The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2326
  • @Kelani Roboform claims to not store any data on their servers, but that is total bunk. They say they do not store the Master Password, but they store the "key" to it. If that key gets broken, the Master Password is no good. There is some other scary stuff I am just learning about using Roboform on mobile devices. If the device is stolen, Roboform can be cracked in minutes. It is demonstrated on YouTube.

    The more I learn about using mobile devices for web surfing, the more nervous I get. From now on, I will do the majority of my sensitive web browsing on my MacBook, using Chrome browser (with security extension HTTPS Everywhere).
  • @BPC Sounds like you have a lot of sites to consider. Compartmentalization is a great way to do it. :)

    Heh, at my old job, first of every month, we had to create and memorize two different 40-character passwords. They had to contain alphanumerics, punctuation, capitals and alt+xxxx ascii symbols, and no character could be used more than once. Writing them down, speaking them, or typing them anywhere other than the password entry field meant instant termination and criminal charges. :)
  • @Kelani, you're making my brain hurt even more than it already does :)
  • deleted post by me :)
  • Let me try that link again (For Roboform users)
  • @BPC The idea behind the security key is sound, but developers of password managers are limited in that they focus only on the most common intrusion methods. Their software may stop 98% of data thieves, but they just don't have the resources or skills to stay ahead of that elite & pesky 2%.

    I used Roboform on Firefox, and that made me even more uneasy. I used to contribute to Firefox development, and there were dozens of vulnerabilities popping up every day that never got addressed.
  • @BPC the second one worked. I'll check it out. Could you please edit the first post and remove the big'ol video? :)

    edit: Sorry to cause brainache. I always forget most people don't care about stuff like that :P
  • Yay, I got my avatar working again!
  • @Kelani, we will just have to wait for @E-star to clean up after me.... again ;
  • @Kelani, I don't have much to hide other than my personal data, but I hate cleaning up messes of any kind, and I especially don't want to clean up the mess created by an identity thief. So, I am getting a little more cautious on the Internet. I now use a VPN, HTTPS Everywhere, and mostly unique, strong passwords.

    And I don't use social media any more than I have to. To use Gravatar, I am now forced to have a WordPress account, but all they have is my email. Same with Facebook which I only use to access other Facebook accounts (I don't even "like" anything). Google/YouTube have a little, but I have very good passwords on those accounts.

    I shudder to think how much personal data people knowingly make public online... or unknowingly...
  • OH! When did we get to edit our posts? Guess I need to drop in more often!
  • @BPC Dunno, I think that feature came before my time. I use it often, much to the annoyance of anyone who gets an email for every BP post. It seems if you edit, it sends out another notification containing just the added/removed text :)

    I shudder too about what people put out there. I'm particularly screwed, because from 1984-2002 I posted personal details to a very large audience several times a day. :) Back then, my evilkel reputation prevented any problems, but that doesn't apply anymore. Still, all of my posted data is nothing compared to what people do on Facebook. I've never visited the site, and never will. Long story, but the oversharing and persistence of data is a big part of it.

    edit: thank you for editing that. :) I've done that several times before.
  • Good evening everybody. All good things come to an end, tomorrow holiday is over. Whinnnniieee. Car is packed, still some hours to fling, then sleep. We expect to be at home at 4:00 pm.
    @tompuss the baton is for you.
    @hunnybunny no pictures today. Although the 'rösti' was yum yum, no pictures taken. Reason: this fool left the camera in the house.
    OB, a eound on me for the entire club here.
  • @fenikus @All I just learned something y'all probably don't care about anymore. In the Short Fuse 26-3, people got a Shockwave bird on the first attempt, like the Blu-CTF in TT3. Slim said scores obtained using that first-attempt bird were written to the data files as powerup scores. Unlike TT3, there was a huge difference between Clean and PU scores (88k/105k).

