The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2699
  • Did i miss Mumsie¿ is still there @Pa?
  • And I retain My crown! !
    see @Pa is still there

    Rat 8:41PM Flag
    To heck with waterboarding! Why don't we use dentists to interrogate suspects? I know I'd tell all to stop or shorten a dental procedure. he he
  • Helooo @Pa you there?
  • Hi @Ma. I'm back. I reset the nest a few times and yet my message still stopped after the word "Why". But it's back now. Spooky
  • @Mumsie was in the Nest earlier but she didn't stop by the BP @Ma. Hope all is well.
  • @Ma I'm going to be gone for a while so...Release the hounds.
  • hmmm @Pa
    I'm going to bed now. .sleep welll
    Nighty Night @Pa
  • Good night @Ma
  • Good morning guys.
    @rat did you reset the Nest? Wow, that is amazing, lol
  • Funny @bernersenn, funny. I logged out and back in.

    I've been having a lot of issues lately. Things like scores not displayed in walkthroughs and Romo being ahead of me in Mirror Cold Cuts. That last one alone has happened five or six times already. Ha ha Strange.
  • You've left the last port of call Mrs. Bunny. On the starboard, Portugal is slipping away. Nothing to do now but enjoy Queen Victoria's many on board relaxing activities. May I suggest a comfortable deck chair with a Jamaican Apple Cooler to beat the heat this afternoon. Enjoy your last two days at sea.

    Oh! And don't forget to take a picture of the wonderful view from your room.
  • Grrr...
    trying to award a badge for @jlz666, but the @name isn't being recognized. Grrr...

    edit: sorry @rat9, I wasn't directing my grumbling at you. I think we both hit the Save Comment button at the same time!
  • Let's try this again...

    Hello @Rat9! Nice to see you here. did you get to see the Summer Solstice moon?
  • Oh shoot! Today is WHINNEEEE TUESDAY!

    *quickly runs to the storage room and pulls out the baskets of earplugs and places them on the bar, and handfuls for each booth*

    Whew! Glad no one was in here earlier. Don't want any busted eardrums due to the the lack of safety!

    Well, since no one is here, I'll just have to get it out right now.
  • I'm outta here for now, hopefully I'll have a few minutes later on to come back.

  • Hey @hunnybunny I'll summarize ...

    Blah blah blah, flung this, got that, WHIIIIINE.

    Do the have blue mongos on that boat ?
  • Wow, that comment was hanging out somehow for days. Wassup SweetP, still enjoying my one and only puppy!
    Here's my WHIIIIINE still nothing good about seasons loss, cleared cache, reboot, same old same old, looks like a start over from scratch. I'm not paying a dime, and don't have enough coins to try to open a locked level, but presuming they would not have my scores anyway.
  • Hi @rat that is ok. Thought of writing to the admins to tell them they should check their security.
    Just kidding. I am working for a large IT company, and to be honest, a stable platform as this Nest is unknown to me. It is always up. Must bring over compliments to our admins. Chapeau.

    @rat @romo above you in a space thing? Are you able to sleep?
    What's going on in my mind... Nothing serious happening.

    @sweetp the weather is hot? You're living about 250 miles away from us. We're facing grey, grey and grey. Tomorrow it will be a little warmer, thursday really warm. Then thunderstorm and summer is over, again.

    @knichy a puppy, finally? Congratulations to it. I know the feeling.
  • @knichy, I just found a chew toy someone forgot, so please take it for your puppy ;)

    @bernersenn I wish it was cloudy over here! It was FREAKIN' HOT yesterday, and there's very little relief for the next couple of days. I think my black lab might be a bit sick from all this heat! She stays in most of the time, but she's puked twice today so I need to keep my eye on her when she goes outside. She does love the ice cubes I've been feeding her, haha!
  • @sweetp the heat will slow down this friday.
    I know, dogs are suffering this heat. Icecubes can relief a little.
  • Oooh @Sweetp Thanks for remembering Whine Tuesday!! I totally forgot!! Sorry to hear about your Hot weather,, poor puppy i hope it cools off for you all soon!
    @bernersenn @Pa seriously , the other day it seemed my leaderboards was hacked , all my scores were lower and i dropped from 11th to 25th spot n SG, but then it righted itself after 5 minutes of pure confusion and Panic until i realized I still had my scores in my actual game lol.
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please
    Ohh and I missed the Solstice Moon??
  • @bernersenn I think you doth protest too much about your lack of Space skills. You're too good to take lightly. I know I don't. he he

