Here is our walkthrough strategy for Angry Birds Seasons Tropigal Paradise Level 2-9. The score in the video below is 114,800. You can read more about the Tropigal Paradise update and find helpful links here.
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The tree on the far right has a death wish. Even if you don’t touch it with Hal, it will come crashing down like some old Hollywood western death scene with the bad guy on a cliff. Easy way to pick up an extra 3 to 5 K. Seems to happen when the last piggie is hit. And that could be any of them.
First bird to top like video.
Red to top wood triangle, taking out pigs in the middle.
This is where my memory gets fuzzy, but I think I used the bomb bird on the far right pile of bricks.
I may not have used the white bird.
This is what happens when I delay entering my scores :/
Similar to @bonneypattycat, except I know I needed to use 4th bird & drop egg on left. I’m finally above average with iPad’s 124070 after being stuck at 117k. From bonneypattycat’s score I imagine she didn’t need 4th bird & got the 10k bonus.
Followed @bonneypattycat‘s description to get pretty good score. Didn’t throw bird 4 as the Tiki and little debris left behind seemed to be worth less than 10K.
139040/3 with that. i was shooting the 2nd through the (damaged) top triangle to bounce back off the pile of bricks to get the pigs in the middle, and the 3rd to the second brick from below in that pile, avoiding to smash the small stones, because you want to activate the bird so as to launch them toward the middle structure. in this case two of the small stones were launched nicely and did do quite some damage. surely a few more k in it; although it will probably not be easy to get the hollow square blocks in the middle, i had 4 other pieces left that are accessible i think: the tiki, a square board on top of it, and two damaged stones on the rightmost island.
Thanks for the strat @bonneypattycat ,and the details @vuelva. I still need some work on this one, but at least happy above average for now:)
Great tip @vuelva about where to fling bb. Thanks
Thank you again @vuelva your tip where to place Bomb bird was the key for me. As for the other birds, pretty much the same, yellow taking out the top, red towards the triangle, taking out the pigs in the middle. Unfortunately, one pig lived to see… another bird LOL. The debris of the blast of Bomb took care of him. I got a score of 131280.
Here is my video.
Wooot !! gained almost 7k to improve to spot #12 on this y level, following the great strat of @bonneypattycat with @vuelva added tips!
Thanks to both of you 🐣
@vuelva Thanks for posting your strategy and the tip on the small stones. Getting the stones to fly left was a challenge but one that I enjoyed.
139190 with 3 birds.
Same as in @e-star video with more luck for the left side destruction.
Here is the final result.
And the highscore screenshot.