The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2984
  • @Ixan57 chunks of metal? It's a Golden crown lol, wear it proudly and make sure you shine it!
    I didn't throw it at you, it was a time warp in the dimension! with the removal of WayTooLong posts that were removed :)
    Happy now that we can all enjoy casual conversation and music, although atm I'm too tired to think ..
    Nighty night guys And gals
    Drinks on the house
  • And the Princess returns!! That was quick?? Now I'm confused lol
    Having a chunk of metal thrown back on my head! Ouch that's gonna leave a mark! Heehee
    Long Live The Princess :D
  • Ok, the princess does indeed have the crown, and @brianN has the fez.
  • Revised prediction for page 3000. April 28th 2021. Obsessed? Moi?
  • Hi all!

    Just found this, for good cheer!

    David Garrett plays "Happy":

    OB, drinks all round!
  • @DesperateDan that's a dire prediction lol! Hopefully we'll pick up some more patrons along the way! @BrianN maybe you could invite some friends?
    If we all invite 2 friends, then those 2 friends each invite 2 friends ...aww you guys know how it goes lol
    Annie thanks for the tunes and the drinks :D
    OB I'll try a Sunupper please, if you still remember how to make them, it's your secret recipe so i hope you remember!
  • Nighty Night Birdie Friends ;∆}
  • @Gumby Waaasuuuuup???
    @ixan57 Waaasuuuuup???
    Where's WanderingStar wandered off to ? Is been so long i forget his name i think? And he's got @heyyougettouttamyway with him! Probably a good thing for heyyou, cause Twiggy would likely chase him around the pub!
  • @kathy I'll tell you Waaasuuuup someone has stolen my big lump of metal while I was asleep
  • I think they critter's are still in Wyoming
  • @kathy you forgot Phyllis and Donny the cat. @tompuss
  • Well, thanks for the fez, tho I don't know how I got it. Is it a punishment, like a dunces hat? Maybe for making jokes our American friends don't get.
    Hey@kathy I'm afraid my friends don't get my obsession with angry birds. They are too busy Facebook ING and playing call of duty so the only new blood is mine.
  • Lol @Ixan57 sorry i thought the Hunk of metal on your head might be cumbersome to sleep with, so i snuck in and retrieved it! I didn't forget about Phyllis,i just forgot her name lol, and i didn't include Donny because i highly suspect that Cat is behind their retreat and would not fess up anyway!
  • @BrianN. Not to worry, my friends feel the same about the Birdies
  • @BrianN not to worry, i don't have any friends that are interested in Angry Birds either, all the friends I do have that are interested in the birds are here lol!
    Is that the new game Call of Duty? All the guys at my work play some type of game, where they can talk live to their 'team' and run around shooting people..
    Doesn't sound fun to me, but flinging birds of a sling at green pigs, confuses then too lol!
  • @Gumby Waasssuuuppp???
  • @brianN, no the fez is not a punishment, you get to wear it for posting the final message on a page, as opposed to wearing the crown for the first message on a page. @kathy assumes her role as princess pretty much all the time. I got a bit fed up with just missing the crown so I awarded myself the fez, but I am prepared to share it. It is red, has a little tassel and just needs the occasional brush. You can wear it while playing AB but I'm not sure it has any powers. Let us know.
  • Now that I know what the fez is all about, I shall wear it proudly. Think originally it has Turkish origins. There is also a strange association between the fez and the Saracens rugby club. (Think the clue is in the name). Anyhoo, give me a red felt hat with a tassel over a jewel encrusted gold crown any day.
    As for shooting games I'm with you all the way @kathy,some of them are very graphic, I'm sure they're not helping our young ones develop a sound moral code. Aim bird-fire bird suits me just fine. The one thing I regret about AB is not knowing about it in the early days. For instance by the time I got to seasons Hamnarok was already there, must of been a lot of fun swapping strategies etc as new levels were coming out. I also never got to play the online promotional games that came out. On the plus side I've only recently been able to download older version that enabled me to purchase NBA levels, so have had a lot of fun playing those. (By the way if any of you still have access to those levels some good scores to be had, think I managed 3or 4 top scores, and I'm not a great flinger). Maybe if I start wearing that fez...
  • BTW @kathy what r the Brodies?
  • @BrianN The Brodies lol ,my keyboard on my tablet is awful, substitutes words, I meant the Birdies lol.
    Wear that Fez proudly indeed,@ixan57 probably agree with you, rather Fez than "a hunk of metal" hahaha
    Hopefully it will bring you some luck, I hear my strat is helping flingers adopt puppies , i lost my trophy, but i don't have will try and reclaim it :/
