New Update –

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Update –


    /NEW SQUAD! C-c-c-c-Combiners!

    /NEW CHARACTER! Bigger is better!

    /NEW ACCESSORIES! Enigma of combination found!

    /OPTIMISED EXPERIENCE! Daily quest fixes!

    /COMING SOON! An undiscovered part of the island has started to show!


    This looks promising!
    Btw, this is the Android version number.

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  • Lewie4

    @moifirst We think you’re awesome for consistently posting the update notes, when new challenges are available and generally creating conversation. Drop me a private message as I have some free gems with your name on them!


    @lewie4 Spaceship doesn’t appear when arrive and left the map. That is something that will need fix.


    And he is BIGGGGGGGG




    Also for fixing – he doesn’t appear at the same end screen after the level is done.


    Maybe a bit off-topic, but when I’ve tried to send you a PM, I only got an error-message saying I didn’t use your correct username (both @lewie4 and Lewie4 failed).
    Could you tell me what I’m doing wrong? (Maybe you can send me a PM, to which I can respond.)
    Btw, thanks for your appreciation.


    whooooo there is something behind cave island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    So excited for the new area! Wonder what it is?


    <p style=”text-align: center;”>So from playing with devastator as a “buddy” I think I have successfully worked out his mechanics. So, devastator can’t transform, instead he can unleash a “ground pound”, this ability with have a cool down and will be activated by their user. Apart from that his weapon is similar to drifts, it also seems pretty powerful.</p>


    i hoped to see 5 bots that join together… but maybe is too complex for the game, is just heavy enough for a smartphone


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I’ll be updating the game as soon as possible to see these new updates :))))</p>


    @lewie4 Almost every time I open the game I can’t do anything. The game won’t respond to any of my taps.


    Okay so the combiners are considered as a single bot in the game? But if that’s the case then these are the same bots, just bigger?



    @asen Devastator is too big to fit in and out the astrotrain! We’re looking for alternatives but we wanted to get the big guy out on schedule :)

    I’ve sent you a friend request, I believe we may need to be friends first.

    That doesn’t sound good. Are you able to reach the support button in the options menu? If not, could you send me a screenshot of where you get stuck?


    @rizdub same problem here, just reboot the phone


    @lewie4 I saw a guy getting Devastator from the gold crates on YouTube. He goes past the screen in Astrotrain on top like we can’t see his head while he is getting upgraded. Is that intended as well?


    @lewie4 I get stuck immediately after launching the game. It literally responds to nothing I do.

    I turned my device (a Chromebook) off every night and the next day I turn it back on. It doesn’t work.


    @rizdub It is very important to say what is device, like you say chromebook. Probably this is the problem with last update!

    New area is coming with new bot, but probably won’t be this new bot, right?


    @datguygamer Thats intentional, Devastator is a bug guy!

    There are plans to release a new bot around the time of the new area but the area is more closely linked to combiners (and other, unreleased bots). We’ve got big plans for the future if the next area is well received :)


    @lewie4 I don’t believe such a change could be received bad, so we are excited for new things to come :)


    @lewie4 We all are interested in new areas. Also I would genuinely love if you guys implement the stuff from the survey. Would also love to upgrade my Energonicons to be more effective and last longer and collect more Minicons.

    I have more suggestions I can make but don’t know if these are gonna be implemented. Would love to see though in case devs consider them.


    @rizdub i use android smartphone, don’t know how work chromebook, i can suggest to install ABT on a smartphone and resume your backup on facebook for check if work there (in the while don’t try to open ABT on the chromebook)


    @davide We don’t officially support Chromebooks but it does run Android so it should just work. I have a Chromebook at home, I’ll try it on that next time I’m using it :)


    I just noticed the ‘Coming Soon’ part of the island on the map. I look forward to that becoming available.


    Not sure what you are doing to get Devastator in and out of Astrotrain but what I would like to see for him and future combiners (if possible) is for characters to come out and combine before the level starts. For example Astrotrain lands Scrapper and Mixmaster exit and form the legs, Hook and Long Haul exit forming the body and finally Bonecrusher and Scavenger exit forming the arms with the level then starting and at the end have the reverse with them uncombining to reenter Astrotrain.


    @phillips We had that idea but sadly it didn’t quite make it in time for the new version. I’ll continue to chase that up with team!

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