitely be paying for the 1st continue, and likely the second if I get at least another 3+ floors up before the 2nd pig.

    On rare occasions I might pay for the 3rd continue, and will only ever do it if 1) I earned a significant amount of gems to cover the cost. The few times I’ve done this the video has still been available after. If it suddenly disappeared then I would stop paying for the 3rd continue as I don’t want to pay for the 4th as it’s 200 gems.


    I have also had that happen a few times where the Video Option button disappeared when I was ready to use it, and found that if I just waited, sometimes 4 or even 5 minutes, the Video Option button re-appeared.  Worth a try.

    Paulo Terrance



    I am new to forum but have been playing AB2 for years my advice on TOF is always accept fast forward button and keep the video back as a get out of jail card can normally get in the 13 to 17 level range for just the 70 coins



    @brandaloo, sorry to break the news, but there is no “fair” involved here. It’s like the casinos where they know you’re sitting at the table spending money and they want to keep you there. People who spend money to buy gems are cash cows for Rovio, so why would they give them away?

    That’s just my theory anyway, but it’s based on observations from playing this game a long time and reading a lot of comments.


    Yep, I agree with you 100%.

    I’m still going to cry about it being unfair though, lol.


    The whole game is a fruit machine now.


    You don’t know when you fling a bird whether it’ll be slugged/neutered and by how much.


    The skill factor of the player has dropped in relevance over the months / years and continues to do so imho.


    I managed to get to floor 40 and encountered 6 pigs (but took a video on the last one). That cost 770 gems, but I found 877 gems, so I was up 107. I also got a x10 hat, and loads of spells and feathers (a few thousand). I was amazed, as normally I can only get to level 15 before I start losing enormous amounts of gems







    @stedman42, yeh those runs are rare so take advantage when you get them.


    Yesterday got “awesome” run. Spell, pig (paid 20), pig (paid 50), pig (ad), hat, spell and quit. Just fantastic. It’s getting worse and worse…


    Seems like 9 times out of 10 I get the pig on Floor 2.  I won’t spend 20 gems nor even watch the video for that.  Screw these guys and their dishonest business model.  If they weren’t so blatant with the cheating I’d be a better customer for them because I’d at least watch some ads, generating revenue for Rovio.  As it stands now I feel that watching ANY ads in this game only serves to reward them for being greasy, I’ll just take the loss thank you vary much


    Twisted Lemon

    I got one today on floor 2. Quit immediately. I could have used the video and tried to get to floor 5 but I know I would’ve got a 2nd pig before that.

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