  • My friends refer to my keyboard as the "Kathyboard" they speak Kathyboard lol!!
    And i totally agree with you about those other games, not good for our youth, or even young adults!
  • My favourite non AB game is called Deadly Rooms of Death (DROD). It is a brilliant turn based dungeon puzzler. No speed required, just logic and cunning. Good brain food. I also really enjoyed Portal and Portal 2. The Witness is a stupendous game. All of these beautifully designed and crafted. When I see how popular something as crude as Fortnite is I struggle to understand.
  • I googled the Brodies. Where it took me I found very confusing. And I was quite disappointed @kathy. I am relieved it was fatfingering or the like.
  • @DesperateDan no fatfingering from @kathy Kathy's keyboard has a mind of its own, it will type what it wants, it will even morph itself to different shapes and sizes. Hence i named it the kathyboard. If i had patented the kathyboard and a pound for every time the kathyboard has struck i would be a millionaire now.
    Beware the wrath of the kathyboard.
  • I too googled the Brodies, took me to a gang of solicitors(that is the right term for a group of solicitors?) Think they look after gangsters in Glasgow. "Has your rotweiller killed a postman? Never fear, we'll get you off scot free, put your dog into witness protection and sue the postal service. Remember :no win no fee."
    I thought u were using some obscure American reference known only to those living in Maryland. Was it something to do with the Brodie bunch or Tom Brodie. No, it was a typo. I'm with Desperate Dan on this one, fat fingers, no fingers, too many fingers. You can't blame the tablet!!
    It does explain something u said on an earlier post about dragons with sliver tongues. Thought that was to do with a Pokemon creature. No, typo.
    Speaking of Tom Brodie-Brady, really love NFL, but why do u call it football, there seem to be a lot of hands involved?! Have always been keen on the Patriots(yes it is because they win every year), but since Tom left for Tampa Bay I feel really conflicted. Think my love for Patriots might be more down to my man crush on his Bradyness than anything else.I also have a man crush on Gisele but that's another story.Hope u r all well, must go and have lie down, feel an attack of the Brodies coming on.
  • I got three overweight brothers cruising around some US town eating fast food. I don't think they were solicitors. But they clearly had the jinx on the kathyboard.
    Me, I prefer baseball. Quite like cricket in many ways. But that's just going to confuse a lot of patrons.
  • I got a pub in Massachusetts. Also saw the Scottish law firm, but pretty sure I would prefer Brodie’s Pub ;-)
    It’s French Open time! Used to be a small group of tennis fans who hung out here.
  • I too , intrigued by everyone's findings concerning my Kathyboard replacement "Brodies" googled it and got the same results as @catsnbirds,, and yeah i prefer the pub result lol!
    Perhaps if we ever have to relocate, will call the BP , Brodies Pub, still BP ;)
    Trust me a DesperateDan it isn't a case of Fatfingering lol, i weigh all of 70 lbs, my fingers are quite slim, my Kathyboard is definitely haunted.. As @Ixan57 picked up on years ago, and named it so!
    Also my friend @kimmiecv can attest, she reads Kathyspeak fluently as most of my friends do :)
  • Oh @kathy,I hope u don't have a desk job. I can only imagine the confusion round the office.
    "Did u get Kathy's email?" "Yes, what r the brodies?" "I don't know have u tried googling it?" "Yes, all I got was a mob of gangsters, er I mean a gang of monsters, er no a law firm. Oh and some fat guys with massive chew sets eating in a bar."
    "Confusing, we'll have to use the Kathy board translater. Make sure it's set to stun, we don't want another fatality."
    " It's already set for gibberish."
    " Good that should work it's her mother tongue," "What does it say?" "I'm afraid it"'s another angry birds reference. "
    " OK that' s it she's fried. I mean she's fired. "
    Are u sure that 70 pounds doesn't refer to the weight of your fingers, it would explain everything. Just messing with ya, u stick to ur Kathy board story, whatever the reason keep those typos coming, they r very funny and look, u have the whole world googling.
    PS @desperatedan I would add baseball to my long list of sports I like, but can already feel my wife putting her foot down(I won't say where).
    PPS If you really only weigh 70 pounds Kathy u need to get along to Brodies, the pub not the law firm. (I hope nobody from that firm ever reads my posts, they'll either sue me or send the boys round with a rotweiller.
  • @brian_N, @kathy, @all

    The board began with just one:

    Then the flock arrived:

    My favourite from the Kboard is "Holy carp" (on the Friday menu) :-)
  • @catsnbirds one lurking tennis fan still around. Watching the French Open when I can!

