The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2319
  • @bernersenn love your answer about why taking the dogs with you inn holidays is the perfect reason..yes they dont choose us.. we choose them (although my dog kinda chose me by well story for another day) .I hate when people own a dog and leave it tied up ouside all day, or go away on trips and put them in kennel. Why bother having a dog is my them.
  • Arggghhh Princess I wasn't finished reading ThAt Page !!!
  • Thanks @hunnybunny night night! Sweet dreams.
    Thank you @fenikus I'm sure it won't take you long to find those 15k points :)
    Uhmm lol the bad (you already found the points) then the good
  • WTG Ma. Ma and Pa both have first places in Rio episodes at the same time. I thought this was suppose to be @funikus's bailiwick. Where is he? ha ha ha
  • Soooo Eddie got his score back that's cool..he did provide an explanation and pretty quickly.I think he deserves it:)
  • Whioo hooo @Pa you got TT? Awesome !!! Congrats! !
  • I checked Ma. You're still in first by 1550 points. Not 15,000 points. But 10 points is enough. Whoo Hoo!!!
  • Well @Kathy, the bad news is that you couldn't have found a worse new episode to try and be #1. HH is not really new, it's just a continuation of High Dive. You've heard me say this to Kelani before and crivit knows it as well: High Dive is mine. Mine, all mine, lol. Nothing personal, it's just that no one can have it. Why? Because it's mine. LOL
  • OB, break out the good stuff for Killer Kathy. She earned it. Her first time in first place.
  • And now for good news @Kathy: because you were so nice and bought me a consolation drink, I will let you hold the crown overnight :-) And who knows, a couple more drinks might even buy you a whole 24 hours!
  • I'm not sure I understand @fenikus.
  • What can I clarify for you, @Rat?
  • Thanks @fenikus lol.. you can keep High Dive as well. Uhmm until ssomeday hee hee thanks for the Cristal *clink*
  • I didn't understand your bad news @fenikus. HH is a continuation of HD? So what does that mean? It's not a stand alone episode? You need to add HH and HD together to get a total score? She's not really in first? I'm confused.
  • Oopsy ya @Pa that's what i ment 1500 lol I always forget the 'k' means thousands :/
  • Nope @Pa there's no adding them together haha although fenikus would like to think ..HH looks like it's own episode to me:)
  • The only thing I understood for sure @fenikus was HD is yours. YOURS and YOURS alone.
  • Should we @Pa?

    Edit: nahhh maybe another day I'm pretty sick of Rio lol
  • Yeah. by that logic, Blossom River is his turf also, but he's not gonna get it.
  • Shame on him for trying to steal your THUNDER Ma. You're in FIRST in a Rio episode.
    Na na da na na @fenikus. That's two us, one you.
  • lol, random damage. I finally just gained 1k on HH3, but soo much leftover debris.
  • No Ma. Let him have his illusions of grandeur.
  • But I thought @fenikus said he was the King of Rio. Sounds more like the mayor of Hive Dive to me.
  • You're right Ma. I can't forget @Kelani's hold on Blossom River. That's three us, one @fenikus. lol
  • @Rat, @Kathy, you did misunderstand. I'm not adding HD and HH scores but I am very possessive of HH because I consider it continuation of my pet episode which is High Dive. So my point was that I'm not going to have anyone take #1 spot that easy. Does that clear it up?
  • @Rat, please don't twist my words. Never said I was king of Rio. Manu is. And then comes crivit. And then several other flingers. I'm not as conceited as some folks to claim such a thing.

    Edit: I did say that I can beat you in Rio anytime, anyplace. But that hardly makes me a king of Rio.
  • So what you were saying is that you're going to take HH back. She can't keep it. Am I understanding you now.
    Using @fenikus's logic, you can call yourself the "Queen of Rio" Ma. lol
  • I'm sorry @fenikus. I just remember you challenging us to come play in YOUR world in Rio. I don't believe you ever said you were the King. Just that we couldn't beat you. ha ha
  • BTW @fenikus. I never labeled myself "King of Space". Other flingers did. But I do have a bit of a strangle hold on it. lol
  • Conceit: an unjustified opinion of one's ability
    I'm not conceited @fenikus. Just good. ha ha ha
  • *cough*narcissist*cough*
  • @fire bomb bird -- You won't see this unless you read back. Were you @Minh? That is not your current @mention name, and doesn't work in this forum anyway.
    Why did you leave? It seems you deleted all your ABN friends? Didn't we used to be friends?
    As you can see, I'm not the only one confused because you've been gone so long.
  • Oo opp sy is actually 2960.. me just picked up a couple more .. just flinging; )
  • Sorry @fenikus. I've flung way too many male bovine patties your direction. Please forgive me.
  • Get him Ma.
  • Ya @mvnla2 I am confused too! ! Isn't FBB from Vietnam? I could be wrong but yes I thought we were friends also
  • Battery getting low..brb gotta get back up :)
  • @Kathy, all trash talking aside, I really meant it when I congratulated you on taking #1 in HH, which happens to be your first ever. Enjoy, we're all proud of you :-)
  • That's better @fenikus. Congratz on your 1st place Ma.
    I don't see @FireBombBird as a member of the nest anymore. He did live in Vietman and went by the @mention name of @Minh. He gone.
  • *spooky music*
  • Thanks @fenikus ;) I knew you meant it :)
  • Thanks @Pa hee hee I'll do my best. .I'm just happy to see all BP patrons climbing the boards:)
  • Hmmm @spooky music indeed. M
  • 2.7M should be possible in HH though it's going to be tough as heck. But it needs to be done because I know crivit will be storming up the board when PC release comes out. He seems to share the same sentiment for High Dive as I do ;-)

    Edit: Levels 14 and 15 is where all da big points are. And possibly 3.
  • If it comes out soon, he's not the only one who's gonna be a PITA. If it's another month, pfft.
  • So @fenikus do you think that top score in #3 is legit ? 195k seems high to me.
  • @Kathy, yeah -- I would say it's legit. Definitely doable (didn't @Kelani say he once should have gotten 198K?) and ParlonsQC is a good Rio flinger.
  • Yep, it's like TT, the damage is weird. That tall thick wood pole at far right that almost never breaks, is worth 2,500. If you can clear the right side and get a lucky left collapse w/bird 2. lotsa goodies there.
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