Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Summer Tournament Level 3 Week 65 which began the week of August 12th, 2013. Our non power-up strategy for this level is to send Red Bird at the base of the structure to destabilize it. Then use Yellow to finish off the level. The score in the video below is 87,220.
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
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the non powerup trick is to do it with a high arc with both red and chuck…you need to take out the glass block in two birds to get 3 stars.
Same strat. For now the best.
Yes, this is the best non-PU strat. Takes some practice, but is worth it. Hit the glass twice, and you’re all set.
KS/SS Wingman…..Aim straight for stone wall. 101K!!
Just BQ for 106k (android)
Yes. BQ only, 0-bird. Works maybe 25% of attempts on an iPad mini.
A no-bird-brainer :)
1-birder is possible without PU. Red bird straight at the middle triangle of the wall. Took many attempts, but finally worked for 94k.
If one red doesn’t do it, hit the same triangle with the yellow bird. 2-birder works much more often giving 3-star scores. (85k is the 3-star min).
I tried this strat also but didn’t thought it will work. After reading your comment i gave it another try and after mana many attempts it works. Thank u @annach.
ty! I went from 87k with 2 birder to 97k with your tip! (on laptop, haven’t tried phone yet)
Thnx for the hint. Got a highly repeatably 100k+ score with this strat, just the red bird, no pu. The left part of the tower falls to the left leaving just 2 bricks at the right side.
Aim for the pointy triange (2nd from top left). If you hit it right, the structure will collapse. 97-98k. Have been doing it several times but can’t get past 98k. If it doesn’t collapse, use the yellow bird and get like 85-86k for 3 stars.
One birdie No-PUs
Just hit the upper triangle in the correct angle… as showed here:
Power ups Highscore 108,010
Power ups Highscore 109,030
May I ask which platform, Sumikam? Can’t get it to work on PC.
This is my strategy for 102K points with power-ups. Wingman SS and KS:
BQ works 75 percent of the time with Kindle Fire. 106,000.
Scored 108650 just using BQ (had to try a dozen times…)
BQ works every time on my iPad. Highest score 107620, no birds.
on tablet quake don’t work
on pc it does
Must depend on the tablet, then. It’s worked more than once for me on my iPad.
On Facebook it does, but takes a few attempts. 108K!!! They should be addressing these discrepancies, and noticeable, discrepancies between different platforms!! Not an equal playing field for everyone!
yes the wingman on other devices is much stronger
he blast right threw stuff
on the pc not the same a lot less power
PC seems to rob the BQ, like 1 in 20 will collapse for me. Iphone rate is about 50%!
I have spent about 10 BQs on an Android and…nothing. I’d love to see it work, but don’t have unlimited PUs. :( I don’t want to keep wasting more if nothing’s going to happen.
I got my high score on Android @dartdancer
@Stupot Did the BQ work right away or did you use many BQ PUs?
used lots on my android
not much luck
About 1 in 3 goes it would all fall but not always a good score so i did use quite a lot of BQ’s to get my high score @dartdancer
Would not fall at all on my laptop! Tried at least 20 times!!
Left it alone for a few days and first time back, BQ gave me 104,140! B)
on my ipad. 1st attempt did not kill all pigs. 2nd attempt. no birds needed. 105670.