Janet DeVries Hermann Active 8 years, 3 months ago

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  • Janet DeVries Hermann

    (I am on Kindle Fire) I wrote Rovio (Maker of Angry Birds) and reply was:

    Matias (Rovio Entertainment Ltd)
    Feb 4, 10:11


    And thank you for getting in contact with us. To start of, we are truly sorry for the issues you have experienced with Angry Birds Friends recently.

    There were changes made to the game that have caused it to become more resource intensive and this in turn has forced us to drop support for some devices that previously were supported by the game. The reason you are unable to update the game is due to the fact that your device is no longer compatible with Friends.

    As technology develops and devices become relatively more high-end, the demand for feature rich games also goes up. This is a natural consequence of development and in order for us to keep up with this natural cycle, we have to make unfortunate decisions that affect our players in a very concrete and sometimes negative way. We are very sorry that there is really nothing we can do for you at this time. The device you are using is nearing the end of its life-cycle and in the future less and less games will continue to function normally and these devices will start to be left behind due to technological advancement.

    We sincerely hope that you can enjoy AB Friends again on a different and compatible device soon.

    If you have any questions about AB Friends incompatibility or any other question related to us or our games, please do not hesitate to ask.

    Best regards,

    Rovio Support Team

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