The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1657
  • Oh that's ok @mvnla2 :)
  • Thanks for the update @Amslimfordy :) will double check boards.
    Thanks also for all the hard Work all of the admins have done to stay on to of the issue:)
    OB give slim a Sam Adams on me:)
  • It's quiet here today.
  • @Kathy We've been playing Icebreaker. Slim tweeted that he had all pars and all coins except for one each! I haven't even completed, or even opened every level, although I did reach the end (there are side paths, so it's not completely sequential).
  • We should really give @BirdLeader a case of Crystal, or whatever he wants (as soon as he wakes up, that is.
  • Sounds like a fun game @mvnla2 is it in the play store?
  • Yes i agree @mvnla2 OB ya got that covered:)
    Yep a case of Cristal for Birdleader and the admin team:)
  • @Kathy -- I think Icebreaker is only available for IOS right now. It is a Rovio Stars game, and it's not clear if they (the developer, not Rovio) are planning to make it available for other platforms. There are some walkthroughs up here if you want to take a look. I think ABN has walkthroughs for every level on YouTube. Should be more here, now that the site is fixed.
  • Does anyone feel that Rovio has been neglecting Space recently? I worry they're not going to update the game anymore...
  • Oh o.k thanks @mvnla2 i will check out the videos:)
  • I neglect Space too, so I can forgive Rovio ;)

  • Lol @bonneypattycat i also neglect space for some reason ?
    Nice to see you again:)
  • @amslimfordy the leaderboards are still very slow to load if at all, at least for me.
  • I agree @ABCrazy slow loading leaderboards:(
  • I'm currently working on beating all of my previous highscores in AB Space. So far I'm through FMMTM, but I've still got quite a few levels left.
  • I'm a bit in the dark on how to receive Certified Nester... Could someone give me a more in-depth explanation than that on the badges page?
  • @ABCrazy @Kathy I'm able to load the full ABo leaderboard in under 25 seconds, which is blazing fast I think. I'll keep an eye out, but seems OK for now. Clearing cache etc may be helpful to take into account the most recent coding tweaks.
  • Ok thanks @Amslimfordy didn't think of that i forget that cached pages remember stuff lol!!
    And i want to thank you for the backup tutorial i haven't attempted it yet but i have studied it and taken a few steps toward beginning to work on it. Had to clean up pc and add memory so i should be able to accomplish it..i hope!!
    In the meanwhile please give BL my hello and thanks, hope he can rest..
  • Yep @Amslimfordy @ABCrazy that did the trick that quickly after clearing cache:)
  • @ABCrazy did you read up on B&R page on site not forum the requirements..? I believe the jist of it is not length of time you've been a member but mostly what you've contributed to the community, such as helpful walkthroughs, tips/hints helping new members and just generally being an asset to the nest:)
  • @angermanagement on your device go to settings, privacy/ security then should see a list clear cache, clear cookies, clear history history not really necessity but i always do..
    You will have to sign back in to any websites that you are on after doing that..your device will load pages much faster;) I'm surprised you didn't know that.
  • I'm on a computer, @kathy?
  • Chrome id the OS?
  • O.k @angermanagement same thing on p.c i think right click on start..find control panel..find internet options then the same clear cache..cookies and history..on a PC you should do this on a regular basis to keep it running at optimal speed..
  • Let me check in a few gotta go in the house and start Up p.c
  • Noo @angermanagement just click on start ( regular left click) list should come Up same as above control panel..internet options clear cache:)
    Hope this helped..
  • @AngerManagement -- Open the web browser you are using on your computer. I use Safari, so under the Safari pull-down menu, there is an empty cache option. What browser are you using?
    EDIT : I also have an old PC, so maybe able to check that if you are still stuck.
  • Thanks @mvnla2:) your probably better to explain than i:)
    OB a PigKiller please:) Hoth 3-7 is killing me...please send your good vibes to my Birdies:)
  • @mumsie -- We have another (OK, somewhat former) golfer in the nest: @bluestar_127!
    I forget if you've gone someplace this weekend?
  • OB, Pigkiller for me too, please. Tat 1-38 has been teasing me all day with a possible top score. More than a few times I've gotten scores that would have been top if it only that one last pig would DIE! (Grumble....mmumble... Mmmmmrrffffff)
  • Aaaaaaiiiiiiiaaaaarrrggghhhhh! It just did it again! OB, double Pigkiller please. How can I quit when I keep getting sooooOOOOOooooo close!
  • @AMSlimfordy -- Congrats! I don't think I have the patience. How's it going with the missing par? I'm still at 75; would like to get to 80.
  • @anyone who has the Anchors Away badge - how long did it take to get the glitch to work? Is it worth trying?
  • @cosmo2503 -- Glad to see you changed your mind about Icebreaker. Which level are you on? You're probably asleep right now, but answer when you can.
  • @Annifrid -- I think there are lots of comments on the walkthrough pages. It takes quite a while unless you are lucky. Read all the comments, because there are lots of useful hints, especially about practicing the second shot.
    I hope you're up early, not up late.
  • @mvnla2 I've read all the comments, but someone wrote there it took them several weeks, which sounds quite scary. I'd like to have another badge but I'm not sure if I have so much patience. Anyway, I'll try it ;)
  • @Annifrid -- I think several weeks is unusual, maybe a couple of days? In general, the levels that have special badges are extremely difficult.
  • @Annifrid i think if i remember correctly it was kinkikiwi who had the best advice for anchors away:) good luck and yes its an all night affair with one remaining shot in the morning..NOTE*if you wake Up and screen is on pause advertisement screen just hit your back key!! Not restart!! Good luck:)
  • @annifrid sadly I was one of them that it took weeks to get it to work for :( however in the end it was worth it! :) Also along with kinkykiwis strat, @Bird-addict has the one that worked for me. Next I'd look for @kinkykiwis walkthrough on the second shot and practice it every chance you get because in the end I had to use it to shut the game down (after I think it was 2 1/2 days of running nonstop!) and I was thankful I'd practiced it!! Good luck and be prepared to maybe be without a phone/whatever device your on, that's the other really hard part of this badge. UNLESS your like @JLZ-666 who popped in and whizzed through it almost the first time in minutes!! :/ Me not so lucky like EVER!! LOL ;D
  • @absm your video was wicked!! Loved it! You definantly have talent! :)
  • Hi all, just popping in and out tonight. Been having lots of trouble with the net the last few days, not just with the nest. I think a lot of the servers are down in calgary due to floods. definately land titles was down when i needed it on friday.

    Anyways, back to reading forum discussion titles looking for answers :-)
  • Hello everyone
  • Hey everyone :)
  • Anyone here?
  • @Harrystar6 Hello back at ya down under
  • Hey @rat hello up there :)
  • @Harrystar6 Ya'll are big into rats in Australia. Rat fancier clubs, contests and the such.
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