Updates & Release Log Page 1
  • thanks for the info
  • This morning we just got an update to Angry Birds Seasons Free. The 3 "new" levels are levels already in the paid version. Doesn't mean the addicts among us won't be replaying those levels, if not just for the GC Achievements. I know I will. ;)
  • Looks like version 1.2.1 of Angry Birds Seasons has been put out there. Notes say that it is a bug fix of a online scoreboard problem
  • If the @RovioMobile Twitter account is anything to go by as well, it seems like the latest version of Seasons also fixes the crashing problems some people were having (I can't confirm this, as I didn't have the problems myself), even though there wasn't anything mentioned about it in the release notes.
  • Angry Birds Free Update, 3 exclusive levels
  • This there going to be a Angry Birds Seasons released for the iMac any time soon? My wife and I love playing it. I have spent many nights when I couldn't sleep playing it on my iMac.

    Thanks, and let the Next Version "Come On Down"!
  • 01/07/2011 - Angry Birds Free v1.0.0 and Angry Birds Free HD v1.0.0 released for iOS devices
    01/07/2011 - Angry Birds Seasons Free v1.1.1 and Angry Birds Seasons Free HD v1.1.1 released for iOS devices
  • Thanks! I've added it to the list.
  • 03/10/2011 - Angry Birds v1.5.2 for iOS devices adds a panel under Settings to control notifications and language settings
    03/10/2011 - Angry Birds Seasons v1.3.0 adds "Go Green, Get Lucky" for St. Patrick's Day
  • 03/15/2011 - Angry Birds v1.5.3 release for Symbian^3. Adds 48 new Ham 'Em High levels. Also brings the new Bing & Decide feature.
  • 03/16/2011-Angry Birds v1.5.3 release on Ovi store and webOS adds last 15 levels of Ham 'Em High
  • 03/23/2011 - Angry Birds Seasons Free v1.3.0 released on iOS

  • here's a complete (i think) of all the updates.

    Angry Birds (iPhone)
    Mar 18 '11 Version 1.5.3
    Mar 09 '11 Version 1.5.2
    Feb 04 '11 Version 1.5.1
    Dec 23 '10 Version 1.5.0
    Oct 01 '10 Version 1.4.4
    Sep 30 '10 Version 1.4.3
    Sep 30 '10 Version 1.4.2
    Aug 30 '10 Version 1.4.1
    Jul 16 '10 Version 1.4.0
    Jun 24 '10 Version 1.3.4
    Jun 22 '10 Version 1.3.3
    May 18 '10 Version 1.3.2
    Apr 30 '10 Version 1.3.1
    Apr 23 '10 Version 1.3.0
    Apr 02 '10 Version 1.2.1
    Feb 11 '10 Version 1.2.0
    Dec 29 '09 Version 1.1.1
    Dec 10 '09 Version 1.0.0 (First Release)

    Angry Birds Lite (iPhone)
    Apr 30 '10 Version 1.3.0
    Feb 13 '10 Version 1.2.0 (First Release)

    Angry Birds Free (iPhone)
    Feb 18 '11 Version 1.1.0
    Jan 06 '11 Version 1.0.0 (First Release)

    Angry Birds HD (iPad)
    Mar 17 '11 Version 1.5.3
    Mar 09 '11 Version 1.5.2
    Feb 04 '11 Version 1.5.1
    Dec 20 '10 Version 1.5.0
    Oct 07 '10 Version 1.4.2
    Aug 27 '10 Version 1.4.1
    Jul 08 '10 Version 1.3.5
    Jul 01 '10 Version 1.3.4
    Jun 29 '10 Version 1.3.3
    Apr 01 '10 Version 1.2.2 (First Release)

    Angry Birds HD Free (iPad)
    Feb 18 '11 Version 1.1.0
    Jan 06 '11 Version 1.0.0 (First Release)

    Angry Birds (MacOS)
    Mar 07 '11 Version 1.5.1
    Jan 11 '11 Version 1.0.2
    Jan 07 '11 Version 1.0.1 (First Release)

    Angry Birds Seasons (iPhone)
    Mar 10 '11 Version 1.3.0
    Feb 15 '11 Version 1.2.1
    Feb 07 '11 Version 1.2.0
    Dec 09 '10 Version 1.1.1
    Dec 02 '10 Version 1.1.0
    Oct 20 '10 Version 1.0.0 (First Release - AKA Angry Birds Halloween)

    Angry Birds Seasons HD (iPad)
    Mar 10 '11 Version 1.3.0
    Feb 14 '11 Version 1.2.1
    Feb 07 '11 Version 1.2.0
    Dec 13 '10 Version 1.1.1
    Dec 02 '10 Version 1.1.0
    Oct 20 '10 Version 1.0.0 (First Release)

    Angry Birds Seasons Free (iPhone)
    Mar 23 '11 Version 1.3.0
    Feb 15 '11 Version 1.2.0
    Jan 06 '11 Version 1.1.1 (First Release)

    Angry Birds Rio (iPhone)
    Mar 21 '11 Version 1.0.0 (First Release)

    Angry Birds Rio Free (iPhone)
    Mar 21 '11 Version 1.0.0 (First Release)

    Angry Birds Rio HD (iPad)
    Mar 21 '11 Version 1.0.0 (First Release)

    Angry Birds Rio HD Free (iPad)
    Mar 21 '11 Version 1.0.0 (First Release)

