The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2982
  • Ah, the days when pop performers wore ties. Yes, this song defines earwormery.
  • It also passes the Old Grey Whistle Test. UK readers may understand better. Basically it has high whistleability. Very cheery and annoying.
  • Gosh, there is an earwormery website. Don't google, just trust me.
    OB, conjure up some sort of earwormery cocktail. But being a bird, no actual worms please.
  • The early angry bird catches the earworm. Or something like that.
    Ingredients, (per Slingtown Board of Health)
    1/2 lime (juiced)
    1 1/4 ounces orange juice
    1 ounce light rum
    1 ounce dark rum​
    1/4 ounce Galliano Liqueur
    Garnish: 1 maraschino cherry
    Garnish: 1 sprig of mint

    At your service @DesperateDan i asked OB to please fill your request, (after i woke him up Again )
    *Ahem* OB stay at least half awake Please! Jeesh i have to do everything around here myself! ;)
    Just kidding!! Gosh Don't go blowing up on me!!
  • Hey Blues, take a break, this Earworm is dedicated to you :D
  • @BrianN Over here !!!
  • Nighty Night Birdy Friends
  • Oh, that's a good cocktail @kathy. OB seems to have done a good job.
    Need some refreshment poking around levels in ABO that appear to have got easier. is very wormy. Again quite a cheery tune. I think this might be a theme developing.
  • @DesperateDan definitely a catchy tune :D
    A Whistlers tune for sure!
    Tomorrow I'll see if OB can come up with another tasty recipe!
    Here's my Earworm for tonight, keeping with the Birdy theme :)
  • Eyes out for @BrianN and @admins checking in Utopia Mirror world 4-3 ???
  • @Gumby Waassuppp??? Still watching the 4400,, good suggestion thanks, I'm on Season 2 , Episode 4! I feel like i missed stuff, but no matter, I'll watch it again lol!
  • Revised estimate for reaching page 3000. Mid May 2021. Not bothered, just saying.
  • Hey @kathy, we are all chasing you in today's Challenge.
  • Wow, having a had a few goes at Fairy Hogmother 1-8, I would be very surprised if anyone takes your Trophy away today.
  • Lol @DesperateDan the estimate is getting further away! I'm fighting with the challenge myself, keeping fingers crossed no one like @Asher sweeps in and steals my trophy!
    The 'L' factor and the 3P's And R&R definitely needed!
    @Gumby Waaaaassssuupp???
    @TienShenlong, thanks for the suggestion, I've never see Battlestar Galactica , I'm not a big fan of movies like that,, I've only seen 1or 2 Star Wars movies, not in a row either lol!
    But I'll give it a shot, If it's on Netflix?
  • Well @kathy, even the mighty @asher couldn't get anywhere near you. I had a miserable time. Think that could be safe for all time.
  • Where do you keep your trophies?
  • Thanks @DesperateDan :)
    I don't keep the trophys anywhere Dan, but that's an idea!
    @admins how about a trophy case\badge for a certain amount of trophies?
    Ohh never mind, We all know who has the Most in most episodes i guess, we could keep track of our own, in an old fashioned notebook lol! I'm sure some flingers do!
  • Just gave myself an Earworm , that's different, lol usually you get it from hearing it or something.. anyway
    Here it is..
  • According to Durham university, this is supposed to be the most infectious earworm.
    Can't see it myself. It's a bit ponderous to my way of thinking.
  • I think if it's a Queen earworm you want, the something like this works better. And I much prefer it anyway.
  • Just checked the trophy cabinet @kathy. Seem to have four trophies, all from ABO. Oldest one dates from March 2013. That one has been stolen three times over the years, but each time recovered by the cheating scores police and replaced. Must get a better lock. I had a fifth one briefly but @vuelva nipped in and took it within 24 hours.
    Why do people cheat? I suppose they do it "for a laugh". I wonder who exactly is doing the laughing.
  • May have set the princess up here, I normally do...
  • Yep @DesperareDan i think you did lol!
    Sorry I've been out, been busy for of days..
  • Nope The Princess must be out doing Princessey things !
  • Twiggy will be 1 year old on September 17th!
    Need to play this very loud.
    Hope that doesn't scare away the regular patrons.
  • Totally loud Song @DesperateDan , but I must say the video is really inappropriate for a 1 year old lol :D
    Happy coming b
    Birthday @Twiggy :)
    *OB order some special doggie treats *
  • Hmmm, how about this instead?
    I feel there must be some middle ground.
