The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1656
  • @ABSM Guess were not twins after all. I'm 5#, be 5* in six more days. Been married for 38 years. No, not twins.
  • Oh but also thank you for being considerate of others:)
  • Oh! Hi fellow Bostonian @Kathy!
  • Hey @rat I'm 5# also :) will be 5* in October;) Hmm why an i smiling about that ¿
  • @ABSM I was right!! more testosterone. Yea!!
  • How'd you turn that upside down?
  • The question mark ¿
  • I'm on an iPod right now, so I just hold down the question mark key and it pops up.
  • Does everybody know how to do this but me?
  • @ABSM Love your Avatar. Do you mind If I submit it to the avatar contest?
  • ??????????????????????????????? It doesn't work on a laptop.
  • @ABSM good talking with ya. Keep the name, you've earned it.
  • Type into Google 'spanish question mark' and click on the first result, @rat:) The only thing I remember from my hell-like 3 years of doing French ad Spanish, was having to put an upside down question mark or exclamation mark at the start of exclamatory/interrogative sentences;]
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- Did you do that animation? If so WOW! I may have to read your comics.
  • @mvlna2 The last chapter of the second book is bound for release very soon. Hope you like them!
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- I can't believe your not on the map! We don't use real addresses for anyone, and for teens, generally not even the real city. Boston is a big place, but we already have Slim and Kathy in the city, so I could put you in one of the suburbs, or even further away. The generic MA is also possible, or anywhere in the state. I'm partial to golf courses. I don't know that many in the Boston area, but I'm sure there are some famous ones. Fenway Park is a possibility, but then you wouldn't see a separate dot for you unless you zoomed way in. Are you a Bad Piggies fan?
    I won't put you on the map unless you request it in the map group and give the location you want.
  • @mvnla2 if AngryBirdsSpaceMaster wants his dot in the city you can move me just south if needed. There are many golf courses on the south shore I'm not sure of the city itself.
    Which animation are you speaking of¿
  • @Kathy @all -- I'm glad the error boxes seem to have stopped.
  • @mvlna2 Put me in {removed by admin}. Technically I live there.
    @kathy This bad piggies animation. I did it all by myself.
  • @mvlna2 I just couldn't get this page to load!
  • Yes!! Its taking forever for page to load @mvnla2 sorry my little blue shadow found you, no offense but it makes me feel better to know its not just me
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster WOW!!! that animation is incredible:) Great Job!!!
    Lol very funny also:) i can't believe your so close i am just south of the city near Quincy..its cool now 4 of us:)
  • Yay!!! Its fixed!!!!
  • I realized now that if not for the nest i probably would have quit flinging a long time ago hahaha!! Its the nest that keeps it fun:)
  • I'm being followed again:( that didn't last long:(
  • I have been having trouble all evening accessing the nest. From one minute to the next it is hit and miss, mostly miss. Anybody else?
  • Yep @Bonneypatcat all night !!
    @Amslimfordy lots of troubles tonight blank pages..error boxes ¿
    Just letting you know, I'm sure your probably aware of it but Just in case...
  • @angrybirdspacemadter your video is great! Congratulations - job well done :D
    looks like I'm missing some BP posts.the last person to post was Kathy, and it's 4:50 am inBoston.¿ ! ¿
    Good morning and good night everyone :D
  • ¿¿¿¿¿ Now I am not alone ¿¿¿¿¿
  • G'morning folks:)
  • Moring ?¿?¿?¿?¿
  • Hello @all :D
  • Hiya! Is anybody else following Peter Vesterbacka on twitter? He's tweeting up a storm about the Red Bird announcement. I wonder if it'll concern his new power!
  • Hi all! Hope we're done with error boxes for a while.
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- Please edit city out of the post above. Thanks.
  • @ABSM -- Just checked Peter's tweet. Looks like announcement is today!
  • Good morning everyone.
  • @Cosmo2504 -- I've now gotten to the end of Icebreaker. Actually happened yesterday afternoon, but haven't been able to post. : (( Don't have all coins or all pars, and haven't finished par levels of Hammerfest (not enough pars). Also missing one side quest, which I will try to get. Would be nice to get enough pars to complete Hammerquest, but that may be too difficult.
  • @mvnla2 @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- I removed the city.

    Sorry for the server issues everyone. Trust me, we want it gone too! BirdLeader hasn't slept in days!
  • It's OK @amslimfordy! Don't worry about it.

    Do we have anybody at the Red Bird announcement in Moscow right now?
  • @AMSlimfordy -- Sorry for insulting you. After I got the coin, I realized that you had probably figured that out long ago. It looks like you need to try a million times, but maybe there is something else?
  • Just put a new avatar on Gravatar. Hope I can get a nomination for it ;)
  • For the record, if you're counting @junkenmetel as being in Boston; there are now 5 Bostonians: Slim, Kathy, JTB, ABSM and Junkenmetel.
  • Ooh yeah i forgot about JTB :) i saw you've moved us around on the Map;)
    AngryBirdsSpaceMaster is closer to the city than i an..but seems like we are all within a few miles from each other.
    Anyone else still being followed by blue box? Also pages slow loading again:(
  • Blue box... blue box? What blue box?
  • @mvnla2 Don't worry about it. I'm not convinced the coin can be grabbed without killing the Viking but I'm open to hearing any strategies.
  • There's a blue and white error box @ AngryBirdsSpaceMaster it floats around plays hide n' seek lol really not funny though..the site is having troubles still:(
  • @Kathy -- Map not updated with final locations; will happen next update, but definitely not today; maybe not until Wed?
  • What game are you guys playing @Amslimfordy @mvnla2 ?
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