The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2210
  • You all still trying to figure out that photo?. Roflmao !!
  • @kelani I can't believe how much fun I've had as a result of simply posting a pic of my tired dogs. Speaking of which.... What breed are they?
  • Happy pagechanger @kathy IKR? Too funny!
  • Lol @ABCrazy ..thanks
  • Soccer is on -- laterz @all (will check in later to see if the sport mystery has been solved).
  • shhhhush! I haven't seen it yet Ma.
  • Who's playing today @fenikus? He says like he cares now that the US of A is out.
  • @Kathy do you mean the ones that sneak up and steal sunbathers' drinks, or the ones that find other monkeys' hiding places and steal their snacks?
  • Well, I've already guessed string on a stick and wrestling @Kelani. Ma guessed hockey and you guessed horses. Your running out of choices.
    That only leaves Track and Field for someone to narrow down.
  • @ABcrazy I'm not good at dog breeds, but they look like a Boxer and Great Pyrenees.

    @Rat well she said it was one of my last 5 guesses. It is Texas, so Shooting seems obvious, but diving/swimming seems more likely. I have no idea.

    string on a stick? lol. Is that like Ball in a cup?
  • Those monkeys aren't after just food. They'll steal you blind. Anything they can carry. Wallets, hats, sunglasses, etc. They're great pickpockets.
  • @kelani the ones that sneak up and steal tourists drinks lol
    No worries @Pa I won't spoil it for ya;)
    See ya @fenikus enjoy the soccer game; )
  • Lol @pa I think you've told me about those Monkeys before..hee hee..
  • I know I will, and have, offended somebody. But that's how I see rhythmic gymnastics. String on a stick with prancing. How did that become a sport?
  • lol. Hope none of them steal @Rat's i-pad. That'd be no good at all. :)
  • @kelani Unlike sports, you are spot on with your first guesses on the dogs. The boxer is a gimme but I thought the Pyr would be more challenging. If I only had a dollar for how many times we've been asked..... What kind of dog is that?

    You are getting closer on the sports. It is one of those 3.
  • @Rat you're supposed to be looking at the gymnast. The ribbon's just to distract you from when they screw up.
  • Oohhh ohhh is it when they throw that big heavy ball over a goal ? @abcrazy I don't know what its called?
  • Rofl @kathy you need to read back a little. I can't believe this has actually spanned some 3 pages already. 1st clue. No balls.
  • Oh yeah. :/ I forgot no balls ..hmm I gotta go the store lol
    Catch ya al latsr :)
  • @ABcrazy see? nobody reads my posts. They're still guessing random crap. Anyway, staring at that magnified blocky picture gave me an awesome headache, so I have to give up. Swimming is more common, but I also see a leg, like a diver in pike position in one of those trophies. Let's see what bizarre guesses these guys come up with next. I've gotta go knock out this headache :P
  • The game Holland-Costa Rica, halftime: extreme boaring
  • @Rat, like @bernersenn said, our across-the-pond friends' Holland is playing Costa Rica. If they win (which they should, at least on paper), they'll play Argentina in semi-finals. The other semi is Brazil-Germany.

    @bernersenn, it's spelled boring. The way you wrote it, one could interpret it as extreme hunting for boars (wild pigs). But I agree, if they threw a boar on the field, it'd be more interesting ;-)
  • @fenikus don't let Rovio hear that or in 2 months, we'll have AB Africa! where wild boar charge the sling.
  • Archery ? Can't believe i got sucked in to this guessing lol..
    Gonna watch 'how to train yer dragon '
  • @Kathy it's either shooting, swimming or diving. Pick one! :P

    Is a good movie, but the sequel is s'posed to be sad.
  • Shooting !!
    @kelani not sure i can watch the sequel..only if it's free lol..
  • It can't be shooting @Kelani. That was my first guess at 1:08 yesterday. Well, I said sharp shooting.
  • Where did I spell @bernersenn wrong @funikus? I can't find it.
  • Did anyone guess weightlifting?
  • Ha ha ha ha Ma, you're too funny.
  • Lol..I give up @Pa ...
  • I only said shooting as a joke because she's in Texas. obv. it's diving/swimming, but really, either should have counted. They're both people in speedos splashing around in bodies of water.

    @Rat where did @funikus say you spelled @afterberner wrong? Alls I see is him telling @bernerandhooch 'boaring' was something else. :)
  • @Kelani, I think I misread @fenikus's post at 5:07. I thought he was saying the way I spelled his name, it could be translated as hunting for boars. My bad.
  • This game is crap, totally crap - till now. Extra time 30 minutes
  • Aaawwwww.... Sorry @kelani didn't mean to give you a headache. About the only thing swimming & diving have in common are the pool. Well ok, many swim events start with a dive but not off of a board. Close enough. The trophies are for diving as is the business. I was more of a swimmer than a diver.

    Two of the trophies have cartoon feet on them as in the last thing you see entering the water on many dives. Rip-it refers to a clean, splashless entry which is called a rip. It makes an unmistakeable sound that you can tell it was a good entry even if you didn't see it.

    Enough fun for me..... Probably more than you really wanted to know anyway.
  • @Kathy, did you guess badminton yet?
  • No. It's not diving @ABcrazy. We'll get it eventually. Huh Ma?
  • Thanks @rat another good laugh for me.
  • @Rat no apology needed. I just wanted to bust out my witty plays on @furniture and @weekendatberner's names :) rofl on "it's not diving". good one.

    @ABcrazy I was in swim league in littlekel days. You know there's more in common between them than a pool: egos, unruly parents, unpleasant shaving. locker room pranks. :) Sounds like you have a pretty nifty business. Man, if only I hadn't discounted that damn bag as a red herring, I would've eventually gotten diving. I've watched enough to know what a rip is. I don't know if it's the same company, but that Rip-It logo only comes up with softball bats, catcher's masks and sundries.

    That was fun for some reason. We should have Ambiguous Image ID Night again sometime.
  • I'm nuts, but the dutch did win!
  • @kelani I had fun too! Someone else can post up a pic next time. I realized when I googled rip-it that it would be mostly useless to you. But I didn't think to do that till this morning. I had no idea it was associated with softball till then.
  • @bernersenn, are the Dutch trying to win an Oscar for best drama? This time they took it all the way to penalties, I wonder what will semis against Argentina bring now?

    p.s. Wasn't happy with the Dutch goalkeeper for taunting Costa Rican penalty players and their goalie. I didn't know that was allowed but I guess it is (still not fair play). Still many gratz to Holland (yet again), they deserved to win before penalties -- the ball would just not go in the goal for them today.
  • @kelani when i googled 'rip-it' it came up baseball not softball? I was on the swim team also when iwas lilkat lilkatteen lol..;) I miss those days..
    And no @Pa haven't guessed badmitton yet. .hmm.. but that's not Olympic maybe tennis
  • O.k I see I'm behind as usual lol.. the mystery has been answered..hee hee.. fun yes @ABCrazy ;)
  • Are Annette @Fenikusello and @BernandErnie still watching soccer? Oh, I guess not. Now they can see all the heresy I committed on their names.

    @ABcrazy I did see one other product named Rip-It: a whoopee cushion! Anyway, deal. Next time, someone else can waste all day playing question master.:)

    @Kathy lol at lilkatteen. Does that mean your name's Kathleen, or was that li'l teen Kat? :)
  • Lol @kelani My name is Kathleen but that was meant as 'lil kat teen'
  • @Kathy well they're both neat, and that makes you the only Kathleen I know! (excluding famous people). :P
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