lwilkey Active 9 years ago

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  • lwilkey

    The problem using Paladin is he only shields 30%, and he’s the one always taking the damage, so how do you get around not using potions? Unless you have really special set weapons and shields that I don’t. Also, the pig heals 200%. So he deals 1310 damage and heals 2620, and Paladin can only heal about 300 of that when he attacks. Using Samurai the pig deals 1008 and heals for 2016, so you get through the battle quicker using Samurai. Perhaps I was just unlucky that the pig nearly always attacked different targets so I rarely benefited with Paladin’s shield lasting 3 turns.


    I had the best luck using Samurai, Druid, and Prince Porky. My guys were level 41, class 7. I didn’t have any set bonuses and was able to get 3 stars using only a couple chili rages, and a few of the healing potions. 1st attack with everyone. 2nd turn use a chili on Prince porky to eliminate small ghost, heal with Druid and shield with Samurai. Continue the long drawn out battle by attacking every time with prince, shield every other time with Samurai, heal with Druid every time, except when new vines are needed then attack. Use the chili rage on Matilda when it fills up to avoid going through too many potions. Near the end when pig is doomed, use a chili on prince to eliminate not just knock out the big guy. And use whatever healing potions needed to make sure you’re full health before striking the final death blow with prince.

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