Angry Birds Mighty Eagle Walkthrough Seasons Greedings Level 1-16 (Finally!)

All hail FujiToast! While he’s not the first to achieve 100% Total Destruction on this level, he is the ONLY one to capture it on video! If you have the time (possibly a lot of time) and inclination this video shows you a working method. Now, FujiToast will be the first to admit that he didn’t do this alone. Many die hard Angry Birds fans and ABN members who have achieved Total Destruction on SG 1-16 — and those trying — have been nice enough to share tips and strategies in our dedicated forum thread. FujiToast used cybrxs’ method, but elcapitan and Andreas189 (the first to achieve Total Destruction) were pivotal as well. A BIG thanks to those guys and everyone else who helped us finally capture this on video and share it with the world. FujiToast can now get some rest!

From FujiToast:
Hey guys, I think it’s fair to say that this was the hardest level of Angry Birds to date. At least, the hardest that was still actually possible. I think I should start with a warning; I played this level for close to 40 hours total. So don’t expect to just be able to watch the video and just “get it”. With that being said, I think I have a very good understanding of makes a consistant strategy. (I tried a LOT of them) The method brought to our attention in the forums by cybrxs’ was the ONLY one I found that wasn’t pretty much ALL luck. That method which is used in the video only took me about 4 hours, so if you’ve got plenty of time, patience and determination, follow the annotations in the video (the annotations may not show up on many mobile devices) and get your last feather!

Update: With the Ham’o’ween v2.0.0 release, the threshold for Total Destruction has been lowered significantly. Congratulations to all who got the feather before the change!

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Category: Angry Birds Seasons, Mighty Eagle, Walkthroughs

Comments (244)

By Neil A

Had 99% twice using this method. Yet to get the magical 100%. Rovio did confirm that they’re adjusting the scoring in the next update :)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Yes, which is good news. In the meantime, however, FujiToast and I are not content missing a feather that is possible — albeit overly difficult.

By Neil A

Haha same here. It’s become a matter of pride now!

By Silver DeSando

You can get 99% more often if you take the white bird and launch him at the right side wooden shelf. Not the top one but the one on the lower right. If you hit the bomb right, the w/b will hit the top of the stack and roll down to the right hitting the top of the right side flag. It then does a slow drop taking all the white boxs on the right side out. It’s a little tricky but it can be done. This helps a little.

By Emmy66

Im at 99% and it’s driving me crazy!! I want to get the 100% before the update comes just to say I was one of the lucky ones.

By ray

this is impossible!!!!!!!! i have done every other level and round with the eagle, i cant replicate this video, any other ideas please lol?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

It’s not impossible. Check out the forum thread on the topic for other methods.

By Dude

Winning the lottery is also “possible”. Doesn’t mean they messed up this level. 140 million to one odds has nothing to do with “difficulty setting”, anymore.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Rovio said they are lowering the threshold. But it is indeed possible — I think we have 10 feathers on this site.

By ray

i simply cant do it, i top out at 95% but i def agree the techniques can work, is there going to be an update then to make it slightly easier??

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Yes, Rovio has said the threshold will be adjusted in the next update.

By Tina

i got 100% destruction on this level today. Took me many hours and a few thousand tries to get it… But it is possible. 1 snow block was left. I have pics.

By EastSideRefugee

Amy word if/when they will fix this?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

An Angry Birds dev has said the threshold will be adjusted in the next update.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Gmoney76 (@gmoney76)

After many and many hours of play and thousands of thousands of tries!!! I have finally got 100% on SG day 16. Kinda feels like winning the lottery haha.

Rank: Flinger with 20 points
By korvan (@korvan)

After many, many days, I can verify that this method does (eventually) work. I managed to destroy every last item.

Rank: Flinger with 20 points
By korvan (@korvan)

Bad form to post right after myself, but I did manage to get a screenshot of the 100% (but was too slow to capture the empty playing field before that).

By Silver DeSando

I have reached 99% a few times by using the white bird. If you launch it to the right side to the brown shelf and blow it up the white bird will launch into the top of the right side and fall on top of the flag going down taking all the right side bricks. It’s hard but give it a try. Then do the big brother sardine can.

By silver desando

Yeah, but how long will it take Rovio to do its next update

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

With new levels being added to all three apps, yeah it might take some time. I don’t think that’s such a big deal.

