ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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  • nacho18

    I don’t have Any idea : what’s Worong on here my iPad did not send Reply or comment. But I have some Screenshots over my List of Bugs . Please all of you go to my Albun. Okay they are in there.


    @janmej : oops : when I was Finishing My list of Bugs . I make probably a Mistake and couldnt download the whole Idea – Comment – Reply .
    Please Help me . I downloaded a Screenshots onmy Lost Comment-Reply’s. Is on my ALBUM . Please Re – Edit or Make Copies For all or Do anything that Everyone can Know on my Toughs About List of Bugs … ! Please I’ll be Really apreciated with you . Sorry .! I wait for your Help!


    Hi : all out of topic : know I can Make any comment at Friends Tournament ; can not enter any comment on any of the 6 Levels .!!! Extrange very extrange ! Are playing on Friends and making Comments on this part !!!


    @nacho18 haha, thanks. That was a whole lot of messages for me. I’ve seen your lists, and that’s great. I will incorporate yours in my list.

    @all If I start a list now, you can just add some more in the thread. I’ll sort them and send them to Rovio in one document when we’re finished.


    @dbkraemer @platium @nacho18 I know you have some sync issues as well? I will probably think of more later.

    Here goes, my list of bugs and glitches in team multiplayer for ios for now:

    – The app will sometimes crash immediately upon starting up

    – Loading time for team multiplayer from the start page is very slow. Either the spinning hour glass is shown for more than 30 seconds until the app crashes or return the ‘no connection’ message. Sometimes pressing the team multi player button will only result in a quick change of screens before returning to the start page again

    – The team score doesn’t update properly on the team leaderboard. The counter is always behind the actual score of the team

    – The loading time for picking an opposing race team is very slow – up to 30 seconds each time. Sometimes the page return a connection failed message even though there’s nothing wrong with the connection

    – The watch a video option in order to get a free special power will often result in a crash of the app

    – When Sub Zero tracks are chosen the app will often crash on the page loading the track

    – When Sub Zero tracks are chosen the app will sometimes crash resulting in a prompt to either save to cloud or device. If device is chosen all of your progress will be lost. If you choose cloud your Golden Eggs score will be at zero. A hard reset will in some cases restore the Golden Eggs

    – On Sub Zero track 1 sometimes opponents will sort of teleport themselves ahead to about the middle of the track right at the ‘go’ when slinging the kart at the beginning

    – On Sub Zero track 3 respawning in the half pipe before the descend will cause a reappearance of the racer well ahead of the others

    – Less often, but we do see them, random crashes on various other tracks

    – Loss of karts due to update version 1.6.0

    – The leaderboard is flawed, showing racers with very little Golden Eggs above racers with higher scores

    – When picking team members to race with the app will sometimes choose team members who have crashed on that particular track resulting in ‘ghosts’ freezing about halfway through a race

    – Still cheaters left in the game

    – Invalid gem video link

    – Music not working except from after a crash that zeroes out the Golden Eggs. After a hard reset no music again

    – Sometimes the avatars are not visible


    @dbkraemer @alcusto @oldschool @abgofast @platium @nacho18 @phoenix6 @wazemank

    We’re above 500.000 Golden Eggs. Congrats to everybody!

    did you ‘wait’ for me on purpose while I was parked? Thank you! What a gentleman :-).


    @phoenix Sorry, I was set on making it a tie, but I lost it somewhere. I’m off now like mom’s undies! Have a good one.


    We have some fierce battles now within the team.
    -@dbkraemer and his inseparable companion have more points than the leader – @abgofast How long are you going to allow it?
    -@janmej and @phoenix6 are tied (6 GEs difference) after his great sporting gesture. Come on guy&lady, 1st position is not as far as you think.
    -Only 4,500 GEs difference between @alcusto, @oldschool and me.
    -and @platium and @nacho18 doing their best with lots of problems. Your merit is unquestionable.

    Goooo fast!


    @abgofast @alcusto @phoenix6 @janmej @platium @oldschool @nacho18 @wazemank

    I think that the prize of the night goes to @janmej. Not only for the odd (and somewhat disturbing) comment about mom’s undies, but for her obtaining the rare and often unnoticed “Half Nach-indrome”! Let’s take a minute to observe it in all it’s glory:


    Much like the mythical Phoenix, she remains half of the second half away from the mythical (and completely made up!) Nach-indrome.

    A tremendous accomplishment that shall go unnoticed NO MORE!!! Let us all offer up a meatball in recognition of this glorious achievement! Well done, Queen @Janmej… well done…


    @janmej I usually only wait one day for a lady but since there are two of you I thought I’d give you an extra day. And don’t worry I tied it up for you. Now I too can celebrate in the half Nacho-indrome.


