The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2700
  • (((((( @Tompuss)))))) Amazing video, what a lucky kitty!! If it was me, i would have ridden in that bumper to have a hug from that pilot lol;)
    How's your kitty doing¿
  • Seee @tompuss the Princess missed you tooo
  • I've been waiting all afternoon to say "Hi" @bernersenn. If I'd posted earlier I'd have stolen the crown again. Can't let that happen too often. Especially since I'm thinking of taking one of Ma's top scores. I only have two levels in Mirror Cold Cuts that aren't 1st's or 2nd's. And one of them is hers. I don't need it to stay ahead of Romo but I've never had all 30 levels of an episode in the top two before. Thought it might be a non-repeatable record.
    What do you think Mrs. Bunny? Would that be badge worthy? ha ha Sorry your cruise is basically over. You get off the ship in hours? The last night never is much fun anyway. Hope you had a great time.
  • Lol @Pa seeing as you waited All afternoon , so as not to steal my Crown , go for the trophy:) really i don't mind,,I know I got it in my heart, with your training! No worries:)
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please:)
  • @kathy WASSSUPPP
    @rat yo
  • @gumby Waassssupppp!!
  • Yo! What'd ya mean Yo? Does anyone know what @Gumby is calling me?
  • @rat lol
    @kathy look at SG chat :)
  • @Gumby So...bro?
  • @rat YO means hello, or hey, or how ya doing? etc. LOL
  • Oh! So still Bro's?
  • lol YA
  • Gotta go bro.
  • Welll By Golly By Gee !! @gumby wtg ..I'm proud of ya son, ya went and done good! !
    never mind Good Awesome! !! uhmm be prepared for battle ha ha!
    OB give @gumby a beer!! and I'll take one too!!
  • @rat ok go sleep
  • @kathy thats one of the tough levels
  • haha @Pa Yo "common greeting in Boston speak;) amongst men..
  • Ya it is @gumby , is not a glitch level but it's tough do tell which strat you used or did you find one of your own?
  • Jeesh u even topped donnmega buy 1k+. Nice flinging!!
  • @kathy I used the e-star strategy
  • Gotta hand it to you @kathy, @bernersenn & anyone else playing in the snow. All I can say is ugh.
    Kathy I'm looking at 1-15 now, double ugh. Stupid snowblocks.
    OB could I have 2 fingers of Scotch please, I'll need it to fling this one.
  • @karen68 long time no see. How are you?
    @kathy and its a Matilda level. I hate Matilda
  • @karen68 1-15 yuk not a fun level
  • @gumby things are good, hope all is well with you. :D
    I know, 1-15 is a perfect example of why I don't like SG. So you're flinging in SG too?
  • @karen68 yea its @kathy 's fault lol.
  • before she got me playing this I had only played SG level 3 for a daily challenge, these are all new to me.
  • Lol sure blame me @gumby!! Hee hee and Matilda is my absolute unfavorite bird of All!! That's why she doesn't work here at the Bp, i reviewed her job performance in the field and she sux!! Haha only my favorites work here, with the exception of Chuck, he's much more valuable, can't have him working 2 jobs! No offense OB, but your capable of working two jobs lol!
    Thanks @karen68 I appreciate it ,ya those stupid cement blocks dragster disguised as Snow!!
  • Nighty night @Pa i guess¿ hmm ever since wife retired, you've been sneaking out early?
  • Good morning guys.
    @tompuss yes, as every year we are going to Goldswil at august 8th. for 3 weeks.
    Looking forward to it. And... We will have two - 2 - berneses with us.
    I'm glad to hear your Kitty is fine again. Ok, limping, but present! I know the feeling about troubles with our pets.

    @rat your scores in Space are amazing. It's not my favorite game, actually I like it when competing with others as in that year with the Beak Impact games,

    @karen68 your scores in the snow are already awesome. Did you play the game initially when they contained these glitches? Because that is what I wanted to see, and glitches, and more powerful bombbirds.
    I've tumbled to #10. Didn't had much time to play last days. But, to be honest, it is really difficult to raise my own scores. Still having trouble with 1-5 (the one where you almost throw the Ipad out of the window).

    See you later
  • We all have our problems @TomPuss. My Mother-in-Law broke her hip a few weeks ago. No cat collar on her neck but she is in isolation because of a staff infection. She's going to be OK, but will always limp. And boy is it hot and humid. Yet still I find time to stop by the Nest. You should too. We miss you.

    Good luck today for all associated or impacted either way with Brexit. Best wishes to all.
  • Thanks for the compliment about Space @bernersenn. May I say you're not bad yourself. Having not played the older episodes for years, I'm surprised I'm still in 1st place. I really need to go through Space again because I've learned so much since I last played it. The last few Space challenges are good examples of why I should update my scores. I played the last six Space challenges and got puppies in five. So they either got easier or I got better. I think the latter. My problem is that I'm only good for short bursts at the moment. Pain keeps me on the fringes. Good for @Sglouk. Bad for me. ha ha
  • @rat sorry to hear about your fingers.
    Actually I think that our skills got better during the years.
    I always said "those older games were more difficult". But when they come up in the challenge it isn't the case. Beside the fact that some of the games are easier nowadays.
  • We are home!
    Loved the cruise, seas very calm, loved the sights, the dressing up in the evenings (but my knees are protesting after having walked around in very high heels, every evening, for fourteen days)
    Now washing and ironing. Yuk!
    Will read back
    See @kathy has the crown, again!
  • Reading back:

    @knichy I retired at 49 on a rather fabulous "final salary pension" Not sure if you have them in the US. We HAD them, for police (that's me and Mr Bunny) Firemen (I do like a fit fireman!) and other service personnel. But no more. Those who join up now don't get the same benefits.

