The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2698
  • Thanks @mvnla2 in my gut feeling i think i did the right thing:). If i had called for the police the poor guy may have been in the jail until Monday morning,,i did make sure the tow truck driver would bring him home safe and sound, he seemed like a nice young lad as well and completely understood the situation:)
  • And the Princess regains her crown,, thanks @Pa for the shine:)
  • It's always nice when someone helps you @Ma. Some idiot took my wife to dinner tonight and left his wallet on the patio table when he left. Luckily the waitress put it securely behind the bar so he was able to retrieve it when he went back.
  • Ooh jeez @Pa you shouldn't let her outta the house with such an irresponsible guy!! Lol ;)
    Luckily it was the waitresses turn to do a good deed;)
    At least you got out and and had a nice dinner with your wife:)
  • I'm having a relaxing night now, of flinging and watching old Disney animated movies
    So far have watched Alice in Wonderland, now watching Snow White and the seven dwarves, next up is Brave , which I've never seen, then Finding Nemo,, most likely not gonna have time for them all before bed, as it's already 10pm , but tomorrow Is Sunday:)
  • It was a nice dinner @Ma.
  • That's nice @Pa,:) good to hear.
  • I'm afraid @gumby got lost in a snowbank:(
    Dave went to the store an hour ago, i think he got lost as well:/
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzz @Ma
  • Good morning guys.
    What's that with that second moon? Do we need a second moon? I don't think so. Think just about the lyrics in all those love songs "under the moon of love", and so on. Questions popping up are "which moon". Yak, the world has troubles enough.
    No, what we need is really fling power. Don't mean PU's. But just a couple of good flings.

    My father is visiting us today.
  • I'm not worried about whether we call it a moon or an asteroid. One moon is enough anyway @bernersenn. But I am worried that we didn't know something that large was traveling, circling even, so close to Earth. I thought we had Near-Earth object tracking? That is an extinction size rock if it were to hit us. Yikes!
  • Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there @knichy:D
    I don't know who else that i can't think of?
  • uhmm when you put it that way @Pa it is a bit disturbing:/
  • @rat I can follow your thoughts. Near-earth? Personally I think that on-earth the issues are much, much larger. Think of Orlando, Brussel, Paris, etc.
  • I agree @bernersenn, and there is so many more (San Bernadino ,911,Fort Hood etc...) on earth things like this to solve, never mind an extra moon may hit us (not likely)
  • Wow now my mind is thinking , that list is so much longer in reality no time to write them all:/
  • @kathy that list is endless, unfortunately. The Belgian police could stop attacks at the public viewing in Brussels before they took place.
  • unfortunately yes @bernersenn ,that list is endless , to sad, is hard for police to stop these things ,i think because people are afraid to talk about things as they are:(
  • In their thoughts I am living extreme dangerous. Because I enjoy: soccer, beer, dogs .... All forbidden stuff
  • I Think in their thoughts we are All extreme because we don't follow their beliefs, everything is forbidden:/
    Kk enough talk of this , time to punish these birds for not doing their job!!;) Make them work for a living!!
    OB and the blues excluded from above sentence , they work hard and do their job here:)
  • @Pa did you see the Challenge today? Space Cold Cuts 2-8 ,,but Romo is playing Mirror levels right, i just remembered
  • opps must've been looking at yesterday challange :^
  • Hello all, it's after 5 so a round of mongos on me. Didn't hear about a near earth object, guess I'll have to look back! Or up.
  • hey @knichy Happy Fathers Day :) Thanks for the Mongo :)
    after 5? is been noon for 6 hours lol;)
  • Another Hi and Bye! Dire internet connection
    Still alive, still cruising, still having a ball!
    Haven't read back BP or 235 notifications lol
    Back home Thurs xx
  • Hi @hunnybunny thanks for checking in:) happy to hear your alive and well, having a nice vacation,, look forward to Thursday when you return:)
  • Very early night for me, its been a long day, I'm tired. Going to listen to my book and hit the pillow soon. Nighty night all
    Well hmm one more Blue Mongo before i go;) thanks OB
  • @kathy well I guess I missed ya, sleep well
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp im still here, going soon though
  • @kathy its been a busy hectic last few days
  • yep busy days @gumby, I gotta go now can't type anymore :/ night nighy
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • @kathy OK sleep well
  • Nite nite @Ma
  • @bernersenn @Ma If you two could access the Santa Hat glitch you'd be in 1st and 2nd place in Season's Greedings. Great flinging.
  • Good morning guys.
    @rat about Wolf: he is born at May 6th. Will be coming "home" on July 9th. So, he will be nine weeks old then.
    About that Santa Glitch: thank you. But I don't think so. We had also the much better performing bombbirds. (Seasons got easier, you know).
    Lots of work for me today, unfortunately. So perhaps a little bit flinging this evening.
  • Good Afternoon or Evening @bernersenn, yep i agree The easier levels helped us out, also only 8 levels listed as Santa Hat Glitch,I think an also flinging skillfulness has improved:)
    OB when you get a chance I'll take a Blue Mongo please, and give poor @knichy a double , and all he wants on my tab:(
  • @kathy WASSSSUUP
    @bernersenn wolf is getting big very quickly :)

  • @gumby Waaasssuppp?
  • @kathy went to the dentist today
  • Ouch Everything o.k @gumby?
  • @kathy everything except the wallet LOL
  • To heck with waterboarding! Why don't we use dentists to interrogate suspects? I know I'd tell all to stop or shorten a dental procedure. he he
  • Hi @Mumsie. Sorry I missed you lurking.
  • Good thinking @Pa lol i could think of a few other medical professions that may be able to help as well, not for public sharing hee hee!
  • Who edited my comment about dentists?
  • I know it was there 25 minutes ago because @Ma made a comment about it.
  • I've been CENSORED!
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