Angry Birds Epic “Into The Jungle” Special Event


Angry Birds Epic Event: Into The Jungle

The Angry Birds Epic special event: “Into The Jungle” has started, and we are excited to share some details about it. The format is similar to previous events, but includes some interesting changes.

  • Mini Campaign: Accessible via gates throughout the main map.
  • Into the Jungle Event: A linear campaign divided into five sets of nodes, each with a special ancient item to be collected. Each section unlocks every 24hours. The event lasts 9 days.
  • Reward: a new Stone Guard class for Red!, for completing this heroic quest.
  • … and a Mysterious Golden Pig Dungeon

If anyone here has more info, a strategy or general thoughts please share them in the comments below.


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Comments (44)

Rank: Sling God with 35860 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

I like the new concept of this event! Better than the ones before and more challenging.

By Quasar714

Please help me event return in to jungle-15

Rank: Shooter with 945 points
By Bp (@bp101697)

This event is good. Challenging, but the previous event was ridiculously hard in the hard battle. Some levels are extremely hard to earn 3 stars especially deals with zombie pigs.

By Mavado

I am absolutely furious right now, since I just had all my progress in this event reset. I had all the feathers and flowers, 4 horns, 27 stars and about 1.500 points from the first 9 levels and now they’re all GONE!

By TheOneMavado

Earlier today, I encountered a bug that reset all my progress into the event. I had a full set of feathers and flowers and three stars on the first nine levels, now I have next to nothing.

Is there any way to restore my progress or do I just have to hope that I can somehow gather all those resources AGAIN before the end of the event?

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

You should contact Rovio directly at:

By TheOneMavado

Thanks for the tip, got a confirmation E-mail that they’ve recieved my request. Hopefully I wont lose out on the Stone Guard because of this.

By I'm and angry bird now

I too have seen the glitch where I lose all my progress, it happened twice. I have used multiple resourced including about 50 essence for re-rolls. I did contact Rovio but only got a bot response. This is BS!

By TheOneMavado

Yeah, I’ve also had it happen twice now. There’s just no way for me to complete the event in the time left. After the first time Rovio did ask for more detail, but now it seems thay don’t even have the courtesy to tell me they’re not going to do anything about it.

By Hobbes

This happened to me too. I had almost everything–only needed 3 more stone pieces. There’s no way I’ll be able to collect everything again because this happened with less than 2 days left in the event, and I don’t want to blow all my lucky coins on stamina drinks.

I was already annoyed at having the arena reset, and now this? What a waste of time. If Rovio can’t fix this for me, I’m just going to delete the game.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Mighty (@)

got my 20 feathers getting ahead with other items. This is the best event ever in Epic!!!

By Ted

Any tips on teams per fight yet. Running into trouble around flight 11

Rank: Hardened with 710 points
By mitseas (@mitseas)

I am currently using LVL 41
Red Paladin (Titan Set)
Chuck Wizard (Twin Lighting Set)
Blue Spies (*BEEP* Attack Set)
Druid Matilda (Nightmare Set)
For the 1st six levels i am using Red, Chuck and Blues changing an unavailable bird with Matilda when there are special rules.
For the later six (last lvls are still locked) i use Red, Chuck and Matilda and changing with Blues
As for strategy i focus damage on the stronger pigs first always using Chilli with Yellow Bird except when i am in a tight spot and in need for healing. I might use chilli with red or blues(blues when paired with Matilda to make a 100% stun) only on Boss Pigs (eg. Giant Piggmies on lvl3)
Hope it helps :)

By shmerel

Can you update after you beat the big medal fights? (13-15)

Rank: Hardened with 710 points
By mitseas (@mitseas)

For 13-14 I used the same methods as the later six lvls mentioned above.
As for 15 I used:
– Bomb Capt’n (Pickpocket Set) For Dispelling Piggianas
I went with Pickpocket cause of the critical (and its the only one i have) but any set works
– Red Paladin (Titan Set)
– Chuck Rainbird (Twin Lighting or Time Jumb Set) For Healing Both Health and Harmful Effects
You can try using Blue Tricksters whom can both Dispel Pigs and/or Heal Harmful Effects with an Attack Boost it just didn’t work for me at the time
Hope i helped :)

By Rainy

Level 14 part 2 with the three ice shamans (or as I like to call them, ‘BIDOO BIDOO!’ guys) is making me wanna pull out my tailfeathers. They have so much health regen that I can’t kill them.