    @rat don't make me laugh with your tales of frugality, you fly First Class? Now that's darned expensive! We only manage Business. Ain't ever flying "Cattle" again!

    @kathy we in the UK have "85 rule" for public service employees. Civvies rather than uniformed. Add your age to the number of years you worked for the organisation. So if you are 57 and worked for twenty eight years, you can apply for retirement. We also have a "retire and return" scheme. Get your pension, and return doing fewer hours. Look into what's available for you

    @bernersenn not a football fan. But Woo Hoo! Wales topped their group. Only one famous person actually went to the same High School as me: Gareth Bale! Obviously I was there some years previously...

    @wolf! Love him to bits xxx

    @mvnla2 I know about game addiction. When fed up with the birdies not flinging correctly, I used to Candy Crush, but gave that up, now play some futile FingerArts Spider Solitaire. Have completed 3000+ games. God help me...

    Sagrada Famalia inside photos coming soon. It's beautiful....

    @mvnla2 The Nile Cruise was probably the best for sightseeing, although that word doesn't really sum up the history: the whole pharaoh, Egyptian experience. Albeit Egypt is dirty, unsafe, it's worth it. Pick a good boat, ours was awful!

    Lol @kathy haven't flung a bird in two weeks, congrats on your progress in SG! Not likely to fling tonight, I'm bloody knackered...

    @kathy good on you for being the Good Samaritan

    @rat Mr Bunny habit is to leave his wallet at home, not leave in the restaurant!

    Lol Mister Rat you were tracking my cruise. No pictures of THE LIFEBOAT but room 4142 will never be occupied by Mr and Mrs Bunny again. Spent yesterday, a very misty day, at sea. In the Commodore Club, playing crib, and watching the occasional porpoise Will definitely PM you over the weekend about the Baltic Cruise

    @sweetp thanks for untiring work in B&R and my new rank and badge. A drink on me, whatever you want

    And champers for @TomPuss the best please, OB, for our lovely English, now French lady

    @rat heart said "out" head said "in" went head, obviously. But I fear it was a wasted vote. I think the UK will go "out"

    Nice to be back and catch up xx
  • Wow that's a lot of catching up @hunnybunny, now I'm gonna have to catch up with your catch up And catch up on what i missed since i left lol
    WELCOME HOME !!! (I couldn't find a banner:( )
  • Lol @kathy I've 291 notications to catch up on. Although I expect most are you and @knichy chatting in the SG kicking Butt room, jeeze you two can talk....

    Nighy night, God Bless xx
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams :)
  • @Karen68 I'm sorry my good night message never went through forgot ti hit send i guess lol
    anyway I've Instructed OB to keep plenty of the Special Stock on hand for whenever you pop in until the end of time, for helping me in level 15:D
  • ok I'm not catching up lol,,had to step out for a few, ,now trying to catch up in real life haha, o.k
    dinner ,Check
    uhhm that's it lol
    OB a Blue Mongo please
    now off to fling:)
  • oh and beutiful Guitar music @tompuss thank you,
    and poor donny,,he looks very sad with that collar,,is it off yet?
  • @all -- Guess I haven't said hello for longer than I realized, but I have lurked some. Sounds like everyone is doing OK, more or less.
    @SweetP -- It's also been unbearably hot here, but nowhere near as hot as where you are. Only played 9 holes on Tues -- thought it was a convenient place to stop before I melted in a useless puddle from the heat. Yesterday and today have been nice, but it's supposed to get hot again this weekend.
    @TomPuss -- Glad to see you back, and happy your kitty is better.
    @Hunnybunny, @Kathy -- In general, I don't think we have the equivalent of the "85 rule". However, some companies have offered something similar when they want to reduce their workforce (especially the older, higher paid workers). You also need to be sure what the return part time policy is. I think when I retired, the current policy was that you couldn't return as a part-time employee for 2 years. Fortunately, I decided I had no desire to return. I'm not sure if the restriction is U.S. tax law, federal contractor requirement, or company policy.
  • Hi @mvnla2 was beginning to wonder where you were,
    I do know a couple Women at my work have started receiving SS ,one still worked full-time, ,the other 2 went part time, I work for a private company, not sure what their policy is,,i do need to look into it though.
    sorry ti hear about your weather being hot as well, it's been off and on here mostly hot, ,but hot to me is different than hot to you lol, it's been in the 80's here hasn't hit 90 yet ,well one day almost lol. 80 degrees is hot enough for me, plus we have the humidity
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP and has anybody seen knichy?
    @hunnybunny welcome back, I can't speak for everybody else but it sure wasn't the same without you here
  • @gumby Waassssupppp,, and yeppers you can say it sure hasn't been the same without @hunnybunny ;) happy sure safe and sound: D
  • Nighty night @Pa
    g'nite all
  • If it's painful to wear heels for two weeks Mrs. Bunny, why do it? I'm sure Mr. Bunny wouldn't love ya any less if you wore them every other day. Is putting on airs for people you don't know so important? Times have changed. Wear a flat occasionally. Your feet and back will thank you. These are not the views of Mr. Rat. They belong to Mrs. Rat. And she can put on airs with the best of them...when SHE wants to. Nobody dictates her comfort, least of all me. ha ha
    Did your portal at least open so you could hear and watch all the people as they walked on the promenade? An old "I love Lucy" episode comes to mind. People watching can be almost as much fun as the ocean and the port cities.
    Anywho...welcome back.
  • Good night @Ma
  • Brexit anyone???????????????????????????????????????????
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