The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2212
  • Oh! Thx @kathy Hee, Hee.... I thought we were done with that. @mvnla2 read back a page maybe...
  • Uhm... No @mvnla2 the ruler only happens to be in the background. @kelani seemed to think there was something more meaningful there. But no.
  • @Kathy no it's not! You gotta finish it. Of course it ends happy. Just not the sequel, apparently.
  • @ABcrazy see what you did? now it'll never end! :) btw, what does that damn cup say? :)
  • @kelani I don't really want to say what the cup says. Let's just say it comes from a former employment location (not mine).
  • @kelani What did the father say to toothless in the scene where he was going find the dragon nest? The sound on my t.v is terrible..!! I thought he said "lead us home, Never"? I figured out h ow to rewind without starting over ..ive listened 3 x but can't figure it out?
  • Ya that's what he says:( I get it:(
  • C'mon @ABCrazy don't make her read back just tell her!!
  • *sniff* Great movie @kelani :)
  • @mvnla2 the trophies are for diving..
  • @Kathy Glad ya liked it. I damn near needed a kleenex myself. :)

    @ABcrazy oki, no problem. :) Whoever comes up with the next pic is gonna have their work cut out for 'em.
  • She should have given us a hint like "It's a freakin Rio episode" We'd all have gotten it then. :)
  • Lol @kelani yep it was a tearjerker ..ohh and Rio 2 is on demand but not free.. its like 16$ for the HD version.. I'll wait:D
  • Uhmm I still wouldn't have got it @kelani I don't think. .but maybe I would have..hee hee funny how a pic of tired dogs after a storm turned into 'guess the sport' Roflmao
  • Any tips on level #10 ? @fenikus I'm following your strat but its not working well. .@Kelani @Pa?
  • @Kathy $16?! jeez. That's nuts. I always wait 5 years 'til it shows up on TV. If it never does, it probably wasn't worth watching anyway. :)

    Yep, I bet people are gonna think twice before posting pix from now on. You might send us off on another treasure hunt!
  • *yawnstretch* Guess it's food and sleep time. 'nighty all.
  • Nope not me @kelani I'm not planning on uploading any pics hee hee.
    Ya I don't ever pay for a movie. .although there's a couple I'd like to see. I'll wait. ; )
  • Yep night @Kenobi me too. .flinging myself to sleep. .night night sweet dreams:)
  • @Kathy BI S-20 well done nice flinging
  • Good afternoon (here) to @all. Had a good sleep after the thriller last night.
    @fenikus, you're right about the drama - our team doesn't know what they are doing with the health of their fans. About exchanging the keeper: yes, it is allowed - during playtime. Again a tactical masterpiece of the coach(es). Wednesday, Argentina is waiting for us, but first on tuesday Brasil-Germany. That'll be a thriller as well
  • Well Candy Crush 605 completed now back to Hamerica!
  • @JLZ666 -- Thanks! Those champagne cocktails look perfect for Sunday brunch! OK, it's still a little early for brunch here, but I usually have some fruit with breakfast. : D
    @ABCrazy -- Thanks for the answer. It wasn't so much the photo, which I couldn't manage to see that well, but the conversation, kind of a word puzzle with a little misdirection from the other prime competitor.
  • @ABCrazy -- Just figured out that I missed a whole page yesterday! Guess I couldn't believe how many pages in so few hours. Well, yes, I was out for most of the afternoon, but still...
    Edit: Also just realized it was Kathy who told me it was diving!
    Not to mention, I seem to be talking to myself.
  • I think I made the coffee too weak this morning @Kelani. I flung my little heart out for over an hour and earned nary a point in BI #2. I'm too ashamed to even look and see what @Ollygod did to me in part one. Is this how you feel when you fling Kel? I don't like it. lol
    Tomorrow the coffee will be stronger.

    But for now, I'm having champagne with my strawberries and cream. The breakfast of champions. Thanks @JLZ666.
  • @jlz666 oooh champagne for breakfast! I'd love one as I try to catch as much of the final as I can. A change of plans makes it impossible to sit in front of the tv but I'm keeping my eye on it as much as possible. Go Fed!!
    Do I have to worry about spoilers? I think you said the grand prix ends in time for you to catch a lot of the final. Enjoy your afternoon! :)
    Morning @mvnla2. You watch tennis every now & then don't you?
    Enjoy your strawberries & cream @rat :)
  • Just quickly popping in to say the race was delayed for an hour after a big crash at the start so it's not finished yet and the tennis has been on for an hour and 1/2 already. I'm going to have to watch it after everyone knows the result :( No spoilers please. In fact forget I said that,I just won't lurk.
    @mvnla @rat you're more than welcome,enjoy! Blues.......keep em coming for our brunchers over the pond please!
  • @karen68 -- Have seen bits of Wimbledon off and on the past couple of weeks. Think the finals are being recorded (HWDNF's department).
  • Hi @mvnla2 Sorry, I nodded off before @kathy answered your question. Yes the pages do fly by here sometimes. Miss a few days and you just have to jump ahead.

