The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2318
  • I use Tom's deodorant which is natural. I hope that's a brand and not just leftover sticks used by some guy named Tom...
  • @fenikus Tom's deodorant has castor beans in it, so you're giving yourself a tiny dose of ricin :P Also has hops in it. lol.

    Edit: and Tom's Naturally Dry Antiperspirant has *recycled* aluminum in it. lol
  • @Kelani, well that's not so bad, is it? Tiny dose of regularity never hurt nobody.
  • @fenikus regularity isn't bad, but ricin is. :) See my edit? I find it hilarious that product uses recycled aluminum. My old ginger ale can may one day be smeared in your armpits. lol
  • @Kelani, so what antiperspirant should I use then?

    BTW…ding-ding-ding…I think you meant Kanye as in Kanye West before? That would certainly rhyme ;-)
  • @fenikus I'd use whatever deodorant prevents people from wearing gas masks in your presence. If the ladies also like it, that's also a bonus.

    Ah Kanye rhymes. Guess that means Sanjay, Wrong Way, Olé, Solvay or Ix-nay would also work? :)

    edit: and Ben Gay, Souffle, eBay, Tanqueray...
  • @Kelani, just looked at my deodorant stick. It says aluminum free and the only questionable ingredient is zinc ricinoleate.

    Nope, the other words don't rhyme. Haven't you heard Kanye pronounced? Also, google translate has the little speaker icon at bottom left so you can listen to a synthesized voice pronounce it (not great but it's close enough).
  • @fenikus ok, maybe some don't, but Kanye and Sanjay do rhyme. :P I get the gist of it, though.

    the zinc ricinoleate is OK. It's got natural anti-inflammatory properties, and if you ever find yourself in labor, it'll really help strengthen your contractions :P
  • @Kelani, Kanye and Sanjay rhyme? I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

    Nice about zinc ricinoleate. I know some day this knowledge will come in handy, one way or the other ;-)
  • @fenikus Well, I say that because I heard him pronounce it as Kahn-Yay once. Another source says Kahn-Yuh, though. Either way, he's still an idiot. lol, I'd forgotten that Obama called him a jackass once. :)
  • Ok, gotta go eat and sleep^H^H^H^H^H let the dog out and clean the kitchen :p
  • Now, now boys! Behave yerselves and don't make me put you both in the corner! Heehee.
  • Get em @SweetP. They've been pushing the envelope all evening. Bad boys for shur. ha ha
  • Tanqueray! OB, I'll have a Tanqueray and tonic, please. My favorite drink.
  • Yeah, @Rat9. You can't leave them alone for too long! How've you been? Hope you're feeling better lately.

    edit: I agree @kelani. He's been a jacka$$ since I-can't-remember, so I just ignore anything he says. pfffffffffttt!
  • Not really @SweetP. Been rough for days now.
  • *hurries into stockroom and brings out the baskets of earplugs. Places one in each booth, two on the bar, one next to the door, and one in the back game room.*

    Here ya go, Nesters. You wanna whine, then use these please. We don't want any broken eardrums!
  • Awww, @Rat9. wish there was something I could do to help you. So this means you haven't been able to fling much? Take it easy with those flingers.
  • And to top it off @SweetP. For the first time in my life, I've got a nasty boil on my gluteus maximus.
  • I haven't flung much for weeks now @SweetP. I haven't even tried to take back the lead in BI #1 from @Romo. That's going to take some serious flinging and I'm not up for it. But I have flung a few in TT. It's easier because there are so many points left lying around. And Mrs. Bunny wants someone to play with her.
  • Well, @rat9 I call that a real PITA! Yeow! You poor dear, I really hope you start feeling better soon.

    Sorry folks, I have to leave for now. Gotta get a few things done for my new business. I wish I could stay, but real life is nagging me to finish a project before bedtime...and I'm getting really sleepy.

