The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2316
  • I love how in RR13, there's a million comments, but none of them have any strategies or tips, except for the first one: Just like Video. That whole PU gift debate should be removed. It's all conjecture.

    edit: @fenikus Either stuff isn't auto-breaking when it hits bottom, or those little pieces are worth a lot, especially the yellow one at bottom left. Whenever this comes out on PC, if they don't fix the window free-resize ability, I'll be able to tell you what happens down there.
  • @Kelani I tested that, the yellow box is not worth much. Everything on the screen is worth 500 pts each. And notice how the swing (or whatever that is) on the upper right is gone, which doesn't happen often. There is no stuff in the lower right wedge either, where stuff often gets caught. I don't see any cords or anything else that could bring extra points. It's really maddening.
  • @fenikus Hmm. Then either the point values for stuff changes, or there's little nets off the bottom of the screen that catch part of it. :) I guess not everything that falls is auto-destroyed after all.

    edit: do you know what people mean on RR13 about going for the far right fuse?
  • @Kelani, not sure re: RR 13 and there's so many comments that it's hard to find. Can you point me to the post?
  • @beautifulvvorldf your very welcome hope you stop in more often when everyone is awake :) time zones are varying so is hard sometimes.
    @bernersenn happy to hear you had a nice day in the mountains :) I forgot to ask and I missed if you mentioned it. Do the dogs come with you on the vacation?
    @TomPuss sorry you never got to see 'cheers' it was very funny :)
  • @fenikus I agree with the point discrepancy in some (lots) of levels i really think marmoset flies off screen and you don't get the 5k..
    O.k I can't catch up anymore. .pizza on the way..much flinging to do and pm's to answer
    OB I'll have a double. Please. .
  • @fenikus my bad, BPC was talking about Level 1. It was another Gift comment. 51 comments and not one strategy except "just like video"
  • I love @fenikos's confidence about Rio @HunnyBunny. He can take us out in TT any time he puts his mind to it. LOL Me, I'm only there for the rabbit stew. I only fling at the levels you have top scores in Mrs. Bunny. How am I suppose to beat you if you won't get another good top score? I haven't flung a wide net over the trees trying to catch all the marmosets like you have. I did notice that @funikus has a top score in level 19 but he hasn't seen fit to post a strategy. Suspicious score? Hmmm? ha ha ha

    Don't worry Mrs. Bunny. I don't feel too good today, so I'm not hunting wabbits.
    Means: You're rank is safe. No flinging for me.
  • Lol @Pa (sshhhh I'm hunting funikinus) he's so busy boasting about TT he doesn't see me nipping at his heels inn HH ;)

  • Speaking of heels and HH.. what's this( Mr you guys gotta stop getting points in HH cuz I'm so far behind @Kelani )
  • @Kathy darnit. I told you to stop scoring points on HH! Walk all over me, why don't ya? :)
  • Hope you feel better Pa :/
  • Soooo @kelani was it my little pep talk and the visit from @wrw01 that motivated you? Or were you Sandbagging?
  • I hadn't noticed how close you were to @Punikus in HH Ma. You take him out in HH and I'll take care of him in TT. Rio expert my derriere... he he.
    Go get him Ma.
  • Oooooh, I'm shaking in my rubber fishing boots @Kathy. 4,600 points behind me? You can easily get that, just put your own boots on and dig into some mud under the boats.
  • Lol laugh now @fenikus lauggh now. .hees heee..I got boots donchoo worryy bout' that. .
  • Sounds like a bunch of bravado to me Ma. He doth protest too much.
  • @Punykus needs to stop picking on you Ma and pick on someone his own size...maybe a rodent of enormous size.
  • @Kathy what're you talking about? I got like 300 points trying that HH1 shot with @Punkykus last night. That and the 30 points on HH3 a few days ago is all I've gotten since Aug 10
  • I have no problem picturing you sloshing through the mudd in those oversize gollashes Ma. I see it!!
  • Punkykus? Good one Kel.
  • Your in third @kelani ? Last night you were like 15th unless i was lokking at a wrong page ?
  • @Kelani I liked your interpretations of my "Don't worry @HunnyBunny's". But the truth is...I'm chatting in the BP instead of flingin' for a reason.
  • @Kathy I've been in 2nd in HH for two weeks.