By silver

You have to make up your mind! Earlier you said you and FujiToast were not content missing one feather. So which one is it, now it’s not a big thing. I for one hate not finishing a level due to it not being possible. Its like a puzzle with one piece missing.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Oh, I’m by no means content missing the feather. But I also understand that Rovio is very busy putting out updates for all three apps. I am still working hours each day towards obtaining this feather. I have earned 99% a few times now. The list of successes is over a dozen now, so it IS possible, and I hope that I’ll make it on before the threshold is lowered. (See the list here)

By rmc27

ok, this is just plain ridiculous …. having to play this level sooooo many times (just to get 97-99% !!!) is taking the fun out of it ! :(

By Rachel

I have got up to 99%…. It’s now become an obsession. And I want to get it before the make any changes in the next update, if it ever happens.

By majg16

this is by far the hardest eagle level in regular and seasons, the threshold shouldnt have been that high to begin with. i have finished every single aspect of angry birds except this one. did it with 1 blue and 1 snow block left and it gave me 98%….thats ridiculous.

By Maniac

i had 13 blocks left and got a 98%……. I had ONE wooden block left and got a 93%….lol. Still trying though.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

13 seems a bit high for 98%…..
The 93% you list is probably a result of blocks being thrown off-screen but not breaking.

By Silver DeSando

Or it could be that the set up for the Eagle is just screwed up. The same thing happened to me. I launched the sardine can with no birds. Did 88% damage. Knocked down half the screen then launched the Eagle, 82%. The level is messed up, you can’t be bllind. Even the best players can’t get it and the 10’s of thousands that follow.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Two blocks remaining is 100%

By ray

i had 2 white block remaining and only got 99%

By Jenna

To the people who scored 100%, how did you do it? I’ve been trying this one for months and it’s the only one I can’t get the feather on. Grrrrrrrrrr

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

The video displays the basic strategy, and there is a link to a large forum topic with far more details.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By sassy (@sassy)

OMG!!!! I got it today using this strategy. Seriously I played more than 10000 times. Most satisfying feeling ever. I share your pain for anyone still trying. It’s just pure luck in the end I reckon!!!

By Kaz

cant believe I finally got 100% mighty eagle on seasons greedings 1-16. I started by using this technique & used only the first two birds. Hit as many of the snow blocks as possible in first column as close to Ariel as possible. Aim second red bird over these blocks in a straight line not high in air. The follow through with mighty eagle sitting behind red bird before it pops. Keep trying it works.

By Curlyclare

I have got 98% with the walkthrough method but has anyone else noticed another problem? The eagle seems to suffer a ‘premature calculation’ problem! Countless times I’ve held my breath while the blocks topple and fall only to hear cheering birds and the block stops before it hits the ground (or other bit of shattered debris) and the scoring screen pops up.

Is it just me?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I haven’t seen that, and I’ve played the level thousands of times.

By Curlyclare

Perhaps it’s just my iPhone then — it hasn’t done it as much today.

By lizardpal

I finally got the 100% total destruction after a week and a half of trying.

By Angel Carter

Weeks upon weeks of trying this one single level. Thousands of tries. The best I have is 95%. I’ve tried the method with the video posted. I’ve tried a couple of the ones I could best try to reproduce that others had typed. To say I’m frustrated would be a monumental understatement.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By mikeyserpico (@mikeyserpico)


I’ve been at this for a good few days now and after my best being about 96%, everything suddenly just happened, one block left, total destruction!


By Bcyrwill

I finally got total destruction 100% today with only one blue block left standing! It took me forever though!

By Stefano

Hallo, with this strategy I’ve done 99%.

Rank: Flinger with 55 points
By emmy66 (@emmy66)

I got 100% yesterday :)

By Curlyclare

Please someone post some screenshots or video of the bird-positioning needed — I am going quietly insane getting 97-98%. Don’t know what I’ll do if I manage 99% — would that feel like progress or would I throw my iPhone under a car? I need my life back but I’m determined to get this last feather before the threshold is lowered.

Am going to have to check into AAA at this rate (Avian Addicts Anonymous – probably not very original but sad and true).

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

There are quite a few screenshots in the forum thread (link in the opening paragraph). This video shows the most common process, even though it doesn’t yield 100%.

By rmc27

ugh, ok after 5000 attempts I have officially given up…this is ridiculous…my finger has a callous !!!

