¿Ostrich? Active 3 years, 4 months ago

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  • ¿Ostrich?

    OH, and it’s also on the Angry Birds Fanon wiki, so here is it’s link:



    It seems I forgot to put the game’s story on here so. here it is:

    “King ‘Smoothcheeks’ Pig was in despair. Staring at photos of his defeats from 2009 to present day, he moped.

    He tried everything to steal the eggs; from basic snatching, travelling in various seasons, attempting to take them during the birds’ mysterious disappearance in 2011, going into space (though that wasn’t his initial plan), driving away in vehicles, challenging the birds to tournaments, and various other hare-brained schemes, none of which proved successful.

    He really wanted to live up to his ancestors legacy, especially his father’s, as he was the only one in the family up-till that point who found the eggs.

    After the pigs put up a photo of his most recent defeat, he lost his patience. He demanded the pigs to ‘give me a plan which’ll be so extreme the birds will have to consider defeat!’

    Eventually, both Chef Pig and Foreman Pig gave him a plan which they’ve been working on for the past couple of weeks.

    ‘This is brilliant!’, exclaimed King Pig. Thus, he order his minion piggies to follow the plan and start building. While some started to question his sanity, most followed suit anyway.

    The end result was a huge transportation portal, which the pigs could use to quickly go from one place to another.

    ‘The birds are surely gonna surrender after this!’ King Pig gloated.

    Meanwhile, the birds were enjoying their peaceful time after their last encounter with the pigs.

    Red then noticed a mosquito and attacked it. While the birds were distracted, the eggs (and the nest) vanished through the portal.

    The birds then turn around and freak out…

    …then they remember that this has been happening for many years now, so it’s nothing new.

    Then the birds get sent through a portal from the ground (which is obviously new to them, unless if they count the circus), and then end up in some familiar territory.

    They see a hologram of King Pig has the eggs, showing them that unlike previous encounters, they won’t be able to get their eggs back after a battle in the castle.

    The birds knew what they were in for. They were in for a Slingshot Frenzy.”



    Added two more levels to the first episode.

    This one was made by someone in the AB servers (his name is Theo), so thanks to him.

    Red now has his ability from Angry Birds 2 as his first upgrade (I forgot to show this here)

    The in-game camera has been made a bit better. (I forgot to show this here)

    Here’s Magnet Bird, who is pretty much a counter to the Magnet Pigs. (his sprite is a W.I.P, though)

    Here he is in action:

    I also added the Hatchlings (who are replacing the caged birds from Angry Birds Rio) as well as a new bird called Archer Bird. (the level is a placeholder btw)

    I also made a Classic styled Silver (from Angry Birds 2) for Slingshot Frenzy.


    updates y’all

    Note, this .GIF is a bit outdated, so this is how the level selection looks now:

    I’ve revamped the minion pigs sprites to be more accurate, and also added a custom pig type, called Magnet Pig.

    I feel “repelled”, you know?

    The first episode of Slingshot Frenzy is now in the game, and it’s called Familiar Territory.
    Here are the first 5 levels of Familiar Territory:


    so there’s a level edtior now

    and some scoring stuff


    You guys can finally play the game (or at least a demo of it) at this link.

    now some other stuff

    Here’s the new logo:

    And some recent video footage of the game by @beakymcfeather

    Level 1: https://youtu.be/hhsRQD3_oaE
    Level 2: https://youtu.be/MzCVeD63_fA
    Level 3: https://youtu.be/ZCVpY6Os8i0
    Level 4: https://youtu.be/O7c6ZC0az5Q
    Level 5: https://youtu.be/-AurO5Yw1Wk
    Level 6: https://youtu.be/iuNmoiTuIdE
    Level 7: https://youtu.be/FPEF_mUnNPI

    Level 1: https://youtu.be/nWHQZkx3mJk
    Level 2: https://youtu.be/YrX14RUvL1g
    Level 3: https://youtu.be/xD2aOxU56Zk


    @airplane-lover The game isn’t finished, per-say, but it is playable on this link.

