The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2325
  • Ohh @fenikus sorry i was just skimming through. .iDo like brick and mortar though.m hands on buying/trying no waiting. .I'm not very good at spending money to wait for my purchase. Never did like layaway either..
  • C'mon!!
  • Loll @fenikus no noone works at home depot!! And ya that third shot out killing me I actually on one time had more destruction than your video but lower score..uhmm I think second shot you don't get as many points from the tnt blowing the stones as if they break on their own?
  • @Kathy, as long as you get mid 150Ks after second shot, I don't think it matters. Actually, I take that back: if you can get the first shot to destroy the entire lower level like in my video, there is a way to send second bird so that it explodes TNTs where they lay and continue as usual to take out bananas. Haven't gotten it to work yet but it has top score potential.
  • That is how got my ccurrent score @fenikus the tnt faliing and BR going through the banana's and the 'milk ' ? But usually only getting 199k -203k :/
  • Ya @kelani only 203k 550 not enough:/
    @Fenikus Has 206k
  • yer a point snob :P
  • @Kelani, so you've been buying the same brand seeds from the same store for 4 years and they were always mislabeled? Idk, I would have changed something after year #2, lol.

    So what's your longest positive review? Short and sweet is good, but when I see a review like "the product works great", it somehow doesn't instill confidence :-)

    Edit: I meant *shortest* positive review!
  • Where 's @Pa I'm tellin'
  • @kelani !!! Why are you calling me a 'Point Snob' ? I don't get it? Aren't we all striving for more points? Your Not? Really I'm serious why would you say that? I'm #15"in level #6 trying to get into top 10?
  • Where is Pa? Haven't been in all day?
  • @fenikus: For two years, I tried another brand, then saw in the fine print it was a subsidiary of Burpee. There's none else to try. Not a lot of brand options here, and it's rare they even have those seeds.

    Looking at my Amazon reviews, all but three are negative. My Panasonic razor got 4* and the review's a paragraph or three:

    I spend a lot of time making the negative reviews shine :>
  • @Kathy any time you complain about a score that's higher than mine, I'm callin you a point snob :P
  • My charger is being shipped UPS
  • Well @kelani I Think that makes YOU the Point Snob. .ya know'
  • Comments on my negative reviews
    -Setting the standard for an extremely helpful review. Would that others do the same.
    -A fabulous review! Very informative.

    lol, came across my review for the Littermaid Self-Cleaning Litter box. Title: This Product isn't Worth the Crap it Moves!
  • @Kathy teeny logic problem there. How can I be a point snob when I'm happy to settle for substandard scores?
  • @Kelani, ugh…I can't shave with electric shavers. They just don't give me that clean shaven feeling plus my neck skin always gets irritated.

    My next positive Amazon review is going to be:

    "This 5-sided trimmer string works great on my 18v lithium battery Ryobi trimmer. It cuts smoother in comparison with regular round string and continues to cut well even at lower RPM as the battery's charge is depleted. I can now use the trimmer until the battery completely runs out of juice whereas with round string I had to stop and recharge the battery at about 30% charge."

    Short and sweet and has plethora of information for a potential buyer.
  • @fenikus same, but I'm not very dextrous in the mornings. If I use a razor, it always looks like I lost a knife fight. Staying a little scruffy isn't a bad tradeoff :P

    Nice review. Makes me want a string trimmer :) Looking at my positives, I think they're all short because I don't repeat stuff found in other reviews. I just say I agree with their pros.
  • I see @hunnybunny pep talk in @Kelani future..
    Battery dying .. need it for alarm. . Night night all.
    Happy Friday!! Happy flinging!
  • @Kathy Of course I'm not happy with my scores. Just can't do anything about it atm. :)

    edit: no pep talk needed. I have no ipad until Sunday.
  • @fenikus lol. Those people sucked so bad. "leave it off for 15 seconds. If that doesn't work, leave it off for 30. Then try 60. Each delay is a different kind of reset" They act like it's a freakin satellite.

    That product taught me never to buy anything that has 15,000 refurbs listed on ebay :)
  • I've got a world-class nasty review in the works for these Nautilus safety/work shoes I got for Christmas. I love the composite safety toe, and they look/feel great, but the heels have those clear plastic air chambers. These were made of very thin PVC. 2 days after Christmas, just from wearing them indoors, both had broken. Now when I walk, every step sounds like a dog's squeaky toy. :(
  • How/where can you write a review if you didn't purchase the item in that online store? Does Amazon let you do that?
  • you gotta be kidding me. Esquire just cut to commercial in the middle of the Bullitt car chase.