    Mmmm...... Champagne. Thanks!
  • Mmmm.. What a wonderful thing to wake up to on my last day of vacation! ! Thanks @jlz666 although I'm not watching I'll join everyone in a toast! *clink*
    Thanks @ollygod honestly i wasn't trying Or ever expecting to take your trophy I was just hoping for a few more points ..I was down to 65th place so you can imagine my surprise! !
  • Ackkkk No Way!! @comex666 (wow there are 2 666's) just took my newly won Trophy with an Absolute Unbelievable Score! !!
  • Mmmm OB seeing as there are so few nesters in I'll have another strawberry champagne cocktail please - would hate for them to go flat!
  • @mumsie I'm with you. A glorious weekend here (at least in Penarth) the little bit of God's country I live in (for God's country, read Wales)
    Champagne for me too!
    As well as Wimbledon and the F1 it's also the last day of Henley Regatta. Rowing was the only sport I really took to. Great weekends had in Henley, many, many, years ago. Read my pamphlet "How to get out of a one man tent in dress, high heels and hat (the only accepted dress code for the steward's enclosure)" oh, to be young again....
  • Hurrah! The champagne worked (oh thank you OB - don't mind if I do have another) finally three starred level 1-16 in Hamerica - however then I entered all my scores as that was the last level to 3* and my first pass is woeful - only above avg on 4 levels.
    (As Mumsie heads for home to try again OB is chatting to Hunnybunny with the tray of cocktails held out to the side - Mumsie sneaks another one, knocks it back and replaces the glass without him noticing!)
  • @kelani
    Whilst out with friends last night, you popped into my mind! I really need to get out more....
    I finished my meal, and went outside for a cigarette
    Approached by this cute, really, really cute, guy. Not tall. Who needs height when you're that gorgeous? Looked Italian, dark hair, one of those half stubble / half beard things.
    I'm in lust...
    Then he opened his mouth to speak. I remember your comment about Welsh accents, some are good..
    "Hi, luv, I'm gagging, you gotta light?
    Not good
  • @mumsie OB just handed you another......
  • @Kelani talking about Tony Blair and @Hunnybunny eluding to awkward maneuvers in a dress brought back memories. I always liked Margret Thatcher but gained a whole new level of respect for her towards the end of her stint as Prime Minister. She visited the B-2 Test facility in California and I was afforded the privilege of giving her a tour. She was dressed, as she almost always was, in a narrow skirt. Well, she wanted, as they said at the time, the whole nine yards. She wanted to sit in the "Drivers" seat of the B-2 bomber. To do this you needed to climb a set of flimsy stairs that drop down from the belly of the plane and then climb over a console to get to the seat. Now this was a no nonsense lady and if she wanted to do something, very little could stop her. But wearing a skirt made it impossible. Or so I thought. She walked over to those stairs, hiked up that skirt, exposing all manner of body controlling undergarments, and proceeded to climb those stairs and swing over that console like a pro. I was glad she was facing away from me at the time because my jaw hit the ground. I climbed the stairs behind her as a safety precaution and to answer any questions she might have. I realized right then and there that I was much more of a prude than she ever was. What a lady! No, I really mean it. What a "Lady". I hated seeing her pushed out of office shortly thereafter. A great loss to the Conservative Party and the UK in my assessment.
  • "Hic., Hic.," OB I was actually going home but I think I'd better sit in my rocker for a time -
  • Well said @Pa :)
  • Watching Ice Age 4 Looovve it:)
  • Well said Rat.
  • @kathy heard of Margaret Thatcher? But not Tony Blair? Yeah... Women rule!!!
  • @rat @jlz666 'the breakfast of champions' hu, we'll have to wait for another week before we can talk about such things - I hope. Well, today and tomorrow no soccer, that is much better for my bloodpressure as it was dangerous high last night. @fenikus was talking about drama, I prefer the word thriller for it.
  • After watching Wimbledon now watching a documentary on the Mille Miglia
    Any petrol heads? I know JLZ has a little fast car.....
  • @bernersenn calm, calm, breathe, breathe...
    Back to normal now I hope
  • @hunnybunny thanks. Now, everything is fine again. I think till wednesday, 10 pm. Argentina, what will they have in mind?
  • @bernersenn only defeat in their minds, defeated by ORANGE !!
  • Edit!. What a great movie:)
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