By shmerel

I found red paladin with yellow rainbird and black Cap’n to be most effective. Use rainbird every time shaman uses lifeleech and then strike with the paladin after using whip up from Cap’n. Or switch out black Cap’n with blues tricksters to undo leech.
them ice shamans is plenty tough!

By Orangebird01

I am stuck at level fifteen. The 2 shamans and 1 snow pigmies are impossible to kill. I have tried different comobs, including the 2 mentioned here to defeat them, but to no avail.

Can anyone tell me what I can do to pass this level?


Rank: Hardened with 710 points
By mitseas (@mitseas)

If you have Titan Grip Set for Red and Nightmare Set for Matilda try going with this combo
Samurai Red
Bard Matilda
Any Blues Class For Chili Power (I think a dispeller might be better)
The purpose of this strategy is to stun as much as possible. Attack with Red and Matilda first if you still didn’t get a stun in unleash the Blues Chili Power. As for when there is no need for stunning pigs use the Chili Heal of Matilda since you WILL BE in a need of it. You might also need to use some potion both for healing and restoring chili.
I haven’t tried this strategy but it sounds solid in my head hope it works :P

By Martin

I can not beat level 15! The 1st wave has a ton of pigmies, the 2nd wave has 1 ice shaman and 1 frost hog, 3rd wave has 1 witch doctor and 1 shaman with a pigmy. The last 2 waves I think have adventurer and big pirate. Can someone please tell me how to beat this level??

Rank: Hardened with 645 points
By King Chuck (@kingchuck)

The event is to hard for me.

By Mike

I stopped after fight 13 since I am using every stamina I got to try and get stone guard. it appears the last few fights don’t offer the prizes I need to get the stone guard. Can anyone verify this. I don’t want to waste stamina but I don’t want to ignore if fight 16 has a wheel with all the things I need on it.

By Dragon

I’ve completed all the fights… the last fight is just for coins (no event pieces). Not only that, but unless you are buying and using a LOT of stamina potions as well as essence… there is no earthly way to get all the resources needed for the new class in the short event time given… ugh.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yeah, I have been playing through as well. I’ve used a few hundred Friendship Essence already and still only about 60% there. I am committed now though. :)

By Dragon

Events like this one are made intentionally difficult or too short on time to complete without spending real money or lots of social resources. Unless you are extremely lucky it’s exceedingly difficult to make it to the goal on the cheap. I’ve made it about 50% without cash and spending little essence. Still a long way to go with only 3 days left though.

By Andrew

Not true. By now I’ve got red’s new class and I haven’t spend any money nor converted friendship essences to stamina whatsoever. Just do the math and you’ll find out all you gotta do is keep playing the first level of each resource needed to gather them in time (about 7 every 4 hours). If you have been playing since day 1, that is…

By Dragon

According to that math I would have to spend 68 HOURS minimum grinding at this game if I used no stamina drinks or other help. This also does not count for wheel spins that win no resources (unless you respin with essence). That pretty much makes my point. I didn’t say it was impossible… just intentionally difficult without help (or unless one practically lived on their phone).

Rank: Well Traveled with 1835 points
By FreckledPig147 (@freckledpig147)

One thing that just stinks is that the update that fixed my issue of being unable to play the game was RIGHT in the middle of the event. The timer said “three days left” when I checked in to the event. I’m only a fraction through my materials, but at least I won’t have to worry about the stars. Some of the adjustments in the latest updates are quite strange for me. i.e. Making me fight a Lv. 35 player in PvP while I’ve only reached Lv. 23. And personally I think the price of the Stone Guard should be lowered depending on the materials you have gathered. :P But there’s not much I can ask for and actually get when it comes to Epic…

