Ronny Carol Active 2 years, 11 months ago

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  • Ronny Carol

    Yes, I figured out you have go into Mail to reconnect to FB.

    Ronny Carol

    Thank you Dezsike.  But, I am not going to start all over.  I was at Level 1800.

    Ronny Carol

    Thank you for your sympahetic vote, Shapira.  Sounds like Rovio has shut the door on me, though.

    Ronny Carol

    Thanks, Heather for the good pep talk.

    It did work to report the cheaters!  The persitance worked.  We won the battle by a landslide once Rovio booted the cheaters.

    Ronny Carol

    It’s is so messed up.  It actually makes me cry.

    Ronny Carol

    Here are some facts.  Look at starting FP.  Then look at this player’s FP.  There two more in this clan with similar stats.  Second battle, in a row, just like this one.  No sense in playing anymore.  Breaks my heart.  We have such a tight clan.

    Ronny Carol

    Here are some facts.  Look at starting FP.  Then look at this player’s FP.  There two more in this clan with similar stats.  Second battle, in a row, just like this one.  No sense in playing anymore.  Breaks my heart.  We have such a tight clan.

    Ronny Carol

    Actually, this time, I got an explanation that made sense.

    But, most of the time, I just say something about an issue to say something.  Enough players say something, it will be heard.

    Ronny Carol

    Let Rovio know about your thoughts.

    I did ask if they had not learned from the Clan low participation.

    Reminded them about ratio between effort and reward.

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