Michael Banks Active 6 years, 7 months ago

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  • Michael Banks

    You shouldn’t be doing levels that quickly. Why outpace yourself?? Personally I do the events like crazy, and use my scouts to get materials to build up my birds. I keep at least a 3,000 cushion between my power and the event markers/scout markers insane level power. That way I can finsh first in the evnts and build my birds even faster. As I advance my power beyond that cushion I will play some story markers to bring it back to my range. If you are 4 thousand weaker than a story level then you are messing up. You are certainly handicapping yourself in events because you can’t beat them on the insane level. Why rush the story? I will get to the end of it eventually and squeeze out all of the enjoyment I can along the way. All you really need to do is unlock the red and white dungeon. Beyond that who cares? I guess that means you have to unlock yellow and black too, but red and white are the best in my opinion. Blue is weak.

    Michael Banks

    You screwed yourself if you are that overmatched by the computer. My team is 22k and I’m not even that far into story mode. I keep story mode to the point where I am about 4k higher power than insane level scout/event markers. That way I can do insane all through events and get more points, get my guild more points, and therefore rank number 1. I will complete story mode someday, but not at the expense of my event ranking.

    Michael Banks

    If it’s in arena it matches you with players that have roughly the same number of trophies as you have. So, you have two options. One, grind and play as often as you can stacking premium tickets and then only redeeming those tickets in events to try and get five star birds. That’s good what I do and since I started playing I have only missed out on 5 star captain because I worked too much over the 4th. Heck I pulled 3 bombs in his event so you can even get super lucky. Then build those five stars and be one of those five star players. Second option is you can just lose and move down leagues until you are in a league where you win more often and just avoid getting so many points you are promoted until you are ready for tougher matchups. Also, a tip on enhancing those five stars. Enahce two stars, preferably shiny, until they are level 20. Then evolve those two stars. Finally use those evolved two stars to enhance your five stars on the day that their color receives an enhancement boost. That will save you a ton of gold enhancing. Throwing one, two, etc unenhanced toons on a five star does very little. I think one two star shiny evolved, on that colors boost day, raises a level one give star to level 20. I believe it raises it that far, but if not it’s very close to that. Lastly, you are better off to send suggestions to the in game help because I doubt they read these boards.

    Michael Banks

    I think it is personal preference. If I want pigs lined up my chuck does that already. So, I went with the furious inferno version. Plus, I have two 5 star blacks on my team so with their blast I really don’t need pigs lined up nice and neat

    Michael Banks

    Disagree. It is annoying seeing shiny birds in arena. Those totems are for leveling low level birds to evolve and feed higher tier birds. Making your arena team shiny like they are wannabe twilight vampires is pointless. They aren’t any stronger and there are no benefits. I say bring back the shiny totem only if they make all birds used in teams solid color and block them from showing up shiny in arena mode. Otherwise I prefer the xp totem. Ps if you are using xp totems directly in 5 or 4 star then you are messing up. If you want to level high star birds first enhance two star birds to level 20, then evolve them, and then use those evolved two star birds directly on your 4 or 5 star bird to enhance. An xp totem raises a two star level 1 9 levels I believe. You are wasting coins if you put unevolved birds on a 4 or 5*

    Michael Banks

    Good info. However, the part where you said you won those two events is a bit misleading since not every player is in the same division or whatever. You won the event in your group, but that doesn’t mean you won the event over every other player in the game. I too won my group in the red, independence day, and the chuck events. I then finished third in my division in the alien even due to working my arse off in the icu and not being able to play. After all dying patients trump fun games. That said you seem like a strong player and you gave really good advice.

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