New Character – Devastator

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Character – Devastator

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    This character is already available in Golden Crates.
    So if you’re very lucky, you can get it there.


    @moifirst Okay but this doesn’t answer any of the questions I had. I highly doubt you will be able to have 6 bots on a node at once (7 if you count a buddy) and combine and/or separate at will.


    @datguygamer Apparently these new combiner bots are being developed by R/E. So you can’t make your own combiner bot at will (, at least not at this moment).


    Sweet… Rovio actually heard this suggestion!


    @moifirst Sorry but you lost me there. I never talked about making my own bots. Where did you read that part? I was talking about whether or not Devastator is considered as a single bot meaning you won’t be able to separate his parts or not. And if that was the case then this is basically a giant bot on the node and nothing else.

    Creating my own bots was not something I mentioned once.


    Sorry, my bad. I was confused by the part “combine and/or separate at will”.


    @moifirst I saw how he works in a video. He is just a giant bot and nothing more. He cannot transform but has another secondary attack. And he cannot be separated. He is just your average bot, just with a bigger size. Plus, since he cannot transform, he is extremely slow. Welp


    I am so confused, when i was playing with him as my “buddy” he was able to do a sort of ground pound… but now that I have him it doesn’t seem that he has this ability. Maybe he can only do this when he is your buddy.


    @fear It is possible for Devastator to ground pound whilst you are playing as him but I’ll let you guys figure out how to do it :)


    How many tokens will this bot need, I wonder.  50000 ?


    Just a single TF, not six.


    I’ve used him as a buddy a couple of times and notice that the ship doesn’t show up at the beginning or end of the mission.


    Just bought him for 1,000 gems.

    This guy moves sooooooooo slowly.

    I swear, I’m going to fall asleep before the run completes.


    As far as I can tell Devastator is completely impervious to Falling Monoliths.

    Which is good, because he doesn’t transform, so you can’t dodge anything.


    Here’s what I got from him so far.

    He’s not affected by Falling Monoliths or missles.

    His ground pound activates automatically when there are structures blocking the path (useful for Cave areas and…something I’ll touch on a bit later)

    Aaand he’s slow. Gotta have some downside to him…

    Something interesting on a slightly unrelated note is how, or where, he unlocks when you purchase him from a bundle.

    He unlocks in a Jungle area, the one that will sometimes show up in the middle of the Beach. This run in particular, though, was entirely jungle, no Beach at all. The structures were also a bit different, and there were structures along the pathway, something only the Caves have at the moment. I’m not sure if any other character has a similar unlock run, but if this is only for Devastator, I have a feeling that this may be the new map area. If not…I guess I’m just overanalyzing things.


    Upgrades require Pig Iron.


    Shooting fast and when you “ start vehicle mode “ actually he use different type weapon like Ultimate Megatron. Also when he have something on the way he walks, actually jump and destroy all :)

    As previous new bots I got him for 750 Gems.


    curios to see against unicron, he will win?


    He does. At level 3 he took care of Unicron without even losing a half of a heart. With Pig Boss is a different story, his missiles are deadly, two missiles almost took him down.


    Which rounds deserves to be taken for sure and first: EMP, incendiary, acid or explosive? ACID round should be probably for vehicle mode weapon? Probably incendiary round is especially for his normal weapon? What is your opinion?


    If you’ve got him and have done some upgrades and promoted him, and you’re on iOS, you may regret it, as challenge nodes with him are regularly crashing at the end, and there won’t be a fix until next week. Also, if you use him as a buddy on a regular node, it doesn’t count toward the thank a buddy daily quest. If you use him on a regular node, it won’t count for the daily quest. He’s strong and succeeds against Unicron, but I prefer a TF like Hound against Boss Pig because I can string BP along longer and build up more points. I got him for the regular offer I get for 1000 gems.


    @asen I gave him a spin, at level 4, in the spark run and he wasn’t any good against pig swarms. It took at least 3 shots to take down one flying pig. So, in his current level I’d pick EMP rounds first if the plan is to use him in the spark run, for the current event either incendiary or acid rounds should be more suitable.


    Devastator’s EMP rounds and Acid rounds both suck.




    It happens on Android too. Incredibly annoying and frustrating. Just had a run with over 1,000 points, then another one right afterwards of 600 points, only to have it crash and I get nothing because it crashes.


    I’m not sure if this might be the cause or not, but it crashed again. This time though, I noticed that I had fired right before it ended (where you’d normally be getting on the ship, if the ship was there), and that’s when it crashed.

    The next few times, I was careful not to shoot right at the end, and it didn’t crash. So maybe shooting right as it ends, is causing the crash.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Character – Devastator

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