The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2213
  • Awwh @kathy don't think I've seen ice age four yet (but definitely 1 2 & 3)
    You just spoilt it
    Edit you edited before me
    Getting confusing here
  • @all Uber busy here preparing for guests later this week. Just popping in to share this playlist with you (if you can tear yourselves away from the sports channels!).
    Love, hugz and purrs xoxo

    Jairo and Sacha Distel sing a sweet song for you:

    For wannabe artists: Charming Italian gives tutorials:

    Wonderful forest drawing in fountain-pen:

    How to draw a cat:

    Cat welcomes soldier home:

  • Lol Yes @hunnybunny I've heard of Margaret Thatcher ..heehee
    Yep Women Rule:D
  • :( naw @hunnybunny I didn't spoil the end..don't worry you'll love it!! And maybe i was just seeing things ?
  • @Rat you pegged it. I always have one level 10k under the high score, and waste days with no improvement. Meanwhile, my good scores are getting mauled like a chew toy. It does...suck at times :)

    That's a great story about 'ol Maggie. :) She definitely earned that Iron Lady nickname. I had a prof in college who was a big fan, and he'd always toss out anecdotes. Once, a student asked "How come you like her so much? Isn't the Queen more interesting?" Prof said "The queen is mildly interesting, but Margaret is who you'd want to get drunk with. She could kick your {posterior} and you'd send her a thank-you card."

    I was too young to remember most of her political career, but I did think it was cool she marched through three different male-dominated fields in the 1970s (research chemist, barrister, big politics). That'd be difficult even today.

    @hunnybunny rofl. Scary Euro-man strikes again. Did you give him a light, or dismiss him with a certain word that rhymes with tanker? :) Anyway, were I to run into you on the street, that wouldn't happen. Since the US banned Djarum products, I don't carry a lighter, just a pack of Mentos. Also, I can't lie, my voice is just damn sexy. My accent has been described as 'vague, part surfer with rare hints of Southern drawl'. :p I spent my first 20 years losing the Southern accent. Now, I want it back!

    @Kathy aww! @comex666 is picking on you too? :( Yesterday, He posted an amazing score on #39 using my strategy. We're gonna have to mount a counter-offensive.
  • @tompuss Sacha Distel? That takes me back
    Rain drops.......
  • Thanks for the videos @TomPuss wow that guy is amazing! !
  • @kelani @comex666 entered his/her( ?) score on the wrong level in my case. .but a very good flinger no less:)and posted a reply to me ;)
    Hmmm.. your funny lol and very modest (cough) i must say...surfer/ southerner ..haha remember when i thought your name sound like a surfer dude!!
  • @kelani in times of trouble I'll take the nasty welsh accent, but cute guy WITH lighter, when really needed, against sexy voiced Kel with mentos, whatever the heck mentos is
    And djarum?
    And comex666 beats all scores, eventually, but one of his strats is where me and bernersenn met, which can't be too bad......
  • @kathy comex666 is a male German extremely good flinger. But I think you know about the good flinger bit
  • Ohh thanks @hunnybunny :) yes lol I know about the extremely good flinger part !
  • Has anyone heard of the Movie '.Epic' ? @kelani ?
  • Bye all, off to spend some (virtual) money on
    Looking at holidays, a new bathroom, clothes, shoes
    Who knows, I might splash out, just a little
  • @bernersenn, I knew that goalies can be substituted, and yes -- great call on coaches' part. That guy seems to specialize in penalties, he guessed right on every shot and saved two!

    I was talking about him prancing around and taunting Costa Ricans before taking shots as well as their goalie. Didn't know that was allowed but referee did nothing about it so it must be.