By Dinoman

I just got 98% with the way the video shows… I have been trying to get 100% on this for over a Month…:(

By Silver DeSando

Ok, it has been 4 weeks of trying to get that stupid feather! So I guess that I could stay here and keep trying in vane or go to another game and have some fun. What to do, what to? Well this is a new brainer, guess they don’t care if we go play other games while we wait for who knows how long for an update. 99% dozens of times. First time this game has let me down. What’s next, you gonna make the pigs invisible? You programers are sad man, sad!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Relax. Rovio is aware of the issue and said they will lower the threshold in the next update. Also, it IS possible and has been done by about 20 users on ABN alone.

By Silver DeSando

Let me get this straight. 20 out of 42,780 (on my server) has done this, and that’s suppose to make some kind of point! Have you done it? Fact is that this problem is causing more repercussions then you want to admit. You personally did not cause this problem, but you defend it like you own stock in the company. A/G is a great game, but they dropped the ball big time. It’s like your bank saying “We lost your money but we’ll have it back to you on our next audit”. I know of several friends who already have stopped playing. As long as I have known about this problem you seem to be the only one defending them. Admit it, listen to the other people complaining. The only ones you don’t hear from are the ones deleting A/G from there phones and computers.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I don’t think ABN has 42k members reporting. I’m saying 20 members of this site have reported obtaining the feather.

If people are deleting the app because of 1 level, then that’s their choice. But that’s incredibly foolish. Great replay value for $1.98 including the Mighty Eagle. It’s like the bank saying “We lost $2 of your money but we’ll have it back to you on our next audit”. Yeah, I can do without for a little bit.

If you want to delete the app, no one is stopping you.

**EDIT** Just checked the list, and we are up to 38 different users, I think.

By Silver DeSando

Yeah, you have to own stock! You don’t comment on the people that are so frustrated it’s driving then nuts. It’s not about money, it’s about the principal of the problem. Customers are crying out and all they get is a ” we’ll fix it sometime”. No hint of a time span! And how come not one person that completed the feather shows how they did it? Yeah I can do it too,”I got 100% last night”. See I can say it to. It’s not true, but now people think I did. This has become a quest for some people. As for you, you can’t see the forest for the trees. I have no intention of deleting any of my 3 A/G’s. Sorry to disappoint you. I’m just gonna keep saying if it looks, quacks, and walks like a Duck. IT’S A DUCK!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

The list is up to 38, and yes some users simply say “Yay! Got 100% last night!” But other provide detailed write-ups, provide screenshots, the whole 9 yards. Just read through the forum thread.

The biggest names on that list are andreas, Habanero, natureswrath, and elcapitan. They have been a huge help in the forum.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5360 points
By Inactive (@chaostsar)

To reiterate what Slim said — Relax! Remember, this is only a game. We are not talking about a bug fix that would result in world peace. FWIW, I cannot get 100% either (stuck at 99%), and you know what? I’m perfectly fine with that. Is it frustrating? Sure it is. Am I going to throw out the baby with the bathwater because of it? Nope.

By Silver DeSando

You are absolutely right. But you don’t act like it’s a non existent problem. Yes the sun will be out tomorrow, but there are plenty of people that are upset. What is wrong with defending the truth. I personally can wait for the update. But pretending no one is upset is just bull.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I’ve said the threshold is unnecessarily high. But yes it is still possible and yes it is still going to be fixed. We just haven’t had an update yet. Rovio was informed a little too closely to the Mooncake release to sneak it into that update, so we have to wait for the next one. Until then, I’m continuing to plug away, hundred tries a day. Maybe I’ll get it. Maybe I won’t. But I’m plenty happy with 479 feathers and 1,590 stars across the 3 apps.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5360 points
By Inactive (@chaostsar)

Oh, I did not mean to act like it is a non-existent problem; on the contrary, I do think it is obscenely difficult, but I also believe it is possible given the impeccable reputation of several members who have achieved that feather. I just think that some are over-reacting to the problem and just need to relax a little bit. That’s all.

Rank: Flinger with 20 points
By EastSideRefugee (@eastsiderefugee)

Silver, take a pill… Of the million lines of code they messed one up, admitted it, and will fix it. You sound like you paid $50 for the game or this is that critical that it needs to be fixed RIGHT NOW.

By Silver DeSando

Now that sounds like you care AMslimfordy! Bravo and kuddo’s to you! I’ve always looked out for the underdogs.

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