The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2811
  • Nighty night @Gumby Sweet Dreams
  • Princess retains her crown:)
    Nighty night @Pa
  • I hate the new ads after the latest update too.
    Nite nite @Ma
  • I have Space version 2.2.9 with ad problem; @kathy with 2.2.1 problem intermittent, and @karen68 having just moved to 2.2.9 and ads started. Interesting.

    Here is another interesting: if I select to "play video" when it comes up it is exactly like the pop up ads I'm getting when changing levels. Can't stop it, no X to get out - just wait it out. Humm? Wonder if that new feature - "play video" could be the watzit widget triggering the problem.

    Karen: right now I have 2 phones - an iPhone 5s with Space and SW and a 6s plus with Space. Problem shows up on both. Also have new iPad with nothing on it yet. ( just haven't completed back ups and transfers.)

    Cc @wingmanjuan
  • @Patz , interesting.. But wingmanjuan doesn't reply in this forum, only in the social media forum, the link that i sent you, you can mention @karen68 and myself there we will get the note
    I haven't had the 2.2.9 update available to me, but I'm glad you mentioned it, if there's no new episode i won't install it if it does come available for Android
  • @patz so you're on ios - that's what I was wondering.
    Rovio has put these ads in the game deliberately, it makes them $$ from their advertisers. I can't see them removing them.
    When the video plays between levels I do see an option to stop it after 7-8 seconds, there is an "X" to stop it usually in one of the upper corners.
    If you decide to play the video to get the free powerup you have to watch the whole thing.

  • @kathy I did copy my first note and then this last note into wingmanjuan's social media forum on the link you provided for me. So, I guess he will be getting it from every where. I also did @ for both you and Karen - so u should see something.

    @karen I guess those 7-8 seconds felt like 78. For my part, I would rather rovio leave it at my option to select or not select the video. It felt like forcing me to watch it. There may be an X when you select to play the video but not when it comes up by itself.

    So, I'll be checking wingmanjuan's site to see if he has anything.
  • @Patz I saw that you copied your note there, i am subscribed to that Forum so i see all notices there. Hopefully wingmanjuan will reply soon. But as @Karen says Rovio put those ads there purposefully and probably won't re-release the premium version sadly they care more about profit than their customers. Same with the Pu's . We even had a petition going against PU' s but didn't do us any good.
    Hopefully they can direct you in a way that you can skip them as Karen says
  • OB while I'm here, I'll have a Green Mongo with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion and a few more of those Super seeds to snack on:D thanks!!
    @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp??? You sleeping?? I presume or your out partying? Be careful!! It's getting icy out there:/
  • Nighty night @Ma
  • What's amatta u? I said NIGHTY NIGHT!!!
  • Nighty night @Pa sorry i didn't see you, but i heard that lol!!
    Nighty night ♡♡♡
  • That's better.
  • ♡♡♡ @Pa Sweet Dreams..
  • Mornin' I guess @kathy, or you are still asleep?? When u do see this, what time is it where you are? I'm at 9:30 AM in Sequim, Washington, USA Just checked our wing-guy page. Nada yet.

    With all of the activity you are involved in on the NEST, it's a wonder to me that you ever sleep!!!

  • Good afternoon @Patz is 12:41 pm here South of Boston Ma, ya i usually sleep late on weekends . Looks like we are clear across the country from each other!
    ( @hunnybunny , no wisecracks please i know where Washington is!) 8:)~
  • @patz you can skip the videos that pop up between levels. On several I've seen an "x" or a countdown arrow in the top left corner. And it's sneaky because it's there at the start but often disappears after a few seconds so you have to tap the screen to make it reappear.

    And it is the weekend - I'm not surprised there's no reply yet. :)
  • Yes @Karen68 @Patz I'm sure the wingmanjuan will reply within the next couple days, I wouldn't expect a reply on a weekend..
  • OB while I'm here.. You know the usual :D
  • Lol @kathy hardly anyone in the UK knows where Washington State it, getting it confused with Washington DC. But I know because this happened on my eighteenth birthday:
  • Wow @hunnybunny!! I remember that, barely lol , long time ago!!
    Got a real explosive Birthday wish lol!!
  • Good night all xx
    Had a fun day, and suddenly booked eight nights in Spain with friends instead of New York. I'd have gone New York, but the other three voted Spain!
  • :( Spain???!!! Jeessh and me and the Green guy were planning our trip to NY:(
    Cancel those plans @Gumby
    Nighty night @HunnyBunny Sweet Dreams..
  • Oops, lied, it was my twentieth birthday......
    @hunnybunny :( I guess @kathy and I aren't going to NY to meet you, green guys aren't scary -REALLY
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp???
  • Ya right Huh @Gumby she blew us off!! apparently Spain is more appealing..
  • @kathy and probably much nicer than NY too
  • Most likely @Gumby But what could be better than a Kathy, Gumby Bunny party??
  • @kathy probably a bunny party in Spain
  • Well we are out of luck @Gumby Can't afford to go to Spain: (
  • @kathy ya me either. But I am sure we will eventually meet the Bunny's :)
  • I hope so @gumby
  • Nighty night @Pa Sweet Dreams ♡
  • Was Mt St Helens explosion 37 years ago? Wow! Doesn't feel more than 25 years ago. lol I was 25 years old when it blew it's top Mrs. Bunny. You were still a young Whippersnapper.

    Nighty night @Ma
  • So, @kathy @karen68 @hunnybunny I have remembered my grandmother being worried about my character....she said many times "Patty Ann - (that's my family nickname) Patience is a virtue, it builds character." Therefore, I am practicing building some more character by waiting the ads out if I don't catch the X right away. The 7-8 seconds is getting shorter.

    I was living in Idaho (next to Washington) when Mt. St. Helens blew up. We got a slight dusting of ash. Got tired of people running around trying to "peddle their ash". Funny the first few times, then :-/
  • People bought dust @Patz? I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the "Pet Rock" craze. Go figure. People paid good money for something they could pick up off the ground. ha ha
  • Yet another disappointment of HTML The link doesn't work, I'll try again
  • Hey Everybody!! @Patz saw you note to wingmanjuan and left you a reply, i think as @Karen68 , you just have to deal with them, Rovio puts them there because they are money hungry, unfortunately:( I originally contacted the Wingmanjuan due to my issues with freezing after i updated Seasons to 6.6.1 , he says that none have reported this issue so i Just have to deal with it: (
  • @hunnybunny that's some pretty sand!! Lol I can't believe you shook it up! And i can't believe people were selling Ash from the Volcano!! And Pet Rocks!! @Pa your right people waste money on stupid stuff!! But the guy who thought of that laughed all the way to the bank!! Same with Chia pets!! Duh!!
  • Well it Is almost Tuesday!! I'm going to start early
    WwwwwwHhhhhiiiiinnnnneeee.. I love GGGL But.. Level 15 is making me crazy!!
    OB I'll have a Green Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion and a couple of those Super seeds to snack on thanks!!
    Going to Dreamland shortly!!
  • @Gumby Waaassuppp? I'm not staying for the answer lol Super Super tired!
    Nighty Night @Pa♡♡
  • At least there was artistic skill used on the sand ornaments Mrs. Bunny. A rock is just a rock.

    Nighty night tired @Ma
  • @kathy @gumby New York is still on The List! Bunny / Kathy / Gumby party will happen!
  • O.k Great news @hunnybunny :D will look forward to it!!
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp????
    @hunnybunny yay NY woot still on the list :)
  • Yay!!! @Gumby!! NY :D Maybe we should take a taxi lol , but Not with you behind the wheel heehee, We have a Party going on;)
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