  • Hmm, there are no regular patrons. Seems the BP has fallen on hard times. Not your fault @kathy, the venue and service are fantastic. Maybe the world has moved on. Think I'll play this again. Has anyone ever said it better?
  • @DesperateDan Sorry I've been busy taking care of my girlfriend she's fallen on hard times!
    Good song, i never heard it before..
    @Gumby Waaasuuuuup ?
  • @Mvnla2v Happy Birthday tomorrow! Sorry i can't find your banner, even if i could I couldn't pay it anyway, But I wish you a very happy Day, and want you to know how much your presence in the BP meant to me and the rest of the team, thank you for always being here , when i couldn't, you were a better Hostess than I ever could be!
    Many thanks, And have a wonderful day tomorrow
  • And the princess returns just in time to retain her crown. I was about to post last night but I fell asleep. Never mind, I prefer a fez.
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP
    @desperatedan what is a fez?
  • @gumby
    Definition of fez
    : a brimless cylindrical or somewhat cone-shaped hat with a flat top that usually has a tassel, is typically made of red felt, and is worn especially by men in eastern Mediterranean countries.
    Google it, lots of pictures!
  • @catsnbirds I have seen those on a few people, not very popular here.
  • Anyone else having trouble trying to post comments or profile updates?
  • A special hello to @kathy and @gumby.Finally seem to have solved log in issue, Sweetp got involved via Kathy intervention so thanks for that. Still don't know how it was worked out been logged on thru Facebook and it seems OK. By the way, if you want to know about the fez Google Tommy Cooper. British humour at it's best
    @BrianN glad you got your log in issue resolved
  • Never forget.
  • Copied from a post in Facebook:
    David Armstrong
    August 2, 2019 ·
    A daycare facility inside the Pentagon had many children, including infants
    who were in heavy cribs. The daycare supervisor, looking at all the
    children they needed to evacuate, was in a panic over what they could do.
    There were many children, mostly toddlers, as well as the infants who
    would need to be taken out with the cribs. There was no time to try to
    bundle them into carriers and strollers.
    Just then a young Marine came running into the center and asked what they
    needed. After hearing what the center director was trying to do, he ran
    back out into the hallway and disappeared. The director thought, "Well,
    here we are, on our own."
    About 2 minutes later, that Marine returned with 40 other Marines in tow.
    Each of them grabbed a crib with a child, and the rest started gathering up
    The director and her staff then helped them take all the children out of
    the center and down toward the park near the Potomac .
    Once they got about 3/4 of a mile outside the building, the Marines stopped
    in the park, and then did a fabulous thing - they formed a circle with the
    cribs, which were quite sturdy and heavy, like the covered wagons in the
    Old West.
    Inside this circle of cribs, they put the toddlers, to keep them from
    wandering off. Outside this circle were the 40 Marines, forming a perimeter
    around the children and waiting for instructions. There they remained until
    the parents could be notified and come get their children.
    The chaplain then said, "I don't think any of us saw nor heard of this on
    any of the news stories of the day. It was an incredible story of our men
    there.” There wasn't a dry eye in the room.
    The thought of those Marines and what they did and how fast they reacted;
    could we expect any less from them? It was one of the most touching stories
    from the Pentagon.
    It's the military, not the politicians that ensures our right to life,
    liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It's the military who salutes the
    flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag.
    If you care to offer the smallest token of recognition and appreciation for
    the military, please pass this on and pray for our men and women, who have
    served and are currently serving our country, and honor the memory of those
    who have given the ultimate sacrifice!
    God Bless The USA!
  • Hi @brian n. I knew a guy who used to put on a fez at work from time to time. Said it helped.
  • Yes, I remember exactly what I was doing 19 years ago. Just one of those moments.
  • Hi @Desperate Dan, the different time zones make conversation difficult, have to say tho, must try wearing a fez.
  • @BrianN I am in Derby, England. Where are you?
  • @Desperate Dan, Montrose Scotland. Guess that's the time zone theory blown out of the water. Although I'm sure Nicola Sturgeon would like to do something about that. Judging by the time of ur posts u must be an early riser, had u down as a US late to bedder.
  • @desperatedan and @BrianN I did a 2 week cruise that left fron South Hampton then went to St Peters Port, Cobh, Dublin, Inverness, Greenock, Belfast and Le Havre. It was an awesome trip. Met with @tompuss and @ixan57 on the trip. So far I have met 4 angrybirds players. @kathy was the first and she lives close to me.
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