    Wonder if @hunnybunny is watching.

    When I googled the brodies I got a drug store in a tiny little town in the Niagara Region. The Scottish lawyers were down the list, but not a pub in sight.
    Guess it depends where you are.

    Gotta love the Kathyboard.
  • Hey @karen68 and @hunnybunny ! Nice to see you both again! I enjoyed the US Open. I liked that they opened up the grounds for the players to enjoy since fans couldn’t attend. Hope the weather improves for the French.
  • Not to worry @BrianN I don't have a desk job, I actually test Sonar devices and transducers for the DoD, my company invented the transducer and i work in the Quality Assurance dept.
    Not to worry , my Kathyboard seems to be contained to my Android devices, not my classified drives at work Lol :D
    At risk of being called a fanciful tale teller, and at risk of the rules..
    Disclamer : Not an advertisement... is where i work.. Is a pretty cool job !
    I really enjoyed your version of the "Office Talk," heeheee imagine!
  • @catsnbirds @hunnyybunny (who doesn't fling anymore Again) @Karen68
    Nice to see you girls enjoying the tennis again, where's @jlz666 she used to love the tennis too!
    Wouldn't it be nice to get the peace hopping again!!
  • OMGiraffee @Tompuss Love the Birb and the Flock!!
    What the Flock took over my keyboard!!
    (Insert Rolly Guy here)

  • Oh well i tried...
    Love the humour @BrianN really brightened my Night :D
  • Tennis a bit depressing for us Brits, Day 3 and all involvement in singles at French Open is over. And we invented the game!
  • Peace = place on the kathyboard?
  • Thanks for sharing those pics of Kathy's study with us @Tompuss.Mystery solved.
    Hey @kathy,what's a transducer? Is it anything like an orange juicer? In which case sounds like a great job. On the other hand if it's just a device for turning one form of energy into another, that sounds really boring. I do that every day when I convert the sound waves coming from my wife's mouth into lmmediate action.
  • Inspired by @Tompuss I decided to check out the menu at Brodies. Here's what u can get :
    In the hors d'ouevres section(that's horses douvers in Kathy's peak-don't like the sound of those) you can get dragons tongue a la Kathy(slivered)
    For the main course if you don't fancy the legendary holy carp, try our beef bisket(tasty but not very filling)
    For dessert blubbery pie(filling but not very tasty)
    All washed down with a glass of the house whine.
  • House whine? Lol! I need some of that with today's Challenge.
  • I can probably mention the Presidential debate without breaking house rules because whatever it was, it certainly wasn't politics.
  • Checked out @kathy. Yes, fascinating stuff. I used to work at the site in Malvern, England where radar was developed during WW2 and beyond.
  • @desperatedan Sorry all Brits are out so soon. I find that tennis is more of an international focus for me. My favorite player is Swiss (I mean, who doesn’t like Roger!) and I enjoy watching players from all over.
    It also wasn’t a debate! So sorry you witnessed this embarrassing... whatever it was.
  • @DesperateDan yes Peace =place on Kathyboard , sometimes.. Other times well.. Only the Flock knows for sure! And yeah is a pretty cool job, I'm sure the founder Frank Massa, was involved at some point with your company in England during the War!
    @BrianN I love the menu at Brodies, very creative, too bad you weren't around to help Sunshine and i create food and drinks for the BP in it's beginning, we worked out Arses off! We did it daily at first, that was to much so we went to once a week.. Then eventually never.. It was fun while it lasted though:)
    We could've signed you on for a night of comedy, trying to fill our entertainment section!
    We originated the Daily Challenge, but Higher powers decided it was a good idea and incorporated it into the Main site..
  • And yeah Dan That certainly wasn't politics last night! I've seen teenage boys argue about petty s crap, even overgrown teenagers at that!
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