Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Summer Tournament Level 2 Week 65 which began the week of August 12th, 2013. Our non power-up strategy for this level is to fling Yellow at the base of the right structure. The tnt box should roll down and clear most of the pigs below. The score in the video below is 68700.
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
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No PU. One birder. Yellow bird to the top of the boulder left. It will push it to the right and break the left glas cage. The yellow bird has to rebound to the right triangle under the TNT. This one will roll to the left and clear the rest. 74k
Same strategy, although I only go 78k. Will keep trying!! Thank you!!
Speed the yellow bird at the edge of the cloud, should do it.
You can get the 3 star with just 2 birds. Fling yellow to take out the right side holding up the TNT cart. Hopefully the TNT will ignite wiping out most of the pigs. Otherwise use the blues to push the boulders over the edge to take care of the rest of the pigs. Usually only the far left one survives the TNT exploding.
1-bird. WM+SS. Aim toward back of large boulder, which should shoot across the canyon and take out the wooden support under the TNT. The rest is the L-factor (luck :). Scores approaching 100k seem possible on this level.
only wm and ss or did u use the supersling too?
No SS used but it is possible. Harder to control for me. But you might have better luck than me :)
Oops. I meant no KS used.
yup same as u
just play with the angles
Nice score @bambenio !!! :)
thank u I sure it will be beat as long as its a real score
I don’t how they keep up with all the fake ones
so the battle begins lol
don’t like the score numbers but had to post lol
Nice shooting @bambenio!! I’ve had trouble with this level since Monday!! Just snuck over the 91k mark, but that was lucky!!
@terribletom thanks
it was all luck
tried to many times to remember
got lucky with wingman taking out first glass part into second one
and tnt fell
u not putting scores in no more
One-birdie No-PUs
Aim almost horizontal then accelerate… just touch sthe stone… yellow bird must break the wooden bar under the TNT… I’ve only left behind 2 small ice bricks, smaller wooden parts and a couple of wheels…
Exact angle is showed on this pic… just imagine that 2 pig on the picture just died… lost the good print-screen one… my bad.
Tried the same (just like burbman’s strat lvl 5 of last week) – got 82k. Just to elaborate on this: fire chuck on shallow angle, Chuck skips of large Boulder on the left (Boulder starts rolling right), and chuck continues to break wooden triangle under tnt cart. The precise aiming can be a bit tricky so just play around with the aiming point and see what suits you best (I accelerate chuck immediately before hitting Boulder).
Got 84,800 finally using this technique. Thanks.
Same strategy. 81,710
This is my strategy for 88K points with Power-ups. Wingman KS and SS:
No PU, 1 bird: 76.930k, Unlucky at the end!
Once again, @Revol, your video helped me gain 2k more points. I also used two birds, but would have reset after the first bird if I hadn’t seen your video. Thanks!
Cheers @sandjoy , by mistake I said 1 bird, anyway glad it helped you ;)
PU Score. 91k
BQ. Sometimes, on rare ocasion this causes the carts to fall. The one with the boulder falls more often than TNT one. I was trying mopping up on both ocasions. but only attempts when boulder fell gave easy 90k+.
After the rock falls use SS and WM and aim into the wood supporting the cart with TNT box.
I used strategy described by Muk Hummel (@dseufert), after exeptionally good try(50k), but with TNT cart still there I’ve used BQ and luckily it fell down adding almost 13k points.
Tried your strat on PC. Works great, thanks! Added 2k to my score. Going for more! :)
I used yellow to skip off the bolder cart on the left, and hitting the TNT structure on the right in one shot leaving me with 71520
Same strat as Freak, BQ tnt cart fell, clean up WM+SS 94080