    Note: None of the custom levels posted here are in the game at the moment, but they will be. Soon.


    hey so I made a video showcase of the project a while back

    a few things were changed after the video’s release, like the AB Space type levels had some fine-tuning done, and few minor things like how all the minion pigs now use the Small Pig sprites. Oh and speaking of the Small Pigs they’ve been resized.



    Updates, y’all, updates!

    First of all, I finally got the Slingshot mechanics to be the same as the games!

    oh and 2 new powerups


    sorry got busy with stuff, just have some updates


    oh sorry for not posting for a bit, was busy with stuff

    I’ve released a new GIF of the Orange Bird in the game.




    Alright so I’ve been adding a few things since the last few days.

    Like Powerups for instance!

    Super Seeds.

    Sling-Scope, and Super Seeds again.

    You ideas for the title of the game are pretty great!

    This game isn’t on Scratch. As for when I will release it.. that’ll be when it’s ready. As for where I will release it.. probably here?


    Here’s some progress on that “Oldie Angry Birds” mod.

    In-game GIFs:

    Art for said mod:

    (classic red is for comparisons sake)

    If you guys have any feedback for these, please tell me.


    @magic-jewelry-nerd I think it would be better if you’d possibly make that page on the Lost Media Wiki that most people use nowadays: https://lostmediawiki.com/Home

    That way more people would be aware of this.


    Can someone send me a invite to the AB Modding Hub please.


    Thinking about possibly making a mod based on this photo:

    If somebody could send me a copy of AB Classic’s (or Seasons’s) Mac OS version I’d see if I could mod it in.


    here are a few updates, including some porting of the camera and slingshot limit code

    Your ideas seems really interesting. The 3rd one I was even planning on adding many years ago in a fangame idea that never got off the ground. I’ll probably add them into the game soon.
    what was the 6th suggestion though?


    If you’re still looking for unused content, I do have two sprites sheets you can add.

    These appear to belong to a scrapped Part 3 for Red’s Might Feathers, and would’ve likely introduced water to AB Classic.

    (I think the purple and red “X”s are supposed to be damage states for the items, purple being medium and red being high.)

    And sprites of Red, feathers and water effects.

    I’m not sure which version of the game they are from as I found them on a Russian Angry Birds forum, but it could be the PC/Android versions.


    so uh here is another test


    Where does one find the Mac OS versions of AB games? Are those even moddable?


    Angry Birds Space, Star Wars I and II, Seasons, and Slingshot Stella.


    @beakymcfeather Sorry for the late reply, but on the subject of making the engine public, I do plan on doing it once it’s finished. On the subject of using videos for the cutscenes, that would be weird to implement, plus animating all the cutscenes will take a whole lot longer.

    Oh, and I do have a few updates to show:

    First, Bird Physics Rotation and Water Physics

    I was able to make a more natural boomerang movement work.

    (also the title card is cut-off but I could care less for it.)

    And finally, a small test for a Bad Piggies styled vehicle that became this:

    Also the reason I’m not doing these tests in my actual AB project is that my PC went kaput. Now, I did saved every important file on it to my Drive, thankfully (and the latest updates too), but until it either gets fixed or I get a new one the fangame (the actual one) won’t be able to have more updates.


    Did ya think it was dead? No it isn’t!

    Upside down gravity.

    And water. (At the moment, only the Birds react to the Water.)


    Added the splash screen in the game and also a loading bar that actually works.

    TNT and Dynamite have been added in.I’m also manually controlling the camera so it’ll be easier to show y’all the explosives.

    Here’s a better look at the TNT and dynamite.

    I’ve also created a Medium Pig.

    It’s in the game now, by the way.

    Bomb has all of his Chrome sprites worked on, so he’ll come to the game soon.

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