    @Rat Thankya. It looked better than @PunkyCuss

    edit: I know, but that's irrelevant :D It's a classic line, had to be properly honored.
  • Nooo I wasn't looking wrong @bernersenn was 4th behind that geirh61 guy and you were way down there @Kenobi ?
  • @Rat, I'm letting Mrs. Bunny have her fun with you first. When she's done kicking your derriere in TT, I may stock up on some Valium and give that episode a proper run-through.
  • Mrs. Bunny being in 1st place in TT doesn't bother me at all. I wouldn't challenge her except for all her taunting. But she is starting to make a steep hill for you to climb @Punkykus. Go get him HoneyBee.
  • @Kathy Nope, in HH I've been 2nd for weeks. And TT 3rd since Rat scurried up there.
  • Something Ma might say. DW"KEL"INH small game.
  • @Kathy that's why I told you last night to stop scoring points in TT/HH cos you were close to passing me up.
  • Hee hees Pa

    O.k enough fun I'm going flinging :)
    OB another please ;)
    I'll be back...
  • I must have been looking at a bookmarked page @kelani. . But i swear see my comment from that conversation last night.I lookedv when i got 3rd and @bernersenn was 5th.. that geihtlr was in between us. .id km. .maybe I was looking at something else matter I'm ahead of you for now. .:D
  • And you will be for awhile. NoPad for me til Weds.
  • @Kelani, I'm not sure I agree with you re: removing all the posts in RR 13 that are discussing 3K presents. I'm assuming most people that played today's challenge got to the walkthrough page and hopefully large portion of them read about these presents giving extra 3K. The biggest issue with these presents is that people don't realize they bring extra points.

    Edit: But I just saw your "PU Gift 101" post at the end of RR 13 walkthrough. Good job.
  • Just got a friendship request from @Maczupikczu It's another troll, but I love his spelling of Machu Picchu
  • @Kelani, you transpose k and c in that spelling of PIcchu and you got yourself a very salty Serbian word ;-)

    Edit: If you ever find yourself in Belgrade, don't ever ask for a match so that you light up your smoke in Russian. You'll get beaten up.
  • So Pickzu is the salty word? It does seem to rhyme with a salty English term. :)

    Heh, even if I ended up in Belgrade, and somehow had learned Russian, the only phrases I'd use are "You're cute. Wanna get a coffee?" and "Help, I'm being chased by an angry mob. Where is the US consulate?"
  • @Kelani, take the z out. And they love Americans over there (yes, there exists a country that likes both americans and russians at the same time). If you were chased by an angry mob, you probably deserved it ;-)
  • @fenikus lol, you're right. That is saltier than Dutch drop mentos. Wow, y'all are a mean people. :D

    Actually, given the content of my first phrase, "angry mob" should probably be "angry father" :>

  • Ooopsy...I only flung a few HoneyBee. Really! I wasn't hunting wabbits. Sorry.
  • @Kelani, you never heard your grandmother use it (in conjunction with some other salty words) when her "fruit preserves" didn't come out right? Seems hard to believe.
  • Re: the 3k present points I didn't quite get all you guys were sayin.. haven't played the challenge today. . But i think is very confusing and most people get the 3k without realizing or even a second thought cuz it's a given and you can't really avoid it unless your aware that it gives the points and is a pu.. so i do believe a Lot of scores are including those 3k points without the player even knowing .its to late now. There should have been an announcement on the leaderboard page as there is fir pu's saying this tnt drop is considered a pu.
    Anyway there wasn't so there is no way now to discern what scores include those points !
    OB I'll have another please :)
  • @fenikus grandma was soft-spoken and extremely religious. However, when she broke a "jar" of "preserves", or if I was being a PITA, she would mutter something like 'sranje'. ----THAT ONE

    edit: and some really long phrase with 'djavola' in it.
  • …kroz gusto granje ;-)
  • Google Translate needs work. lol.
  • Hey! Kids are present. Watch the language.
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