The Red Bird Active 9 years, 10 months ago

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  • The Red Bird

    @RovioMaster I run this build, I beat the game with it, for the most part. Like I said, with a few exceptions. Princess will keep everyone on red and it makes him INCREDIBLY tanky, especially if he buffs himself to also take less damage. I’m just saying, it works.

    Against immunity pigs, instead of red buffing himself with the damage reduction, spend 2 turns casting it on each other bird instead, that by-passes the need for the princess to “direct” the pigs, and since it isn’t a debuff, the Red bird just jumps in the way of any other bird getting swung at, it has a similar effect. It’s just slightly less efficient damage wise, since you spend 2 turns buffing instead of one, but it still works the same overall.

    The Red Bird

    One of the best set ups in the whole game, only really unusable in the winter area and very last boss is Paladin, princess, cannoneer.

    Paladin buff himself for damage reduction, cannoneer buff the paladin so he counter attacks when hit, causing him to constantly deal damage and heal when hit. The princess can attack to make all enemies “stick to the tank” and free heal him. It works like a charm. You have dispels, constant Aoe from pigs hitting the tank, the black birds bomb special, its wonderful against any non dispel pigs or pig fights that require purging enemy pig buffs, or like the last fight, needing to constantly remove all team debuffs at once.

    It even works against immunity pig teams by simply having the paladin cast his protection on the other 2 birds instead of the princess forcing the birds to attack the red bird, so its flexible and incredibly resilient.

    The Red Bird

    People got up to 41 before, but an update limited it to 25, but exceeding levels were not lost.

    The Red Bird

    FYI, completely doable for infinite. Setting a phone to not sleep, plugged in (or PC). Samurai (keeps damage output low, the aoe buff absorbs much of the damage), druid, smart heals allies under about 50%, pig obviously, and he’ll use the chili to group heal if the team is low. I tested it out, not specifically to be a cheater, but mostly out of honest curiosity, it didn’t stumble in about 4 hours. Could have gone forever, every time I peeked at it the whole team was at about 85% hp, and it’s only about 200/hour. I’ve since quit, but I’d imagine a fix is probably due for that dungeon.

    The Red Bird

    Something did seem off. I did the same thing and came up about 1000 hp short like 3 times. I finally beat it when white’s weapon sleep (8% chance) procced TWICE before he could explode lol… Even then, I was cutting it pretty close… My red was also hitting for harder than the video. (I’m on Iphone)

    The Red Bird

    My wishlist:
    – Change dungeons and Caves to allow 3 personal birds (So people without Facebook can enjoy “endgame”), and instead, give a group bonus (buff or loot, doesn’t matter) if you use 2 and a friend instead, to keep the incentive of the friend system.
    – “Fast-play Mode”, essentially making end of combat loot and crafting instant and skip the wheel and dice rolling and individual counting.
    – Reduce reagent crafting from 5 to 3.
    – Add “Craft again” button on the crafting outcome pop-up to speed up multi-crafting.
    – **Add “Swipe Up/Down Class change” so we can change classes as quickly as we change characters in the pre-stage menu.
    – Increase the silver coin drop rate across the game as you level (so you can realistically afford class upgrades).

    For Fun/ Game Improvements:
    – Add stronger and exclusive blueprints to dungeons, cave fights and Egg castles on the wheel, perhaps 3 per area, one blue print on every other slot. This will add replay-value, and add to the nostalgic “boss gear drops” feel that is so imbedded into RPGs.
    – Add “Raid bosses”, as an additional endgame which can drop “set” items (100% chance to drop random piece, only once per week, per “raid”), playable once per week like dungeons but tuned for level 20+ players. Additionally, these bosses should allow 5 bird action.
    – Remove any “lucky coin” requirements for classes, including purchases and being behind friendship gates.

    Those are my thoughts. That’s what’s get me to play even more. At this point, I’ve hit an “end game” wall. No friends high enough for me to use, and the friend system is too random. Snoutlings accumulate too slowly, and farming and crafting is too tedious and time consuming. Thanks for reading. :)

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