SpiniSpipi Active 8 years, 5 months ago

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  • SpiniSpipi

    I was actually thinking of starting a hall of shame topic where you can post exactly this kind of pictures, since rovio hasn’t implemented anything to deal with the issue.

    I think I am starting to take pictures.


    Weird enough, today I have been credited all(?) the disappeared defeated monsters’ points, 6 in total. I do recognize specifically three of them. I did not pay attention to the points though, they simply appeared all together in the log.

    Maybe they are doing some sorts of server-client data alignment? Waiting to see if someone else received them.



    Not a bad idea. But I would say that’d affect the game balance in terms of equipment strength, which requires redesign and overhaul in a much larger scale.


    Ouch. :/


    I have had the same issue. I guess that’s the best they can do in estimating your current ranking.

    From observation my real ranking is always 30 or so behind what the game tells me, but that’s observed in the top 200. I would guess that number would enlarge in lower rankings. For instance your real ranking would probably be 50 or so behind in the top 500.



    It is too much of a hassle to switch gears back and forth, especially when pig lab overlaps with monster pig events. I have nearly two complete different sets of gears for each bird except maybe only a few slots.

    It would be awesome if Rovio can add a auto save feature where birds would equip the same set of gears they wear last exiting the lab.


    Once my game crashed after monster’s appearing, I restarted the app and the monster disappeared.

    Also it’s a known bug where you won’t be credited for the monster killed. Still waiting for a fix. I just had that happened twice in a row today.



    Thanks for sharing the info. Front post updated.



    Thanks for the great news. Now we don’t have to take shots in the dark.


    I’d say try closing your app and let it restart. Multiple players have had their golds in 18 and 19 dropped since the fix.

    Just a little something to bare in mind, that the odds are to be in your favor. The chance of loots not dropping consecutively is getting smaller and smaller.


    Ran a few more today and still no silver in 19. Sent email to rovio support in regards to the last silver chest.


    Hey! The second golden chest in floor 19 has been fixed as well now.

    It’s possible that the last silver in 19 hasn’t been fixed yet, as how @roviokien mentioned in his post.

    I myself haven’t gotten that last silver in 6 battles in a row. I’d it’s likely only the gold chest was fixed. We might just have to be more patient.


    No surprise, 5 gems.



    Thanks a lot for the lightning fast reaction on the matter!


    I have received an email from Rovio support about an hour ago. Basically the bug on 17 is fixed and the bug on 19 is still being investigate.

    I can’t help but take a moment to appreciate how lightning fast Rovio support has reacted on the issue.




    Appreciate the input and the willingness to contribute.

    I’d like to point out just a few things though. There are 2 golds, 2 silvers and 3(?)wooden chests available in level 19. As how I understand from the various posts in this topic, some players, including myself, are having troubles with getting the last gold and the last silver to drop in this particular level. The Cupid Bow and Macaron Tower are dropped from a gold from 18 and the first gold from 19, hence they have nothing to do with the matter on hand. We do have both the items in inventory, but we are having trouble discovering what’s in the last gold and silver in level 19.

    As for level 17, all chests won’t drop.

    Making sure that we all share exactly the same issue would help when communicating with the devs therefore the explanation, at least I believe so.


    Thanks for the input.

    I have submitted a support request to Rovio along with the link to this topic. I will post any updates as I receive them.



    I have the Macaron Tower myself. It’s the second gold and the last silver that wouldn’t drop.


    Awesome idea. In fact the more replies we get in this topic the more credible it would be to file a support ticket. At least we will have something to show for.


    Thanks for the input. More reports like this we can hopefully to gain some attention from the devs.


    It’s possible. Don’t forget you can buy diamonds from the store and diamonds translate into tickets. And with abundant amount of tickets you should be able to get as high of rankings as you want.

    P.S. Kids these days, you have no idea how they are willing to spend their money.


    I never got two chests of different types in any playthrough.

    I am sure it has happened to me before. In addition I got 2 silvers and 1 wooden in 1 play-through.

    Maybe the chance of getting chests decrease as you go further underwater.

    Interesting idea. I am leaning towards this theory too. Provided how easily you can get the chests in the first encounter compare to what comes after.

    But let’s try to put some probability here. Say gold chests has a 3% drop rate(conservatively given, consider how easily they drop the first time), assuming every little boss fight during one battle can trigger a drop, and I am well into the 80+ play-through in lv19 which consists of 6 bosses hence 6 chances to trigger:

    The chance of a gold NOT dropping CONSECUTIVELY in say 50 battles is:

    (1-3%)^(50*6) = 0.0001075276…. = 0.0108%

    Which is a relatively small number. Personally I don’t think the devs would have their player base to deal with such a small probability to go after gear/energy/gold in a mobile game, because the amount of time players put into this sort of games are relatively limited. This is not a MMORPG or online ARPG where even 1% really does have a in-negligible impact towards rewards.


    Thanks for the input. No I have not heard of the clan, in fact I am not even aware that clans exist in this game.

    I am glad someone else or maybe even a whole clan encountered the same problem I did, because it would suggest that there’s a bug going on in the game, or there’re some sorts of prerequisites to getting these last items.

    I am having troubles with some of the other chests in different levels too. They are lv9 (1 silver); lv16 (1 silver); lv17 (2 silver 3 wooden), and finally lv19 (1 gold 1 silver). Clearly some of them align with what you have, hence a shot at bringing the awareness to the community.


    I agree. I do believe that there’s some sort of randomness behind it. However given how easily the chests appear the first time you encounter a new level, the number of times it took me to try to get the rests seems absurd.

    In the mean while, 80+ battles on 19 and counting.


    18 and one of 19’s golds are Stella’s SS accessory Macaron Tower, and Blue’s SS weapon Cupid Bow. The other gold of 19 should be 5 gems but I am having trouble getting it to drop.

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