    @fenikus It'll let you, but if they show a record of you buying it, I think you get a "confirmed purchase" tag.

    edit: at the bottom of the Customer Reviews section is a Write a Customer Review button.
  • @fenikus how's this for a review title for my crappy Nautilus work shoes:

    Work Shoes? Mine didn't survive the commute.
  • @Kelani LOL. I would add this:

    Work Shoes? Mine didn't survive the commute from my kitchen to my workshop.

    Or something like that.
  • @fenikus Good idea :) I have to change the endpoint, because they didn't make it to the kitchen, either :P
  • heh, We'll see if Amazon accepts that review. It's pretty snarky.
  • @Kelani, just read back 3(!) pages. I'd like a peek at that link that you removed, pleeezzz? I've been bored the past couple of days and need a pick-me-up.
  • I guess I'm talking to myself again, so I'll just go to bed.

    Good night @all, have a fantabulous flinging Friday!

    *gets @Kathy's flashlight from behind the bar, gives it a good shine, replaces the batteries and slips it under her pillow. Turns on the Scentsy wax warmer, lets the remaining wax melt a little then cleans out all the residue. Takes two blocks of Ocean scent and places them in the warmer bowl. This will see her safely to dreamland.*
  • God night Ma
    Good night @SweetP
    Good night John Boy

    Who's a point snob @Kelani? ha ha
  • Suggestion for the menu. one of the favorite dishes I developed a few months ago. take a boneless pork chop, top with a ham steak cut to the right size, cut a quarter inch of cheddar to size, top with another boneless pork chop, wrap with bacon - three long and two on the short length. bake at 350 for 25 minutes, turnover, broil at 500 for 10 minutes to crisp the bacon on the bottom. we could call it Bloating on Pig
  • Hi @all *beep beep* Dang it, how I HATE alarm clocks!
  • I am fit to be tied.

    I use the Roboform password manager, with a really, really good Master Password. Yesterday I had no trouble using that Master Password, but today I cannot access any of my 100 plus passwords. All my user ids and passwords totally, and forever irretrievable through Roboform.

    Lots of work to re-establish login data for all those accounts so I am hard at it, this time using old fashioned pad and pencil to save my data... for now.

    While I am at it, I decide to do what I have been thinking of doing for a while, change my email address here at ABN. That meant going to Gravatar. Oh lord, what a MESS! Seems it is now tied to WordPress and you have to go to wordpress to manage your Gravatar password! Well, I had already changed my Gravatar primary email address and now the link between Gravatar and Wordpress is tangled/broken. I can't even get into WordPress, even after they send me a new password, oddly sent to my new email address but the link to change my address is tied my old address.... I know I am not making any sense, but trust me, my Gravatar account is now so f#$@ed up it is unusable. so I will no longer have an account image here. So mad at Roboform AND Gravatar!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • If you haven't changed your password through WordPress, you may not want to risk it. Don't BREATHE on you Gravatar account...
  • I might try 1password for a manager, I hear it is the most secure, but not the easiest to use. Sigh....
  • @BPC did you forget your master password, or it's just not working?
  • @Kelani I did not forget/change my Master Password. I have used it for a while now, and I am pretty sure I would remember if I had changed it the day before. I don't know, maybe I did change it while I was sleep walking during the night... or maybe I am truly loosing my marbles... OH, I DO remember installing the latest update to Roboform... twice in the last two days!
  • I think I have my Gravatar/WordPress tangle sorted out :) Should have a jumping kitty again soon!
  • I use one simple password for unimportant logins, and one ridiculously complex one for the important stuff. Both are derived from objects near me, that I always see. So when I change a password and forget it, those objects act as reminders.
  • Advice to those who want to change their Gravatar password/image/profile: Do not go to the Gravatar website. When they merged Gravatar and WordPress, a WordPress account was automatically created for you. Isn't that nice? NOT. Anyway, go directly to WordPress to manage your Gravatar account. Hopefully then you won't end up with the tangle I just sorted out.
  • @BPC Naw, If you know it that well, then I think your marbles are intact. :) I overlooked where you said Roboform in your first post. My money's on that update. I had the same problem when I used it a few years ago.
  • @Kelani, I will use the same password for some websites that have no personal data other than an email address, but I use very different passwords for each site that has very much of my personal data, especially financial data, ssn, phone numbers, address... I also have several different email address I use for different websites, all with their own password. If anyone messes with my email accounts, I get a text message and an email notification.
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