    Hey! Why didn't someone tell me the challenge was in Space today? Never mind. I know why now. It's an "Ugly" level.

    @knichy You wouldn't help me translate for Mrs. Bunny if you knew what was good for you. lol *playing with fire*

    Wow! @SweetP has a lot of empty glasses in front of her. How long has she been in the BP drinking today OB?
  • Whoo hoo! I see a puppy parade passing by the BP. Run out and look at the cute puppies. Maybe give one a good home.
  • @Pa seriously in Pig Dipper? I'll pass lol;)
  • Don't let the puppies pass you by @Ma. It took me less than a half hour. The hard part is finding the sweet spot for the first shot but there's a video to give you a great start.
  • I just went and got the top score puppy @Ma. It's not that hard.
  • You don't fling on an I-pad @Ma so I can't give you the background star to aim at but the most important piece of the puzzle is the power. Slightly less than minimum. Aim with a light power pull and then push your thumb forward just a bit to make it less than minimum. You want Ice-Bird to hit the boat and then travel on the upper or left side of the seaweed. Let it activate on it's own. Second shot full power barely above the corner of the long slab. activate just after impact. JUST after!
  • I'll give it a try @Pa ,need a break from SG anyway, I'm now in 9th place ,for now anyway until @bernersenn hops over me lol,,we are taking turns climbing, but we are helping each other also; )
  • @Pa which side of the boat am i hitting? Which boat?
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPP
    @rat congrats
    @bernersenn I am patiently awaiting more Wolf pics :)
    @sweetp I think jlz666 has a hyphen like this jlz-666 maybe that will work :)
  • Left side @Ma. Watch the video Comex refers to. 1st shot like the video with my power.
  • I almost got it @Pa :) °I looked at comex video and with your comments figured it out;)
    @gumby Waassupp ,did you miss the pics of Wolf in the previous page?
  • and yes @jlz-666 has a hyphen ,lol she is probably wondering why so many dings,,and I still have a pm to reply to, ,a few of them actually!
  • Thanks @Gumby. Once you find the sweet spot and know what power to use it is very repeatable. I shot four puppy scores including top score in less than thirty minutes after I told @Ma to get a puppy. I wanted to be sure it'd work before Ma got to asking questions.
  • lol @Pa you know me to well; )
  • @rat If it wasn't Space I would probably go try, but I am in SG right now trying to improve some
  • That's OK @Gumby. I was talking to Ma anyway. Why? Were you eavesdropping? ha ha ha
    The King must help the Queen. It's in the charter.
  • Hurry up @Ma. You're running out of time. No pressure. he he
    I got the Silver Underdog for this puppy. Whoo da *censored* hoo! It's the badge I always wanted. Huh, Mrs. Bunny?
  • Maaaaaaaaaaa??????????????
  • *hangs head in shame * I tried @Pa I really did, if i had more time...
  • Good night @Ma
  • Nighty nighy @Pa
    sorry i dissapointed ya:(
  • You didn't disappoint me @Ma. I was just pulling for ya too hard. If you only had an I-pad I could have told you exactly where to shoot. It's a small sweet spot but it doesn't move. I think scores well over 100k are possible.
  • @all Amazing kitten rescue!!

  • Welcome back @TomPuss. That is one lucky cat.
  • Yes indeed, welcome back Tompuss.
    Ok, now back for a little time playing in the snow. @kathy has knocked me down one position.

  • @gumby I hope to receive new pictures of Wolf this weekend.
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