desox Active 5 years, 6 months ago
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  • desox

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>My experiences are with ABF and ABF Star Cup. These games are better than when they were first introduced, but they still make the occasional mistakes. I’ve yet to notice a program error that improves my standing or spendable coins when such errors occur. The opposite is generally true. I play these games within 10′ of a FIOS router that puts out a five by five signal at both 2 and 5 Ghz. On a number of occasions, when I’m in position to win, I get a disconnection error that is treated as a loss. Part of the strategy, especially in Star Cup, is deciding whether to end a round with birds remaining to collect bonus points. Often, I see opponents’ scores go way up after I had ended a round early. There is no doubt that some Rovio sponsored and trained ‘ringers’ are part of the contestant pool. I’ve played these games for a couple of years, and the better I’ve gotten, the more I see this. If an opponent’s final score is not displayed when one has the option to end a round, there is no way to make the wisest choice.</p>

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