    So, good night @rat, @fenikus, and whomever may still be here. Have a happy WHINNEEE TUESDAY @all!
  • Good morning to you all.
    Shortly back to the mentions:
    @kathy our dogs always joining us when we are in Holiday. The day we got dogs in the house was the same as when we forgot our city trips.
    @fenikus, what did you meant with "that word" - as I obviously use it often?
  • Good Morning @bernersenn and @HunnyBunny.
    That's not a bad trade off @bernersenn. I enjoy the great outdoors more anyway. Getting to bring the dogs is a definite plus.
    Don't hurt yourself trying to catch a rat Mrs. Bunny. They're nimble little buggers.
  • @rat it is very simple. When you get dogs you have to take care of them. They didn't ask for being with you.
  • I agree wholeheartedly @bernersenn. That's one of the reasons I'd never get big dogs. The wife and I love to travel at the drop of a hat and you can't do that with big dogs. My last dog looked like a golden retriever but was the size of a cocker spaniel. She was a mixed breed rescue. She'd either come with us on trips or we'd get someone she knew to house sit with her. We never had the heart to put her in a kennel. We had her for fourteen years and loved her to death. But concessions were made even with a dog her size. My Brother-in-Law has an indoor black lab that had nine puppies last month. His house is in total chaos at the moment. He can't go anywhere. No one will house sit ten dogs. And I shutter to think what it would cost to kennel them. Both parents are registered so he should have no problem finding them homes, maybe even make a little money, if he'll let go of them. They are But they'll grow. ha ha
  • Cheers! Here's to real sugar, real butter, and real eggs! Love bacon also, but not sure it's good for you. Apparently lots of restaurants are serving uncured bacon, which shouldn't be a problem, if you can afford the calories.
  • Thanks for putting out the earplugs @Sweetp im gonna need them today!
    HH level #3
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee !!
  • Even better than sugar: Sugar in the Raw.
  • To all the people whom I haven't talked for a long time, hi! I know I should've said that 6 months ago when I left the fandom but...better late than never
  • Hi @FBB. You left and I started feeling poorly. Now that you're back, maybe I can feel better???? I think I was feeding off your youth. Don't leave me again. You don't want to cause me pain do you? These new flingers have no fear or respect for my flinging greatness. They assume they can beat me. lol Tell them to back least in Space.
  • Why would you want to eat sugar naked @Kelani. It's sticky.
    Oh, that's right, you're single. Sticky sweet can be fun.
  • @kathy what about #13? That and #15 are my cruels. Argh.
  • @kelani quickie: some Italian traffic cops, just for you. . would that Southern charm work on them, I wonder?
  • @Rat cos it has molasses in it. Awesome sugar. I do try to stay clothed while consuming it, though :)

    @fenikus I thought you'd like to know, my aiming strategy on B2 #29 is still confusing people.

    And, Eddie posted about his HH1 score being removed, and Slim replied. I don't remember the sequence of events occurring that way, but his score's back on the board, so all seems well.
  • @Tompuss that's a pretty neat vid :) At least now we know how the mafia got to be so huge: All the cops were busy playing circus :P
    Not sure if charm would work. The language barrier would be an obstacle, and I don't think they'd appreciate our tendency to call them Eye-talians. :)
  • Justice for Eddie!
  • Guess you can cancel that T-shirt and picket sign order now :P
  • rofl. I'd settle for the phone number of the cute chick in their commercials.
  • Hi everyone !! :)
    @firebombbird jeez it's been soo long i forgot your @ name. Muhmmmb is it @minh ? Ya I think that's right!!
    Yes @bernersenn HH #3 WAS a thorn in my side But I finally managed it:) Persistence payed off:)
    Drinks on me OB I've Never been #1 on the Leaderboards before WooHoo woottt !!
    Oh and OB bring @fenikus anything special he would like as my consolation to the "Rio Master" no hard feelings fenikus I hope!
  • Edit: its just a couple points sure you'll be able to find them fenikus :)
  • Ooo s my edit didn't work oh well it's there ;)
  • @Kathy you beat my 188k score on HH3, didn't you? Why does that level hate me so much.
  • @fenikus
    This is misworded
    5. Please avoid using overly vulgar language. If you are offended by something someone has said, contact either the person that offended you or a @team member and ask them to change it.
    Should say contact the person that offended you and ask them to change it, or contact an @team member let them know.
  • Just barely at first @kelani then idk got lucky . Those top scores seem suspicious still and we have no reply from admin :(
  • Brb gotta run to the store..
  • WTG @kathy
    Off to bed, but congrats!!!
  • That level is turning into my BR-12, which I still play every few days, trying to get my score up with everyone else's.
  • Congrats @Kathy, well done. And finally someone issued me a challenge in HH after so many weeks! So, I have some good news and some bad news for you. Which do you want to hear first?
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