The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1658
  • @harrystar6 I am here :D

    @kimmiecv & @Kathy I guess I wouldn't let it run for two days, I'd fire the second egg when I have 170k. Anyway thanks for the advice :)
  • @annifrid Good luck on your Anchor badge.
  • OB, set up @annifrid with an order of Jamoca Almond Fudge on me.
  • That came out wrong...not on me...I mean uhhh...just put it on my tab please.
  • @rat I think so :) and @annifred that's great and good luck with the Anchor badge haven't gone for that yet been busy three starring ABR carnival upheaval might go for it soon :)
  • @Rat & @Harry - thanks, I saw the glitch begin to work several times, but the pig always died way too soon. I have to keep trying...
  • @annifrid It only took 8 to 10 hours on two attempts that I cancelled just prior to getting a new high score. (Didn't want to destroy the integrity of the leaderboard). After they came out with the Anchor Badge, My third run at it took about 16 hours and I stopped it as close to 170000 as I could. I ended up getting about 173000 because of points on the second shot.
  • @annifred I am sure you will get the badge good luck :)
  • @annifrid Only go for the anchor prior to bed. That way it runs while your asleep and you won't go into Angry Bird withdrawal. Good luck.
  • @rat and @annifred going flinging now see ya later :)
  • I have S-15 now running for over an hour, 155k and counting!! I'm almost there!
  • @annifrid--Still going?
  • OB, break out a bottle of your best non-alcoholic sparkling cider. I think were about to celebrate.
  • Welcome to the club @annifrid
  • Whoo hoo!! Sorry I can't stay to celebrate. Enjoy the sparkling cider.
  • @Rat I will, and OB, add some ice cream :)
  • Mega congrats @Annifrid :) Now you need to post that to the Badges and ranking page to get the badge
    OB- one big bacon ice cream for @Annifrid please
  • @fbb I posted it to the S15 walkthrough page, I hope that's enough.
    BTW - especially the Christmas avatar looks great ;D
  • Thanks, you can find all four seasons in my album
  • If my profile go to Rio again, you can find me on members directory, just search for "fbb"
  • Hello all.
  • It's quiet here today.
  • Hi @mvnla2 I really like Icebreakers, smart puzzle game that I could recommend to everybody. I didn't play much and so far I completed Trollmarsh. Generally when I play, I try to complete all tasks, collect all coins and get chest, also to complete side quests and it takes me a bit more time. Last weekend was busy one with two new games. I finished two episodes in Where's my Mickey. Unfortunatelly it requires iOS 5.0 or higher and I could play only on my phone. If you like Where's my .... franchise you should try it BTW Goofy levels are great and little cut scenes are great in old Disneey style.
  • Many congratulation @annifrid!! I am one of the few failures at the Anchor Badge - tried nearly every night for four weeks! Have you posted a screenshot to your album? Then go to B&R and post that you have achieved it with a link to the screenshot! Well done!
  • Thanks @Mumsie - I'd probably also quit after four weeks, fortunately it took me just two days.
  • Hello @annifrid congratulations on badge. I had my "history" with S-15 glitch failrues and final sucess which I discussed on walkthrough thread and believe me I didn't play a single level in Space since then. Speaking about it I really miss Space and hope that Rovio planned to get us a new episode.
  • I haven't even unlocked the level yet.
  • @cosmo Maybe the big update will come where they finish the ABS comic?
  • Gather 'round, it's storytime!
    2 days ago I went out to fly my old remote control plane at a place called Shelby Farms Park with my dad. We couldn't get the plane controls to work, and my dad kept fumbling with them until the darn thing flew.
    And then he landed it in a pond.
    We walked on the path going around the pond until we found it. Now this pond wasn't very wide, probably about 20-30 feet (6-10 meters). But it was covered in lily pads, and the plane landed next to a patch of them. They were strange because they had stems, and more "lily pads" grew off of these, making it look like lily pads growing on lily pads. We went back home and got supplies:
    Fishing rods
    Triple hooks (the kind of hook with three points and not one)
    Packing tape
    Huge mud boots
    Needlenose pliers
    You see, it was like the plane landed in the Hudson bay and saved everyone, but the only ones who could get them out were giants, and the Hudson had giant plant growths and fish and snakes. We used the rods, but the hooks got stuck on the lily pads and we cut the string twice.
    Dad waded out in the mud boots, but he sank in the mud.
    Then we put packing tape on the hooks to make them not attach to the lily pads, and........ it worked!
    After the 3-4 hour process, me and dad went home and took a nap.
  • Yay i love story time:)*hunkers up close to hear the story, PigKiller in hand*
  • Woo hoo !! And you got your plane to fly and saved it!!
    Great storey @theanonymousesomeone :)
    And congratulations @Annifrid :) you got that quickly:)
    , did they hands it out yet?
  • Did you see that movie After Earth? It's good. ;^)
  • @tas lovely story
    @IamMighty not glad India won the Champions Trophy, but I expect you are :-)
    @all missed so much since I've been away, and another six days to go, I'll never catch up

    Hope you're all sending piggies to that big pig maker in the sky!
  • @Annifrid -- Congrats! Glad you got it without too much agony.
    @Cosmo2503 -- I finally finished all levels on Icebreaker, but did not get all coins or all pars. Still working on some, but not sure I'm really committed to getting all. When Slim says he doesn't have all coins or all pars and asks Rovio and the developer for help, you know it's hard. He finally got all coins, but it took him maybe an hour after someone told him how they did it. Don't know if he got his final par, but the same someone told him how to do it. Talk about hard! I think some of the levels are designed to make you buy PUs.
    Haven't heard of Where's my Mickey -- but I'm not going to play on my iPhone!
    @TheAnonymoussomeone -- Great story!
  • Hey everyone, the site was down for nearly 5 hours and I can't go in here to say hi, but it's back to normal again
  • Hey @firebombbird, It was down for a major server update :D
  • @mvnla2 I know it's hard but I really don't need all pars and will probably have some difficulities in collecting coins later in game. What I find really strange is that game isn't supported in Game Center. As far as I know Nitrome developed this game from PC flash version in iOS version game and one of the best feature for iOS games is GC achievements. I see great potential for numerous achievements in this game but unfortunately there is none of them. It took challange out of game (just like that iOS4.3 GC glitch took it from Bad Piggies). I still HATE graphics! I prefere smooth lines and intensive multicolors and this game seriously lack of both.
    @theanonimussomone I really like your story. You got plane back, didn't damage lilies and what's really important you spent great time with dad. I find it really important that teens spent good quality time with their parents.
  • @all does anyone play Candy Crash Saga? I can see it is huge hit in both Apple AppStore and google Play but haven't tried it yet. Wonder if I should? Any comment is welcome. Thanks!
  • @cosmo It's fun although I got a bit bored after sometime but yeah, you could always open it once in a day if you get bored with playing other apps.
  • I don't want the game because there are so many ads for it. And buying Candy Crush won't change anything.
    By the way, I got a new avatar!
  • Ha ha , blue bird with the ice cream on it's head, what does that mean ? You can post it in my thread
  • Anybody know how to submit ideas to Rovio? email address or something? With the Doctor Who anniversary coming up in November, I thought it might be fun for them to do a friends tournament with a Whovian theme. Be sure to @ tag me so i know if you reply! thanks.
  • @jack_S You can go to their site and do it but I'm not sure how just quite. However there are Rovio employees that come to the Nest.
    And also, we can't wait to have you back here sometime! The Bloated Pig is a great place.
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