    I'm in seventh heaven because of Wimbledon (sorry Fed fans) and I hope you'll be too come finals time.
  • Wow! Ok that was awesome!!! I just missed @karen68 by a minute early on so now it looks like she's the one who doesn't want spoilers. Saying nothing!
    @hunnybunny no I haven't heard of that rally I'm afraid,sorry. I'll have to google it. Actually it's a year today since I got my little rocket! I remember I had to change the pick up time from the dealership as Murray was in the final! Priorities right? ;) Have fun splashing the cash :D
    Hey @kathy,nope I've not watched Epic......or HTTYD.......but I have seen Ice age 4!
    Hi @tompuss! I'll get to your vids after dinner!
    @bernersenn I'm sorry but I must have totally missed your comment about your father being in hospital. Best wishes to you all. I hope he continues to recover well. The football was fantastic last night! Well the end anyway. I fell asleep on the sofa but hubby woke me at extra time thank goodness! Penalty shoot outs are cruel but bloody exciting! I went from sleepy to wired in 10mins! Go Dutchies!!!!!!!!! I'll wear my orange shirt with pride lol!!
    Does nobody check our sleeping patrons? *Are you ok @mumsie......mumsie?* Well she appears to be breathing...... OB how much has she had? The poor woman has been knitting & golfing for days and you lot let her get into this state? Shame on you all :( *wipes strawberry drool from mumsies chin and places blanket over her* I'm about to have dinner but will check back in a wee while with a pot of tea and a hobnob.
  • @fenikus got it, you meant the performance of the dutch goalie? Brilliant, and it worked. The referee can't do anything because there's nothing documented about it in the rulebook. The moment that the penalty is taken is described. Actions for goalie and for shooter, allowed or not. Lovely detail in this: Costa Rica didn't anything to shoot a own goal, keeping the 0 was their goal. Defeated with their own weapons.
  • @jlz666 why not taken a picture in that orange shirt and posting it here? Would be lovely. My father is doing well, got prednison - for 9 weeks.
  • Ooohh my @jlz666 In a horrible horrible hostess!!
    Soo sorry @Mumsie you were so quietly knitting away when i came in I didn't even See you over there in your rocker!! *hangs head in shame **poofs @Mumsie safely home*
    OB will you please have the blues tend to Mumsie's area straighten up her yarn baskets and such ty..
  • @Hunnybunny The Dutchies should know, Mentos are chewy mints. I love 'em. They're hard to find since people started using them to make mentos+diet coke fountains. (youtube it). Djarum makes Indonesian clove cigarettes. Better to smell like incense than smoke. The US banned flavored cigarettes a few years ago.

    btw, I need no lighter. I can start fires with a half-dozen readily available things. :) Hope you have fun spending virtual money. Good thing you organized your cupboards recently. More room for new bunny stuff!