    @bernersenn glad you're feeling better so quickly. Have a safe trip back to Dutchieland :)
  • @Kelani, it looks like your Nautilus boots Amazon review got accepted. I was tempted to post this comment to your review but decided against it:

    "Are these boots at least comfortable? I moonlight as a clown and sounding like a whoopee cushion while I walk sounds perfect. And these bratty kids always kick my toes so I need something to protect them."
  • Btw, last week @mvnla2 asked us to contribute @amslimfordy with his project. Can anyone sent me the details of this request? I read lots of pages back here, but couldn't find it.
    It had to do with uploading datafiles
  • @fenikus lol. I was surprised, It was accepted in under 10 mins. :) So did I do an adequate job of making them seem awful? I see you didn't give me a helpful vote :P

    edit: If I can find out how to post pictures, I'm adding photos of the damage, crappy insoles, and I'm gonna measure that thin plastic with my micrometer. :>
  • @bernersenn Rösti!! My total favourite! Preferably with chopped liver, Hubz prefers veal sausage. Thanks, I grabbed the baton, not long to go now :-) (will write soon)
  • @tompuss then Hubz preferences are mine!
  • @Kelani, more than adequate ;-) I've never heard of Nautilus boot brand before but now I know to stay away from them.
  • @fenikus this picture is a joke. Normally its just round as it is baked into a casserole. Recipe: in the old times this food was 'poor-man food'. It's a lot of potatoes (first slighty cooked) and some unions. This mixture is baken in heat oil. That's all. Most of the people don't like this, starting adding eggs, bacon, etc. But then you cannot speak about rösti anymore.
  • @TomPuss whenever I watch one of your videos I end up rummaging through recommended videos that show after your video. Lookee here what I found:

    Warning: video is bit long (5+ minutes) but the action starts at about 1:45 mark. Amazing slow motion footage of a Greyhound in his element.
  • @bernersenn yeah, the original recipe you described sounds a lot like hash browns.
  • @fenikus well technically shoes. They have composite safety toes, like steel toes, but lighter. I can drop a cinderblock on my toe and it'll bounce off. Comes in really handy when you drop a expensive & sharp woodworking tool. Let the safety toe break its fall. :)

    There's not many makers of safety shoes out there, much less comfortable ones like these. If only they weren't made with crappy materials, they'd be as awesome as Skechers used to be.
  • @bpc glad to see your kitty back! And how is she in real life?
    My passwords are all rabbit related (long story) and numbers that relate to me and HWDNF
    And I'm a bit of a dinosaur, they are all written down, in a sort of bunny code, in the back of my address book.
    And WordPress! I write articles (no, I should have said, I take photos) for a gardening site, but it's the writing bit that makes me mad. That's why I prefer publishing the photos
  • @kelani link please to the shoe review....
    And I'll post my best review of a really bad restaurant
    When I can actually find the thing
  • Talking to myself again
    OB drinks for anyone who comes in ......
  • @hunnybunny: Shoes:

    Littermaid Self-cleaning box:

    If those reviews still show my full name, forget you saw it. If you can't, then at least know my last name isn't pronounced the way you think it is.

    edit: The shoe review is a first draft. There will be many edits.
  • @kelani hee hee loved the reviews
    PM me your surname I'll try my very best to pronounce it in a southern drawl, if that helps ;-)
  • Nighty nighty to you all, 'Grüzi' - tomorrow this will sound like 'hoi'.
  • @kelani my review of a pub / restaurant in one of the best places in the world. 98 miles from our home.
    Another reviewer retitled "The Ship Inn" to "The **** Inn"
    A much better title than mine
  • @fenikus Great video, thanks!
    @bernersenn Safe journey home!
    Night @all xoxo
  • @hunnybunny see attached comments:

    1. Bunnios = lol. I love it
    2. Wth are rocket leaves?
    3. I HATE how places put the fish on the chips. I don't want soggy, fishy-smelling chips!
    4. Can I have your overcooked tuna? I'm in need of new soles for me shoes. :)
    5. My review would be called "This Ship gave me a sinking feeling" or "The Ship Inn: Like the Titanic, without the happy ending"
  • @kelani rocket leaves = small lettuce peppery taste
    Tuna on express delivery via ups
  • @kelani M-I-W wishful thinking on your part lol
  • @Hunnybunny Ah, I know that as Arugula.

    I'm weird. I despise rare meats. Steak's gotta be well done, fish moreso.
  • @kelani Orlando Bloom is just how I've always imagined you
    Bit of a late post here, (like seven days late) but why the hell not!
  • @kelani couldn't for my life remember the US name, but that's it
  • Ain't cooking for you then. Not mad on steaks, but just occasionally, rare
    Fish must be opalescent
  • Off to vote
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