    @abgofast @alcusto @phoenix6 @janmej @platium @oldschool @nacho18 @wazemank

    Ahhh, sweet chivalry, she is not forgotten! For lo, this manly virtue has risen from the flames of obscurity in the form of a brave mid-western Prince paying tribute to our Queen and her young Princess by offering up a Half Nach-indrome of his own in their honor! A brave and noble gesture indeed. The stuff of legend…

    Sleep well, my friends, for tomorrow… WE RACE!!!!!


    @wazemank tomorrow with the start of Lent, my karts will be parked most of my free time, so I envisage not so fierce competition on my part I’m afraid. Time to focus my mind and spirit on other things which I have put aside lately. I guess my wife will rejoy! lol


    Multiplayer is not working on my device. For whatever reason, a team is never to be found in team mode, and in single the enemies which are listed on the slot machine screen are not the same ones you see in the cart selection screen, and the game crashes if you try to race. Finally, @abgofast’s avatar is not visible.


    @dbkraemer and @phoenix6 You’re too funny! I actually laughed out loud.

    @all multiplayer is inaccessible again… There was a smaller update yesterday. Appears Rovio has got it wrong. They’re supposed to fix things.


    Hi @all!

    Hoping you’re having a great Carnival, here I am to put matters current and answer your inquires and suggestions.

    ~ I play on Android.

    ~ The “closely miss 15 obstacles” challenges from Rocky Road tracks 1 and 2 are definitely very hard but they’re doable. Being a matter of keeping trying and because I’ve been improving my results (my best on track 2 is now 14 – unfortunately didn’t score on the final pair of obstacles or else would have won… should had flyed King Pig a 3rd time, to get that last point for sure, but just realized it later…) I don’t intend to spend 270+ gems to get rid of these 2 hard challenges. I may spend those gems, but on others. To be in the lead for an entire race on Stunt are candidates. I’m also stuck on racing, track 2 of Stunt, where beating my own record is required. I already tried everything but failed. It seems to me that it’s best to spend 135 gems once than continuing burning them, a few at a time, on power-ups and special abilities, without the guarantee I’ll be successful spending less than those 135… It’s ironic not being able to beat my own record but I’m decided to give up. Besides, I don’t even remember how I done it to start with…
    Other candidate for a skip is racing on track 3 of Rocky Road where winning 3 races in a row, without using boost pads, is required. Happens that I didn’t win a single one, like that, yet… There’s always an opponent that seems to be using jet fuel or something of the kind!…
    Many thanks for the tip that hiting with the back of the kart counts. I already did noticed sometimes I got 1 point despite having hit the obstacle but didn’t realize the details of how it happened.

    ~ unfortunately, I don’t have either Dragster Snout or Beep Beep. The slowest I have is Capster L1 on Rocky Road and Mega Rocket L6 (fully upgraded) on Stunt. Dragster Snout and Beep Beep are probably better but I cannot afford to spend thousand of gems to get them. The best I can hope for is to win them on the weekly challenges (I always win those because the game doesn’t “see” my fb friends – that cost me over 1k gems to pass 25 “beat your friend record” challenges but it has that good side. I have no opponents on the weekly competition…)

    ~ Your invitation to join ABGoFast team put me on a difficult situation.
    On one side, there’s the fact that just a few months ago I stopped playing GT Racing 2, a game where I was one of the best racers on Android (individually, on 4 months – 8 seasons – finished 7 consecutive ones on top 6, 3 of them on top 3, between over 110 k racers; by team, 6 consecutive wins plus a 2nd and a 3rd place). I stopped because of too many bugs, rampant cheating and, last but not the least, I got tired of that kind of gameplay and the demands it implies.
    On the other side is the honor of being invited to the best team of AB Go! and the previlege of racing along the best players of this game.
    I have no problem with the requirements you mention (I’m anti-cheating even if I don’t refrain to profit from the casual exploit, when there’s one, and I like sharing and team playing) but I’ve been very divided these last 2 days. It’s hard for me to decide and you may already have someone to fill the spot you have open. Also, you didn’t mention what you would expect from me in terms of results. Although, if the spot is still open and your expectations aren’t too big I would like to give it a try.


    and abgofast ~ Thanks for the tips on how to win on multiplayer.


    @janmej ~ it seems you were very near the site of the first terrorist attacks, on the past few days, on Denmark. I would like to say that I’m happy that nothing happened to you and that I’m sorry for all the victims – the ones that were hurt and died, of course, but also for others, less obvious ones. Among them are those that will have great difficulty in getting rid of a live in fear and whose only fault was having written, said or drawn something that offended some others somewhere. Those and their families and friends…

    Now talking business, lately on AB Go! every time I win a box and the prize is a Turbo Kart power-up, the game crashs before returning to the usual gameplay. That happened to me, last week, 2 times in a row . I’m not sure if it’s a bug, but as you are compiling that list to CS, if it is one, it should be included.