    @Kathy I am modest! Really! :) So many people -female and (unfortunately) male, said "sexy voice" that I accept it as fact. If the same people said "you sound like a cat sliding down a blackboard", then that's what I'd say. Just got lucky on that one. :)
  • Ackk that would be horrible @Kelani !!"I was just kidding with ya : D what is up with the ads (sound ads) playing in Rio rocket rumble While i have the Sound OFF and am flinging birds!!! How annoying !! Does that happen to anyone else?
  • @kelani we had - years ago - a commercial on tv for Mentos. In them an American and an Russion. They acted a heavy discussion. The American said "it's a chew' while the Russian reacted with "it's a mint". Hilarious meant of course. We are famous about our sweet things, even when we abroad we take some of this stuff with us on holiday. Ie. Let the other dutch guys here in the BP explain what "drop" is. They all know it, love it probably - but cannot sell it outside the netherlands
  • Mumsie stirs in her rocker, opens one eye, winces at the bright lights and beckons OB over, asks him to fly more quietly as the sound of his wings hurts - also asks him to get her some painkillers - anything will do but nothing that will cause loud chatter amongst the patrons about what's in them - or at least not til she's gone.
    @Jlz666 if you meant it about the tea & hobnob now is a good time!
    Mumsie rummages in her capacious handbag and triumphantly brings out some Raybans, slips them on and settles back in her rocker, snuggling into her blanket.
  • Hi @kathy how are you doing?
  • @kelani I'm with you now Mentos: white, sort of cushioned circle shaped, not spherical, chewy, minty, sweeties. Haven't had one in years
    Chuck us one, please
    Yum yum
  • Hmmm I just heard stirring in the corner. .I thought i poofed @mumsie home. .
    Oohh OB you blocked my *poof* ? Why?
    * ob whispers softly * i like having her around
    psst..o.k I get ya .. but she needs her rest..
  • {quietly spoken} Looking good in those Raybans @mumsie
  • @bernersenn googled "drop" it's liquorice. I've not much of a sweet tooth, but liquorice is top of the list. And you have a salty one.
    Mints are OK, but "drop"!
  • @hunnybunny "drop" is there in more then 20 tastes. Sweet, salt, honey, a mixture of it. And you are right, my taste isn't absolute not sweet. Black coffee, really black. German beer, brewed with a lot of Hop - so bitter is more my taste. Not likewise my nature, that is unlimited optimistic
  • No you're not a terrible hostess @kathy, I blame @hunnybunny,she seemed to be feeding her the cocktails earlier ;)
    It appears @mumsie42 has been proofed around the world tonight! I'll pop the pot of tea and plate of choccy hobnobs on her table and hope she floats by at some point to pick one up! Oh the image of a hungover mumsie with her blanket to her chin,Raybans on,tea in one hand,bicky in the other,yelling at birdies is priceless!
    @bernersenn Oh I don't think that's a good idea! My shirt is from Dutchieland and is very orange but unfortunately it's wording is not very PC lol!! Not only that but I wouldn't show any part of me in here! I wear it as a nightshirt and love it. I can promise hand on heart to wear it for their next game for good luck ok? Oh wait......what time are they playing?
    @fenikus I don't know if Karen knows the score yet,I was trying not to give any spoilers! Any chance of editing?!
  • @jlz666, come back on this tomorrow. Now heading to bed - it was a short night.
    @all, good night to you all
  • @GreenImperial -- Don't know whether I properly thanked you. There has been so much happening and so many pages in the BP the last few days. At any rate, I really do appreciate your telling me about the iCloud backup. I don't see where it says how often it does it???
  • @jlz666 no worries about spoilers, I saw the match, well most of it. What an awesome match although it wasn't good for my blood pressure.
    All this talk about Mentos makes me want to go out & buy some, I really like them. Course my hubby would steal them to do the fountain thing, he loves that kind of stuff.
  • Lol thanks for the pop in @estar I Knew you don't want to miss that one! ! Hee hee♡♡♡
    Love the dancing Star !!
  • I'd almost forgot about the shirts ladies. I didn't make the connection until @Estar poofed in. Like the poofing star btw.
  • Roflmao @Pa hee hee it took hee a few to realize what @jlz666 was talking about but after her second reference i got it!! Hahahoooohee..
    Word of Advice .. Don't ever watch a movie with me while I'm flinging or in the Nest!!
  • I started watching this at what ? Noon ? Oh boy.
  • Weeeellll...@kelani If my Dinger didn't Keeep going ding then I wouldn't pause the movie.. have a cigarette and fix a snackk..But conveniently My Dinger reminds me I have Freinds:D
    Gotta go. .
  • Dagnabit... I was so behind I still have to read 5 whole pages!! Not going to happen tonight, close to 1AM and the weekend is over again, where did the time go?? Anyway @bernersenn I did catch you dad's emergency, happy to hear all is well again. And happy he won the battle with lung cancer so far!
    Loved the chatter on the down and out Pups of @ABcrazy .... to bad it's my bedtime, I didn't get to read if Kelani finally figured it out what the sport is LOL ... really tempted to go and look for myself, but argggg need to sleep :(

    Ow and @Kelani ... Send me that promised PM and I might clue you in on the orange support team ;)

    night night everybody, sorry I couldn't catch up quicker and actually stay and chat.
  • Hi @theanonymoussomone did you have another exciting day?
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