    Angry Birds Rio (MacOS)
    Mar 21 '11 Version 1.0.0 (First Release)
  • Not sure if it was out at the same time or if it released a day later (yesterday) but there is now an Angry Birds Rio Free available for download on the app store. 6 levels, three from each theme in the full game with spaces for more for each of the scheduled updates.
  • 03/22/2011 - Angry Birds Rio v1.0.0 released on Mac via Mac App Store
    03/29/2011 - Angry Birds Rio v1.0.1 released on Mac via Mac App Store fixing an issue with trackpad controls.
  • Hey @BirdLeader, 04/20/2011 - Angry Birds Seasons Free v1.4.0 update for iOS devices. (Includes Easter Egg Levels 1-1, 1-5 & 1-4 from the full version)

    Also there is a typo above on v1.4 of Seasons, should be 04/18/2011 not 03/18/2011
  • Oh and was it the 14th that Nokia got the seasons update? And I think android got it that same day as ios?
  • Thanks! And thanks for the screens!
  • Angry Bird Rio is now v1.1.1 and Angry Birds v1.5.2 both in Rovio download store http://download.angrybirds.com don't include the new levels yet what's different than previous versions?
  • @ecarland Honestly not sure. I just installed v1.5.2 over v1.5.1 and I don't notice anything different. It could be a bug fix that fixes some issues people have been having with activating their keys. That is pure speculation though.
  • 15 June 2011: Angry Birds Rio v1.1.0 released for MacOS (Beach Volley / "May")
  • Is world 15 available for iPad ? I noticed three new achievements in Angry Birds.
  • Not yet. The update should be out anytime.
  • 16 June 2011: Angry Birds v1.6.0 (Mining and Dining Release)
    New Features in version 1.6.0:
    - Mine and Dine: a new cave themed episode begins with 15 new levels!
    - Find all the collectible jewels!
    - Use hanging stalactites to pop those pesky burrowing piggies!
    - Any particular levels stonewalling your progress? We tweaked a couple of them to spare you a few gray hairs!
    - Mighty Eagle still in business: Buy once, unlimited use!

  • :( So i Installed v1.6.0 this morning, open up Angry birds and it doesn't open. I try again and it sits at the loading screen for 15 minutes and nothing. If it went to stand by from inactivity Angry Birds would close. I turned my phone on then off and it still didn't work. I had no choice but to delete and re-download the app. Now everything is locked, but my achievements progress is still there. All my high scores and mighty eagle 100% destructions are gone and now I can't play Episode 6 until I beat everything again. At least I had my score addict achievements done. Anyone know of a way to recovery and if this is a common bug for v1.6?
  • Yeah, newest update (v1.6.0) isn't opening on my iPod either. Very sad, but I should probably be studying for a test anyways....
  • Mine did that for a bit as well. But I just left it and it opened.
  • It hung up for me, too (iPhone4). I double-tapped home, inadvertently launched another app, which in effect closed down AB. I then relaunched AB and all was fine.

    Had me scared there for a moment (trying to remember the last time I backed up my info).
  • My initial loading time after the update was pretty long.
    But after that first launch, it's back to normal.
    I guess there are more background updates than usual.
  • smash maniac achievement not fixed yet...
  • I updated AB thru iTunes, and now when I go to AB on my Touch, it is a black screen for about 60-90 seconds and then goes back out to the main page. Any thoughts?
  • @boycrazyjenn - I have no clue it happened to me this morning as you can see from my post above. The only thing that worked for me was uninstalling and reinstalling the app, but I lost all my angry birds data (100% levels 3 star & 100% might eagle destruction). Not sure what else to tell you.
  • Oooh, I just moved the app to a different page, opened it again, and it worked this time! Strange.

    Thee Elf...Sorry you lost all your data! That sucks!!! I was hoping I wouldn't have to reinstall because I didn't want to lose all my data! :-(
  • Supposedly a bug fix has been submitted by Rovio to all app stores. Hang tight if you're still having problems. Bummer, Thee Elf.
  • Installed update 1.6.1 and rebooted, it still does the blank screen for approx. 30 seconds and then back to desktop screen. Any help?
  • Will Rovio fix this? It's a bit clunky to go into airplane mode just to play the game...Does deleting and then re-installing the game fix it? I'm willing, as I just started a month ago.
  • Even such measures do not seem to fix the issue, so I don't it's worthwhile, even with so little progress. Rovio's 1.6.1 "patch" did not have a whole lot of success, and they are well aware of this, so I would imagine we will see another patch any day now.
  • Thanks, I guess I'll be patient.
  • 06/20/2011 - Angry Birds Rio v1.2.1 for iOS - Improved Visual Effects - Enhanced game flow
  • Angry Birds Seasons v1.5.0 released - Summer Pignic!
  • Seasons v1.5.1 is now out for all iOS and Android (iPad last to receive the update, odd).

    Both iOS and Android now have the same Golden Egg discrepancy. The level completion screen calls the level GE-#, while the pause menu says GE-#+1. The # is correct numbering. I hope this is fixed very very soon. Upsetting to a mathematician.
  • I just rceived an email stating that Angry Birds is available on the Barnes and Noble Nook Color. I don't know which version, presumably the main one, the email was not specific. However, what is noteworthy is that in store, you can unlock the Mighty Eagle for free.

    If you live near a B&N store, and you own a Nook color, this should be worth checking out. I own a Nook color, but it's going to be several days before I can get to a store. If it pans out, I'll have beaten the curse of Android and finally be able to play some Total Destruction.

    Whoohoo!! I can hardly wait!!!
  • AB v1.6.0 has now landed at the Ovi Store for Symbian. I need to learn to sleep at reasonable times.

    Just read the reviews, and it seems most people are losing 100% of their progress. Beware.
  • yep, i downloaded it last night from the ovi store, and at first it wiped all my progress so have to start from scratch!! then i turned my fone off and back on to see if that helped....it didnt, but even worse i couldnt open the game anymore!!
    had to uninstall it and then re download it. Not impressed!!
  • Angry Birds Free v1.2.0 has landed.
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