    We have GT Racing 2 in common. I played this pretty hard before Go! came out with Team Multiplayer and before the last update of Racing 2 when the game won’t load for me….it gets stuck at 86% loaded. I wasn’t part of a team on that game but did unlock many of the car classes. I got to the level when all the cars are more expensive to buy than you can possibly collect in game play and have to resort to a cheat program or real spend dollars to get them. So I gave up on this game too

    As for Go! The team is full but we have one racer pulling double duty with two accounts. He has over 50,000 golden eggs on both accounts so the team result will take a dip BUT we’d still be #1 team.

    You’re welcome to this spot but would like you to try and get to the driver license class 25 which is collection of 10,000 golden eggs. It would take time to achieve this result but if you’re starting from “zero”, it seems a fair expectation. If the team multi-player isn’t for, you can let me know and we can always remove you and return to current team setup. I wanted 9 AB Nesters on the team. We’ve had some come and go already so it’s no big deal.

    One problem though….it’s minor and a nuisance…the team is a PUBLIC team so that means anyone can join us when I remove a racer from it. So, we’ll want to coordinate your addition when I free open the spot. Let me know when you’re available and we can give it a shot. All you have to do is search for our team name (ABGOFAST) and then join assuming I’ve made the room.


    hi @jorge-freeman-1

    great that you able to pass it!!! next up… i still have difficulty figuring how to drift 50% of the time in stunt!!!

    This i’m stuck!!!


    @abgofast ~ I can join anytime but maybe it’s better to do it tomorrow. I’m still struggling with some Stunt challenges but I expect to pass them in the meantime. Thereafter I’ll have much more time for multiplayer.
    The best time for me it’s between 9 p.m. and 0 a.m. GMT. Also, I may need some extra instructions to join because abgofast doesn’t appear as a suggested team when I don’t have one. I can see it in 2nd place when I start a new team but can I join from the leaderboard?

    BTW, it’s somewhat strange to discuss private matters in a public forum. Don’t you use a chat?

    P.S.: I’ll not start mp from scratch. I’m already class 14 (2449 GE).


    We can take off the forum if you accept my friend request on the site here. We can trade private messages. I think you cant see the team now cause its full. You will be able to search for it when I open the spot. Drop me a note tomorrow on the private message when you’re ready :)


    @jorge-freeman-1 The “beat your own score” challenges are often an issue. It is VERY important that you do NOT do too well, specially if you use a power-up. Crash as much as you can and never ever complete the task at hand (race, fruit splashing, time challenge) if you need to use any due to challenge demands. Else, your score gets too high, and you will need even more power-ups to get past it.

    If the challenge is either time bomb or a race, your score depends a lot on how quick you get to the end of the track. Using Chuck or Corporal Pig should give you a chance, since they are faster.


    No cheater teams in TEAMS ranking:


    But still 3 cheater players in INDIVIDUAL ranking:




    Unfortunately you cannot win either the Dragster Snout or the Beep Beep in the weekly tourney.
    The only karts you can win in Rocky Road are the Royal Rumbler/Tri-Toaster and in Stunt are the Mega Rocket/Shoemerang.
    I bought the Dragster Snout and the Beep Beep when Rovio was proposing them at heavily disocunted gem prices last year. You may either wait for the next round of dicounts (Easter might be a good candidate time as last year) or buy the telepods. There are discounted bundles available in the internet with Amazon and other online stores.

    I would not pay gems to skip the “stay in 1st place for an entire race” on Stunt or other tracks. After passing these challenges you will find the even worse “stay in 1st place for all of 2 races in a row” challenges. At that time you might regret you wasted your hardly earned gems.
    The key to pass these challenges is to use Chuck and the king sling power-up which will allow you to get away from the competitors enough time to deploy his special power. You might need to use this another 1, 2 times in order to avoid being overcome. The advice is to use fully powered up L4 karts which are faster than L6 karts.

    It’s strange that you are unable to win 3 races in a row on Rocky Road. Which kart are you using?
    Any of the L4 karts, if fully maxed, should make this one easy, especially if you use Chuck or Red.

    I hope the above is of help.



    @jorge-freeman-1 Yes, I have had that happen to me as well, crashing upon opening a lucky box. How ever for me it happens everytime I get a lucky box in challenge mode. So I try to avoid the lucky boxes. Slightly weird. How ever I won’t include that bug in my bug list to Rovio, since I will only concentrate on bugs in team multiplayer for now. Later on I’ll try to compile a list for challenge mode. It will be huge!

    @waze Sweet!


    New upgrade for Android. Let us see how it goes…

    Edit: they added a new cart for RockyRoad. Carts can again be fully upgraded, but the version I tried seemed slower than it used to be. If I recall correctly, the fully upgraded Semi-Skimmer (Iron Bolt L4) was the fastest Seedway cart, but now it seems slower than the wooden cart we’ve been using.

    Cheaters have been removed from both team and player ranks, so take this opportunity to face the stronger teams again, before cheaters return. I already kicked their asses like 6 times, then lost a race – even though I got the trophy.

Home Forums Angry Birds GO! Forum ABGo.!!! Challenges:!! How far you are.!!

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