By John

So, from what I am reading, it is not worth going through all the levels. I am focusing on getting the new class for red instead. I have all the feathers, all the stones, all the stars, 37 of the horns and 7 of the flowers. I have found out it’s better to use your stamina on the battles where you can’t use red. They only award you 1 of each item at most, but they only cost 3 stamina. After getting two rolls in a row with no items on one of the 7 stamina levels, which also take a lot longer to complete, I switched to this strategy which is working fine for me. I am using Bomb with Sea Dog Class, Chuck with Wizard Class, and Matilda with Princess Class. I have bomb use gang up on Chuck, and attack with Matilda which causes the pigs to attack her, heal when necessary, and that’s about it. 3 stars every time

Rank: Hardened with 710 points
By mitseas (@mitseas)

I agree with you on the fact that its better to farm materials in the 3 energy-stages although some times i found a nice strategy to go with this combination:
1 time a 7 energy Stages
3 times a 3 energy Stage
Totaling up to 16 energy but you get the extra energy point until you finish the stages.
Bigger stages are good for exp too now the the new lvl cap was raised to 45!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@all — There is a thread in the forum that also discusses the event.The best strategy to get items is the 3 stamina battles. I don’t bother respinning the wheel. If you don’t get an item, you get a stamina drink (sometimes both). I converted all the stamina drinks I won to fight more battles. I also spent a couple hundred friendship essence on stamina drinks using a gold cauldron. I got the Stone Guard a few days ago, got him to rank 10 by tediously buying offers for snoutlings at the Dojo.
The last set of battles opens up the GP dungeon, which you can play once per day and gives you 10 LC.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@burbman, @dallasreds, @sir-falcon, @mighty-red-1 — I really came here to ask why some of you seem to be trying to be in first in the event. Don’t all of you have all your classes at rank 10, including the stone guard? Is there some reward I don’t know about?

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

Should have been @flying-falcon.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5355 points
By Sir Falcon (@flying-falcon)

@mvnla2 I do not have everything at 10. I’m at 8 and 9. Anyway, @sir-falcon is my Dad’s account (even though he doesn’t use it) so the @mentioning got to me lol:)

Rank: DaBomb with 300 points
By Mr Falcon (@mr-falcon)

Oops! I think I got mixed up! My dad’s account is @mr-falcon. Confusing, right? I guess we have 3 falcons here!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16845 points
By burbman (@burbman)

@mvnla2 – not particularly trying to be first, just playing with the stamina as it accumulates, and restocking my supply of stamina drinks for future events. I honestly couldn’t care less about the prize wheel at the end.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@burbman — Ah, duh! Why didn’t I think about that?

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9530 points
By Dallasreds (@dallasreds)


I have only 6 total of all birds @ level 10. I am still using SRC to raise them. I live at SRC when I am watching television.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16915 points
By Mighty Red (@mighty-red-1)

@mvnla2 Only a few of my classes are rank 10, but a lot of my classes are just several thousands of mastery away from rank 10. Why shouldn’t I fight for 1st place?

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@dallasreds @mighty-red-1 — Very understandable. I just assumed that all your classes were at rank 10, because you’re on the short list of people whose birds I’m always borrowing.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16915 points
By Mighty Red (@mighty-red-1)

@mvnla2 Well, I don’t grind mastery like you do – I just complete the daily dungeon and the Golden Pig level since I have other AB games (GO!, Transformers, Friends and Fight!) to keep up with.

Rank: Champion with 3185 points
By Exobius (@exobius)

I find it interesting that the dungeon is waaay easier than the last two levels (unfortunately I spent so much time trying to pass level 15 that I was only able to do the dungeon twice – you’ll have to wait 24h). Nevertheless, I got the stone class with one or two days available, by doing the first level of each section (and very little stamina used)

By Yew

I love this mini campaign. It reminded me why I play the game so much. I hope you make more and they are just as fun. Thank you.

By Harshal

I looked this event and got 6k mastery for all my classes but I was to lazy to farm for the stone guard. Awesome event though, the golden pig castle earned me a total of 30 lc.

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