Arena Season 9

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Arena Season 9

  • And a new Arena season has started!
    Even though the Arena player base has probably shrunk by 50% with the latest updates, I still hope you enjoy the season, and happy clashing!

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  • Gabee1611

    I’m interested to see how the GPM acts now that they might have removed the league icons from the banner items? Will there only be diamond level items now or will you have to work back to diamond league to get those level items again?


    This may interest you, on my second profile where I don’t play the Arena, only do one or two battles occasionally, I got a Diamond banner item from the GPM, even though I was never in Diamond. The picture showing this banner item is on the “Arena Power Levels” topic…


    I have 50 arena points for now. That will net me another trophy.


    Bah. I’m already behind and the season just started lol. Grinding in wood league bites =(


    What do you consider a cheater’s score? I made all six of my objectives for Sunday and Monday. I did some grinding but it is really frustrating with the low number of arena points available in the wood league I find it hard to believe someone could accumulate more than 17,500 points in two days. I have 13,805 points in sixth place. The top person in my league has 17,515 points followed by someone with 17,240 points. The next highest person has 14,815 points. Is this accurate or are the top two players cheaters? Thank you!


    @jewlsdeluxe The top four people in my league had close to 10,000 each within 3 hours of the new objectives for day 2. They probably all have over 20,000 by now. I doubt that all of them are cheaters, I think they are all highly motivated grinders. It sounds like your league has a bunch of slackers in it. :-)


    @jamairoqui You’re funny. Yes, I grind as much as I can – before work, during my break and after work. It is a bit of a bummer when the points are so low in the wood league. I’ve also been grinding the event to stay in the top three.


    everyone quit showing off with these graphics ….. you’re just making people laugh.


    You’re preaching to the choir brother with your last fancy graphic.
    “Keep one eye open for zombies.” …. Winston Churchill


    I ranked up to silver league and it shows me in wood.


    Angry Johnny

    @raizir a new Arena Season started this week. That means that everybody starts over in Wood League.


    well that sucks


    Well, in case it hasn’t already been reported elsewhere, I believe I have good news for the GPAM.

    Previously, if your rainbow bar was full, the automatic free set item was leveled to your current league, regardless of whether you had been in a higher league before. So this morning, I reached this point while in Wood league. To my surprise, the item was equal to my previously-obtained Diamond league items.

    With the removal of the crown from the arena pig machine and league icons on arena set items, it appears that all set items are now automatically equal to what was previously Diamond league. I would guess that now set items are now all the same power regardless of your current league or prior experience.


    I feel your frustration @jewlsdeluxe This is day 2 I completed all arena objectives for both days and as of right now 1st place for me is 23,560 2nd 23,100 3rd 20,350 4th 19,925 and me at 5th 19,860. Well back to fighting and grinding to 3rd at least.


    Has anyone else noticed that on their “friends” list there are people who are shown as being in something other than a Wood league? Like several people are Diamond, there’s a Gold. I thought everyone regressed to Wood. Are the people who didn’t go back the ones who haven’t even logged into the new Season?


    I’ve got such a case on my friends list; those people simply stopped playing the game altogether and never claimed their reward.

    What wonders me more is that some people on my list are shown to be on #0 in Wood. For example @pointless. o.o


    @smwforever45 Well, they are pointless.


    @smwforever45 Maybe they are the ones who hasn’t started on a particular week. I know I haven’t but I don’t know if I’m #0 on your list.


    Yes, you are #0 as well.
    What does it say for me? I also haven’t started yet, but on my own game I’m shown as #15 o.o


    @smwforever45 that is correct, I have not played a battle yet in Season 9, nor will I these next few weeks. I want to see if I miss it at all (after all, it is pain for really no gain, as I have all the Diamond Trophies and lots of Shards).
    I show myself in #15 Wood as well.


    You are #0 on my list, and I’m #15 on game.

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